Identifying Your penis or left tit in a crowd

Now I've stared at my pictures after the first birthday and I have to say. I.Am.Fucking.Hot

I think I have a crush on younger me. I mean I would definitely be a creepy uncle to the me back then. I guess I'm a late bloomer??

I'm standing in a diaper in a cute pose and stuff. Back then our diapers were napkins folded up to fit the bum. So comfy. My dad really took a loooooooooot of pictures of me growing up.


I look 2 or 3 or 4 or 5. Ok don't judge me.

I'm not one of those people who can make a rough estimation of someone when they see them for the first time.

Like if I'm asked to give a description of a murder suspect I'll probably describe an innocent person.

I had wondered for a while if I'll ever be able to actually recognize myself if I ever saw myself in town.

Oh shut up. Like you know yourselves sooo well.

Ok, imagine you lost your dick or left titty in a kidnapping. I don't know why they'd kidnap your dick or left tit but just roll with it.

If you can get it back it can easily be sewn or attached back, easy.

Then you receive a call from the police saying "ello governor, we busted a group about to sell dicks and tits on the black market we need ya to come identify and retrieve yours". I don't know why the police sound like a bad weird mix of British and Irish. Don't ask me.

And let's be honest the police are only this efficient if you're rich or like you know.....white *cough cough*

So you go down the station and in front of you is dicks seven dicks and titsof different sizes and colors in front of you. Are u telling me that out of that crowd you would definitely accurately identifying your dick and or left tit and walk out? No. Stop lying. Just please Stop Lying.

You and I both know you would definitely pick the big black one. Shameless

Don't worry, this time..I won't judge you.

Currently it's 9:50pm in Ghana now(GMT) is I'm typing this. I have work in the morning. I'll try and be sneaking in 3 chapters of my life and one weird side irrelevant chapter like this one everyday when my day ends.

So if I don't die in my sleep I'll see you in my chapters tomorrow (from my timeline). Goodnight y'all.