First remembered beatings

Ok let's start with the one I remember the most. It was before I transferred schools.

By the way I was super smart during my young days, from nursery all the way through basic school was really smart. I should know, I wore glasses.

Anyways, before I transferred schools I remember my parents giving me my school fees to directly give to my teacher. I remember this because they mentioned my teacher's name.

Now the problem is I didn't even know my teacher's name at the time. I know!!

For someone so smart how come I didn't even know her name. Don't ask, I don't know. Don't judge me.

The plan was simple, I'd keep the money, if go home and tell my parents my teacher did not come today. If they insist I'd also insist I did not see her.

So I have the money on me all day till we close. Now there was this girl in my class. Don't know, can't remember her. All I remember is her standing beside me and I have sugar my body sending her back and forth.

For those who don't know what sugar the body means, it is leaning, standing or propping a part or all of the body in a weird or comfortable looking way. Take that dictionary.

So I remember I keep sending her back and forth for the most important item for a child. Yes, candy.

After the fifth return trip, I raise my head from my sugard leaning position off the wall and what do I see?

My old man.

Looking at me with cold eyes from afar. Apparently he's been there a while. He had seen everything.

For the first time in my extremely short life I feel fear. Why? I'll tell you why.

You see I'm 6foot 3inches. Like a good dick on a good day I can reach a little higher.

You see, I still look up at my dad. No I don't mean he's my mentor. I mean yeah he is my mentor and all but not in this case. I lift my head and look at him. So imagine me a chibi(small) mini me looking up to see a towering treant and mountain man looking down at me.

I immediately exited my sugar mode. The taxi ride home was quiet. Suffocatingly so.

At this point all of us know I am getting an ass whooping.

Now this is where I have a problem.

The moment we get home my mom strips me down to nothing but my pant, my sopota, my pioto, my skin tight briefs. For your information all the words you did not understand before all mean briefs or panty.

Anyway so my mom strips me down all the way to my tight briefs.

Why Mother?!!?!

Why would you do that!?!?

It's not like the pioto would block like 70% of the pain. No, it won't. So seriously, mother, why??!?!

Till date it is actually one of the few things I don't understand.

So I cried. First beatings I could remember. As for why I decided to use my school fees for candy let's be honest, all of you would as well. Don't Judge me