The final tourney

it was the day, suichi got up and like usual got greeted by the rambling of kenji but for once yami didnt come out of his room to tell him to shut up, 'great i have to put up with this nonsence' he thought. he got down to the common room and was greeted by selina, one of the few he could tolerate as she ,like him, was emotionless and quiet and not annoying. "selina, have you seen yami ?"

she nodded and told him yami went to train so suichi sighed and walked of and observed the sheet on the wall to see his opponent 'huh kanai is my opponent, shouldnt be to hard she is one of the ones who is absolutely terrified of fighting me so i should be able to end it quick.' 3 hours passed and the fights began, kenji won easily throwing domen of the platform, ivy simply trapped her opponent with vines and threw her out, next was suichi. he slowly walked out and obsered kanai, he knew what she ould do and he had to be careful but then again his lack of emotion would help greatly. kanai mi, quirk:beauty she can radiate her beuty and anybody who falls for her looks are put under her control until she releases them but it only can last for an hour before she is forced to release them. suichi stood the his flame and ice beginning to erupt from his body, he launched forward and swung at kanai unyil je was interuppted by her shout "Mr kaminari i surrender" suichi was shocked, he knew kanai was scared at fighting him but not to this extent he withdrew his quirk and stood there blankly he then wondered of the stage still confused at the event and finally yamis fight begun. sadate walked out but shockingly yami didnt appear. it jad been 10 minutes now and kaminari decided to call it "due to failure to appear yami is disqualified and sadate hairu w.." but suddenly from nowhere a black hole appear and yami stepped out. his hair was longer and he looked tired but just as confident as ever he announced "sorry, i lost track of time" he smirked and then the fight begun.