Final trial

After they enter a huge room the two blue figure turn around

???: Let me introduce myself I am Net the djinn of property and beautiful and the master of light

???: And I am Set the djinn of pride and strength and the master of darkness

Net&Set: To obtain our power you need to fight those five minotaur

And suddenly the five statue of minotaur became real and charges at Charles and Catherine

Charles: ARISE I command you my loyal servants to defeat this enemies

And so Charles charge the minotaurs with his servants while Catherine is supports from behind

Charles: Eva what are their weak spots

Eva: Master do you want me to scan of their weak spots

Charles: Yes

Eva: It will take three minutes to finish scanning

So while Charles is talking to Eva he was launch to a wall by a minotaur coughing up blood and Catherine chant something to heal Charles

Charles: Thanks Catherine

Catherine: Becareful next time

Charles: I'll try(with a smug face)

And so Charles rushed the minotaur that launch him to the wall and punch it so hard it went flying to a wall destroying it

Charles: And that's payback

Net: That human is strong

Seth: Yeah and a good leader too. Just look at him commands his men. maybe he is worthy to be a king

Eva:(Ding) Finished scanning the weak spots of the minotaurs are on the back of their head

Charles: Catherine immobilizing them and Igris strike them on the back of the head

Igris: As you wish sire

Catherine chant something and pulling the minotaurs to the ground and Igris strike them on the back of the head of the minotaur killing it. And Charles duck the charging minotaur and grabbing to the back of it and sticking his sword to the back of it's head and midnight and the seven wolves finished to other two minotaur

Net&Set: who is going to be a king between you two

But before Catherine can talk the Ring that Sebastian gave Charles lit up and suddenly a figure showed up similar to the two djinn but with no head

Set&Net:(surprise) Why are you here

and the mysterious figure makes a sign language

Set: Hmm I see that's why you're here

Net: You maybe confused but we'll explain you who she is and why you have him

Set: Her name is Rashida she is the djinn of wealth, purity and knowledge and the master of fire

Net: You maybe wondering why she can't talk because she was punished because she breaks a taboo

Catherine: as I was saying before I was interrupted. You can have them Charles I already have a djinn

Charles: You already have a djinn!!!!

Catherine: Yeah and her name is Osiris djinn of nature and health and a master of earth

Charles: oh ok

Set&Net: We acknowledge you as our master


Suddenly they turn into two swords on the hands of Charles and a circle on the middle of the two swords and Rashida turn back in to a Ring

Eva: An intruder enter your head master do you want me to eliminate them

Charles: No

Eva: As your wish master

Net: Who are you and why are you in master's head

Eva: My name is Eva and I am his personal system assistant

Igris: And I am Igris his general

Set: Wow you have a crowded head master

Charles: You said it

Net: But that's fine with us the more we can talk too

Net: Oh we forgot to tell you where's the exit it's on the next room

Set: And take as much gold as you want

Charles: Thanks Net&Set

Net&Set: Your welcome master

they go to the next room and the room is full of gold

Catherine: How are we going to carry all of it

Charles: Watch. STORAGE

Eva: As you wish master

And all the gold is disappear

Catherine (surprise) where did all the gold go

Charles: I stored them on my inventory

Catherine: What?

Charles: oh yeah this is your first time seeing this

Catherine: Yes!!!

Charles: Let me explain I can store and take anything

Catherine: (making a confuse face)

Charles: How do I make it simpler. ok it's like a crate I can place and take things on it. but it's invisible and way bigger than a normal crate. ok watch. And a hole appear out of thin air and Charles put his hand in and takes a dagger

Catherine:(speechless) The more I spend time with you the more stronger you become

And they are teleported to the top of the dungeon

Charles: How about going back to the kingdom of clover to get some more supply

Catherine: and that's where I can agree too

[The market]

Charles: Why did you not use your djinn

Catherine: Because I want to test you if you worthy to have them

Charles: ah that make sense

Catherine: wait your not going to be angry?

Charles: why would I? you did it to test me if I where on your position I would do the same. hmm how much for this full set of chain mail and iron plates?

merchant: for the chain mail that's going to be 1,293 gold and for the iron plates is 2,463 gold in total 3,765 gold coins

Charles (whisper) storage

And he takes a bag full of gold in his pocket and counts it he look at a Ring on the shelf

Charles: how much for that Ring

Merchant: that's 4,217 gold coins sir

Charles: i'll take it not now but I'll give it maybe later(smile)

Catherine: what did you buy?

Charles:(hides the Ring in his storage) just some new armor

Catherine: oh hurry it's getting dark

Charles: coming

while running to find a place to stay Charles stop in front of a orphanage

Charles: Catherine wait

Catherine: what?

Charles: let's go inside

they go inside and they are greeted by the who takes care of the orphanage

nun: what do you want kind sir?

Charles: I want to donate 20,000 gold coins

nun:(surprise) Thank you kind sir bless you do you want to stay for the night? and to meet the children you helped

Charles: we love to

nun: your just in time because dinner is almost ready

they go to the kitchen and their are so many chairs

nun: father?

priest: yes?

nun: this people donate money to the orphanage

priest: thank you kind sir(hug Charles) sit down I am just about to place the food on the table

Charles: let me help you father prepare

Catherine: me too

[while preparing]

Charles: father I have seen the situation of the orphanage I am going to increase the 20,000 gold to 100,000 gold

priest: thank you very much kind sir ( hug's him again)

[after preparing to food]

nun: kids dinner's ready

and alot of kids enter the room and they all sit down

priest: kids thank this for giving us money to make your future bright

all the kids: Thank you kind sir

Charles: your welcome now let's eat

[after finishing eating]

they are escorted to a large room with alot of bed's

nun: here is where you sleep are you fine here? or you want to sleep on a more private room

Catherine: no where fine her

nun: ok kids now go to sleep I am going to teach you how to write ok

all the kids: ok

the nun close the door and the kids go to Charles and Catherine

all the kids: tell us a story

Charles: ok once upon a time

Charles tell's story to the kids until all of them fall asleep

Catherine: wow you'll make as a excellent father (blush)

Charles: heh let's go to sleep we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow

[the next day]

priest: thank you again for the donation kind sir

a small girl: uh sir?

Charles: yes?

the girl: here take this as our appreciation

the girl gave him a teddy bear

Charles: thank you here take this

he gives her a beautiful necklace

and Charles and Catherine wave good bye to the orphanage and they continue their adventure

[ to be continued]