
Continue .....

She pour water in the glass from the jar and slided it towards Daniel asking him just by eyes to drink it and please keep quite for a minute.

'Hmm... I know you think me as an idiot. That's why I wasn't ready to tell you this.' He pouted. she looked at him sulking just like a baby and chuckled and said.

'Let's play something Dannie!'


'Or do you want to sleep? I can go now if you want!'

"I told you I can't sleep. Even I try I just can't." He rapped literally screamed.

smiling. 'It's midnight I know you must be tired. So just try to sleep. I will be here until you fall asleep'

'what If I don't?'

She laughed at his gesture. 'Then we will play. I have insomnia too.'

'Am I child? No way. Stay here until I asleep otherwise you have to stay and talk with me.'

"Ah okay."

Daniel laid on the bed and Alora sat on the couch near the window watching him from a distance. As soon as he kept his head on pillow he peeked at her first then without hesitating anymore he continuously stared at her.

"What the hell is his problem?" she thought.

She gives a hand signal to him saying keep your eyes close and sleep. He closed his eyes.

After 5 min she checked outside view of the window. The she turned to check at him. And whispered.

"Is he asleep. Han? Already. He said he is insomniac. What the hell?"

She stepped downstairs tip toed and went to her room.

Sat on her bed.

"I don't think he has insomnia. How can he sleep so fast? Is he faking his illness? Why?..... perhaps..... Hey No way! He has his conditions too. Wow! can we both have same type of illness? Am I overthinking? Does he really like me?"

She slapped her self. "I'm seriously over thinking. I'm so tired." As soon as she lays and closed her eyes she fall asleep.

In the morning Alora opened her eyes, sat on the bed and mumbled. "I fall asleep again? I think I'm getting better finally. Maybe it's because of this bed? Ah it's so comfy."

She washed up and prepared breakfast. After she cleaning house she went straight to the hospital.

Daniel woke up went downstairs. He couldn't found her. He saw a message on the fridge.

"I'm going hospital. Call on only in emergency."

He sighed. "What time is it? Ah its 8 am. She made breakfast too?" He grinded and sat on the breakfast table.

In the hospital.

Alora asked nurse yumi. 'Have you seen Dr. Park? He is not in his office.'

Yumi answered. 'I think I saw him going towards the library. Am not sure but he was carrying a strange poster with him.'

'Thanks yumi.' As she took a step, Yumi stopped her. Grabbed her asking if she wants to join party with everyone.

She replied. 'It's really been a long time, but Yumi I don't think I can come with you guys. I have to work.'

'You have changed Alora. how can you miss a party?' she paused as she gets no reaction from Alora. Then continued. 'That cutie came again looking for you. He is waiting.'

"Who? Sandy?!" she looked schocked.

'Yes, in lobby.'

'then I will talk to you next time. Bye.'

She reached the lobby and found sandy there.

'What are you doing here?'

He smiled. "Seeing you."

She rolled her eyes 'I meant Why are you here?'

'First let me ask you. Where were you for this whole week without contact?! I went to your aunt's home and she said you never visit them once after moving in.'

"Yeah." She nodded.

'You have to inform me u know. Where were you all this time?'

she panicked because she knew if she told him truth she will be in mess soon.

'Maggie's place.'

'Don't you lie on my face!'

'Why are you nagging? Am I a kid?' she shouted.

'Where the hell are you staying?'

"Sandy's eyes...he is pretty worried." Alora thought.

'I found a rented room. I am fine.'

Still panicking "Yeah but where?!"

She understood that this is not going to end well so she decided to ignored.

'Ah I need to find Dr. Park. It's urgent. I am going. Bye!' She ran.

"Wait!! Stop right there Alora! it's been a week I talked to you. Maggie isn't telling anything to me. She is also being weird. Why both of you are ignoring me?" he shouted.

Alora didn't even reacted and ran away from there. She called Maggie just after that and said

"hey Sandy is on his way to you! keep your mouth shut and don't tell him where I am staying. No Daniel talk!"

Maggie replied. "Hmm okay. But I don't want to meet him alone. We fight every time we see each other. I don't like it!"

'Okay let's hang out tomorrow evening at your aunt's restaurant.'

"Hmm bye."

#bye readers.