The Conversation With Aizawa

As the three adults and Suichi got there yami had passed out alongside the villain who was soon discovered to have a vampire quirk. Suichi got down and lifted yami and carried him to his dorm as he suffered no injury just depleted himself (check out yami's perspective written along side this one made by daoist140827 to know what happened in the fight).

"Hey Yami you need to wake up!" Suichi,Yami and the now healed Kenji were to report to Aizawa about what happened. As they explained Aizawa understood the situation and made his decision "you three are targets therefore ill get another teacher to teach hero course studies for 1A and youll be with deku to ensure your protection plus any other subjects will be taught by me the only thing that doesnt change is first lesson with that idiot kaminari"

"Wait Principle why did you call Mr Kaminari an idiot?" exclaimed Yami

"Well Yami as surprising as it is when i was a teacher he was one of my students and ill let you into a little secret Denki was the stupidest class 1 student actually no the stupidest in UA history only redeemed by his quirk." said Aizawa as blunt as ever

"well thank you Principal we will do our best!"

then the 3 boys went to their dorms.