Good morning. It is 8:47am in Ghana as at me starting to type this. I'm already at work and I'm already praying a stack of heavy items would like fall on me. Oh yh, I suffer from depression. like severe depression. Like suicide thought depression.
It's only something that's keeping me from actually acting but that's too far ahead the story, we'll get into that later.
Anyways if after the said time and you calculate and its published later just know I'm doing the duck and cover typing approach. That is I'm ducking behind a rack, typing a bit.
So I'm trying to write from childhood, growing up into my teens then to the me now.
I'll go step by step like that.
Early Childhood would be you know, the silly things as the child. Then to my teenage where I learn the bondage and my uncle forcing his dick in my ass and first attempted suicide and where I learned sex but not in that order. You know, the usual stuff.