Tiger. The largest dog in the hood. It was actually my cousin's but that dog liked nobody except my cousin.
What would happen was it would always be locked inside the gate right, but it would sleep and or stand right behind the gate every single time and look right in that crack large enough for it's eye to see outside the gate so that anytime anyone passed by too close the gate it would start barking so loud and threatening to free itself and give chase.
So because of this almost everyone in the hood walked in a kind of invisible barrier like semi circle around the gate each time they passed by.
Surprisingly anytime we all did it just stayed silent and just stared to make sure we did not cross the semi circle barrier. Honestly now that I think about it I wonder if that dog left to ever go take a shit.
Anyway, one day seems I forgot myself, yes me, why always me.
I walk right past the gate and tiger freaks out, more than usual. Starts barking loudly nonstop trying to force its way outside. Usually you just have to jump in fright and jog out of the zone, it'll bark a while and stop.
This time, no.
It forces its head out first, why?
How come it's my turn and someone actually forgets to properly lock the gates.
If it's my cousin then I hope today, Collins, 7th of April 2020 you actually get bitten by a dog wherever you are.
Don't judge me!
So Tiger's head is out the gate. Then I think to myself, hmm, this is bad. So I start sprinting for home. Not jog, not power walk, sprint! The Flash has nothing on me.
Next thing I see as I'm bolting towards home because obviously when there is death chasing you down with you having a headstart is you trying to find out how much of a headstart u truly have, is Tiger's body completely free sprinting as fast as reverse flash towards me.
Now I'm almost home, the last step is the gutter right in front of our house. I know!!!!
Another gutter?? No not the same one, a short width but deep enough to reach your above my knees when I step in. Don't forget I'm a still a child by then so to me it's one of the bottomless pits of hell.
Anyway I'm almost home. As long as I'm home not even Tiger would follow me. There's a saying in my home language, "Even if the dog is not strong, he's strong at home". I needed to get home fast. Ironic considering...no to me what's chasing me is not a dog. It's fucking Cerbelos.
All I have to do is just jump but how the hell did reverse flash Tiger Cerbelos get to me so quick??!??!
The plan is foiled, I need to make the jump quicker than earlier calculated, I need to make it now.
I've learnt from my earlier mistake I'm confident. I gather ki, chi, chakra, aura, dark energies, white energies, cosmic energies and body reinforcement. My earlier mistake was me not gathering aura.
Anyway, I jump. I'm supposed to see the gates of paradise, home. Why didn't I see the black beautiful gates of home.
I saw black, but not the black I wanted to see. Actually I saw concrete before seeing black. I landed in the gutter. I laid in there, perfect sideways. Don't ask me how. I just was.
Anyway I lift my head and all I see is Tiger looking down at me and I swear to something, I see tiger smirk at me. It irked me, I don't know why but it actually pissed me off. I wanted to jump out and defend my honor and I could tell she could see it in my eyes. Cos in her eyes I could see her almost begging me to try.
So I did what all of you in my shoes would have done.
I laid back down.
I could have sworn I heard "thought so bitch!!"
Don't Judge Me.