The scavenger hunt

after suichi had calmed down he left and kicked mineta down the stairs for perving at a a girl across the hall. he then exited the building onto yhe field and stood there in awe at the pure size of the arena "this is for you tesh" and he walked over to kaminari and the other students.

"right, it is time for round 2, thid time you are foing a scavenger hunt i want a deku action series figure,a hero themed t shirt and finally a copy of the book 'the number 1 hero'. also Todoroki because of your absence in the last round you need to get at minimum 5th place to get a spot in the final round." this wasnt a problem though as he easily came in 3rd place only beaten by ivy who used plants to search and grab the items and yamis incredible mobility using his black holes.

in the end only one class b student made it and the rest being 1a. However in the shadows of the top of the arena stood two cloaked people who stared on anxiously.

(tune in for the next chapter to see whos fighting, where they place and what the intention of those hooded figures are.)