Continue ....

'It's hard for me to trust people since I live alone like this ,so when I meet people I behave usually like this to them.' standing next to her leaning to kitchen Basin he replied slowly.

"I know that feeling too." seeking for his eyes she said and continued 'I am also like that.'

He looked at her, saying something with his eyes.

Alora added 'If you are tired then go and try to sleep. I will finish this and see you later. If you have problem in sleeping, then we will try a simple theory lesson.'

"Theory lesson?" he questioned in confusion.

'It's just "the introduction about yourself" Your theory. What you are thinking.?' She explained with poker face.

'There is no such term in psychology. You are just making things right?!'

she smiled 'Yes I am, so for introduction tell me exactly what is your problem, but not now. I will be in your room in a minute '

'That don't sounds pure. I don't think you are professional' He teased her.

"AH-Hah" she cleared her throat. 'just follow my commands and if I'm not, then why did you hired me?'

they continued to argue and went together to the room.

In the room.

Alora asked him to start.

'Ummm.. where do I start? I have nightmares.'

'Nightmares? Very brief explanation. Since when?'

'I really don't remember. maybe when I was really small?'

she gave him a death stare and she looked so done, she bite her lips and asked. 'Exactly how small?'

"10-year-old maybe…

'Oh that's a quite long time.'

'What's that nightmare is particularly?'

suddenly his facial expressions changed from being excited to feeling extremely sorrow. whenever he remember that nightmare a feel extreme sorrow.

'I keep falling... over and over again from a cliff.'

'Keep falling? Same? every time?' her expression changed too.

'No! it has changed recently because of someone.'

'Your situation is really similar to mine. What a coincidence. But don't worry' she paused and explained. 'it's really very common.This is known as nightmare syndrome or disorder. It affects 4% of the adult population. Even children have more nightmares than adults, only 1% data is there. So I think that's your case.'

Alora continuously talked and Daniel, he just stared her as he wanted to drew a hole between her eyes in anger He thought

"how annyoning!"

She kept ignoring eye contact she knew somewhere no matter how she say he never gonna listen to her but ignoring the fact she continued.

'But you dream only a particular scene. It's a little different. That's the main reason you have insomnia. Do you have other symptoms? other than this?' she questioned him while pointing pen towards his eyes asking him stop staring.

He slided her hand, holding them he replied 'Other? No but I'm sure I don't have nightmare disorder.'

"How can be you so sure?" again pointing as joke. she was enjoying.

Annoyed Daniel replied. 'I have read every single article about these stuff But how can I dream about a person I never met?'

she sighed

'I wasn't planning to say this but… I have nightmare disorder too. I see only one person in my dream.'

'Who?' he looked in her eyes in confusion and curiosity, catched both her hand.

She freed herself and pointed towards herself "That me!"

'But no matter how many medications I try it won't get any better. But that's my life style which affects it. I heard you started working at early age of 16. So it's really natural for you to have stress. we will try EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). Other methods too.'

whatever Alora said... her words circles around and didn't reached at him instead he looked excited like a baby, acting excited when her mother talk gibberish. He didn't understood but enjoyed.

'You! Don't you think our dream have connection with reality?' he asked.

Alora was dumbfolded.

'Of course they have. Falling! Seeing yourself fall form cliff or seeing yourself dying indicated that something is going to be end in your life. It maybe emotional or sociological. If you are afraid that that it will be for bad and if you are clam, it will be for good.'

She noticed him dozing off.

She rolled her eyes and asked keeping her clam.

'Are you understanding what am I saying?'

'What type of dreams do you have?' she totally gets ignored by him. cheerfully playing around he said he wants a proper answer.

'Uh what? This isn't my treatment sir.' she frowned.

'Don't you feel that it's very close to your real life?'

'Usually dreams are like that.'

He go serious and asked

'Okay, am going to ask you directly. Do you know me?'

'No! I Don't! are you kidding me?! I think you have multiple personality disorder too.' She commented.

'Do you remember me? Have you ever seen me in yours dreams?' continuously asking.

"This man is seriously a player. Do he ever gonna stop giving me other thoughts?! ". She thought.

to be continued....