The loss

yami lunged a sadate and she avoided quite well for a bit but in little time yami took her out. yami went to see his 2 friends in the back they chatted and yami explained where hed been and that hed technically been gone for 3 months. then round 2 began in a shocking defeat kenji lost to ivy in an amazing fight and finally the match everybody had been waiting for had arrived, suichi vs yami ,even shoto took time off his busy schedule to see suichi fight but then again it was the festival that started his friendship with midoriya. suichi entered the area and stared at yami to which he said "no hard feelings to whoever wins" which was met with suichi nod of agreement. it began and straight away suichi threw his knife straight for yamis head knowing hed disappear he then looked to see where yami went but before he could he was knocked over from behind generating a huge wave of cheers from the viewers yami then said "nobody is here to help ypu it is just you and me suichi and im gonna take you down!" with those words suichi paused and yami dashed forwards, yami didnt mean it, bit those words were familiar too familiar. suichi shook as rage filled his body, he gripped so hard his hands bled, in that moment, suichi was reaxy to kill. he was completely covered with ice and flames that went from red to orange then turned into a brilliant sky blue and he prepared to attack but was halted by just one word. "todo"

suichi couldnt believe it, he hadnt heard this voice for years "tesh is that you?" the voice then pivked up softly again "todo you need to let go, i died to protect you and you hold my death as your fault." he paused and spoke again "there was nothing you could do, we were alone i only had you and you only had me but now is different, you have many friends who support and help you and you need to see that, please dont do what you are about to do because you know if you use that attack on him he will die and no matter what you think in this moment you know deep down you dont want any harm to go his way so calm down."

"but he is their child and despite how much he does for me and how much he supports me ive never been able to get rid of a deep hatred towards him!"

"dont hold him or yourself accountable for what happened to me, let go and accept who you are dont hold back because of a friend you used to know, carry on and become something even greater for me, for kenji, for you and for yami and just know ill always be with you and i know we'll meet again one day" with that suichi snapped out of his murderous state and found himself falling out the ring. he landed with a thump to which he saw yami smiling "well done, i cant wait for our next battle," to which suichi replied "win this, for me" and for the first time in a long time those words his friend spoke brought him true happiness and he smiled as he walked off. as he reached his dorm he heard a knock he found this weird as he didnt have to got to the award ceremony for another 45 minutes, he got up and opened the door revealing a familiar face

"mum, what are you doing here arent you supposed to be observing yamis match!"

"well aizawa gave me permission to see you as it is important, dont be dumb with me i know what happened out there." she said softly but fiercely at the same time. "why didnt you fight yami out there firstly because to other it may of seemed like you did but im your mother and i know you didnt even try in the slightest!"

"well he is one of my best friend i just didnt want to hurt him,"

"Stop lying to me! i know that isnt true as ive only seen that pure rage and power once becore and that was when i was badly injured and your father engulfed with rage killed the villain who was responsible, he had that same look in his eyes and those same blue flames." she glared at him "so tell me what happened!" suichi didnt give an answer but the look on his face gave it all away. "it is because of him isn't it, because he is there son,"

"mum, i dont think you get it he is like a brother to me but despite all we do for each other and how much we care for each other I still have this hatred for him deep down that I can't explain,"

so tell me suichi, why didnt you kill him why did you stop yourself?"

" I didn't somehow some way teshima spoke to me I couldn't see him it was just a Voice In My Head he convinced me not to do it and by the time I stopped my attack I was already out." momo thought for a second and much calmer said "well ill talk to aizawa but i wont mention teshima i think it is up to you and them who decide who knows but i will explain the mirderous state thing as i have to as it is my job and tell him you should take some time of maybe just a week or something also one final thing, a pro hero is waiting downstairs who is eager for a chat!"

suichi was a little confused by that, who would want to see him. he got down stairs and as he turned round the staircase he saw a familiar red and white haired hero, "Dad !, i havent seen you for ages,"

"i know i somehow got time of to watch you im so proud of you, but if you want to beat me next time round you need to get 1st,"

"yeah well you did always have a thing for coming 2nd behind uncle deku and that angry Pomer.."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT ME ICYHOT JR!!!" Bakugo who had visited the dorms to talk to momo had overheard him and launched forward towards suichi but stopped and grinned "haha only kidding twerp, but id be careful what you say to me or i might beat you like i did to half and half here, well it was nice seeing red and white and black and blue again but i need to get going now i have... number 3 work to do mr number 4 and his 1st year son." with that he blasted off and carried on his patrol

"well suichi i have to go im already stretching it as it is, well ill leave you and momo here and i hope next time i get to have some time with you i can see just how much youve improved also tell midoriya im sorry i couldnt catch up and to say hello to ochako aswell the last time i saw her was at their wedding anniversary, see you soon."

"ill see you at home shoto, be safe and i love you"

"love you too momo" he waved and walked off to his custom painted car that was white with red details and drove off.