The First Villain Fight

"whatever" murmured Suichi

"well who would have thought it all 3 targets come to me isnt that just great makes it soo much easier" the villain smiled and slowly walked forwards "The league want you to join they have seen your incredibly powerful abilities and think you could help their cause so ive been sent to ask you and kill you if you reguse however im not going to ask" the villain then launched forwards towards kenji and slashed across his chest then started to drink the blood pouring out. the other 2 were shocked but it wasnt long begore he jetted forwards again this time for yami but hei turned into dark matter so the knife slid through "ha not pitiful knife can hurt me they just simply slide through!" however yami shouldnt have been so quick to laugh as the criminal whispered "but knife dont slide through him" and the villain changed course for Suichi but Suichi was ready and made a giant ice wall stopping the knife from reaching him and then swept up the injured kenji "Yami im going to go get help hold him off and dont let him follow me" and with that Suichi rushed forward with his unconscious friend to go find help. he got to the teachers lounge where he found the principal and his 2 teachers "Mr Kaminari, Principal, Uncle please come a league member snuck in and has badly injure kenji yami is fighting him now" tje teachers were surprised but they have experienced this before and stood up "Suichi where is this happening?"

"Outside the lunch hall Principal Aizawa" and with that the three heroes raced of and once Suichi handed kenji to recovery woman he followed along aswell.