One afternoon we some of the kids in the hood were playing ouside, myself included of course. All of us in flip-flops.
That's what we like wearing. Even now after work I still wear them. Back home the Mrs and mom keep fighting me about wearing that into town but they are soooooo comfortable. I can't stop.
Now there are two older kids with us playing. Let's call one kid B for bully and kid D for Douche.
Now we were playing, I can't remember what, when kid B decides to shove me. I don't know why, maybe cos he was jealous the only girl in the group was giving me all the attention or cos I was much more handsome or cos he was just plain ugly. So I shove him back.
Now keep in mind he's older. He didn't like the fact that I shoved back so he shoved again. Harder.
At this point I'm almost falling on my fat ass(Yes I was fat at some point as a kid).
Now I'm staring at kid B cos I wanna shove back, he's staring at me like 'i dare you to'.
I was about to give up and plot my tiny revenge later when suddenly kid D say "Doc don't worry, shove him he can't do anything, I'm right behind you."
Now the confidence has risen. I'm thinking I'll shove him, hide behind kid D, maybe they'll fight, kid D will win and I'll get in a few extra kicks just for bonus revenge.
So naturally I happily I shove kid B.
Just as I turn around I see kid D smirking like I'm the stupid one.
Now here's where I don't get. why would you give a kid such hope. There is absolutely no reason to give a child as innocent and precious as me such false hope. The matter did not even concern you in the first place. I had my own petty revenge later planned out. I had to scrub out all my intricate 5 step plan for revenge cos this Doucebag kid decided to butt in and give me false hope. Wherever you are I hope you fall and break all your front teeth and dentists are unable to fix them.
Anyway so I had to go to plan A, run. Yes my plan A always and forever will be RUN. Don't Judge Me.
So I'm running and I don't have to turn to know kid B is behind me cos he screaming how he'll happily enjoy beating me up when he catches me. My legs are short but I'm fast. I'm like a tiny Donny Yen.
Now, there's this gutter in front of us.
Don't get ahead of me now, let me tell my story.
The gutter is not deep, very shallow. Like if you stood in it'll barely be above your ankle, but it's wide, really wide.
Of course from the perspective of a kid its really wide.
So in my mind if I step into the gutter and jump out, black hulk behind me will definitely catch me. So I did the most logical thing. Jump over.
I picked up speed, got to the edge of the gutter, I gather ki, chakra, chi, white energies, black energies, cosmic powers, and body reinforcement and then I jumped.
I think I didn't gather enough.
I saw all of it. Everything was slow so I saw it all. My feet barely making it to the other side. Not to brag but since my big right toe touched the other side it can definitely count as me making the jump.
Anyway, I heard a weird quick click sound and then blood, and pain and I think I screamed. No I definitely screamed. I look down and my big toe nail is off, not completely but only held at the edge of where the nail starts to grow.
Now this is where is more vivid for me. My thoughts at that time was not oh God I hurt myself mom will kill me or I lost my toe nail or even that it hurt like hell. No, I was afraid black hulk behind me was going to beat me up as well. Why, I.don't.know.
I look back expecting to see Kid B and I one. No Douche kid, not even the other kids we were playing with.
Gone. All gone.
I'm in pain, no toe nail and no kids to put the blame on. Not that it would have helped either way. would have received their beatings for thems anyways.
Sure enough when I got home I took my beatings before we went to the hospital. I got drugs and creams.
I actually found out later that dad also lost his toe nail as a kid. His toe nail kinda folds or something at the top. Basically it did not regrow well so I kinda thought mine would become same. Family tradition I guess.
Mine eventually grew but turned out normal.
Hoping my kid loses his/her toe nail as well when I have one soon. Family tradition. Don't judge me