At a certain time my dad's colleague or friend came around for a visit. When he came I think I was seated outside just staring into, well, nothing really.
Seems even as a kid I really liked being alone.
After chatting with my dad a bit I saw my dad walk away for a bit and that's when I saw him walk over to me.
I guess seeing a kid like me seated alone contemplating the riches and mysteries of the vast boundless universes just made him jealous.
I remember him pointing towards our walls and saying something along the lines of how about we see who can push them down first.
I was excited. He must have felt my enlightenment earlier and knew my hidden talents. He definitely didn't play me. Definitely.
I happily stood, flexed my, I mean hulking Thor-like muscles and poised before our walls.
I only felt sorry and wondered how I was going to explain to my down the reason I pushed down the walls but I was sure that when he found out my comprehensive contemplation of the universe and the benefits it had brought a mere wall was not going to matter.
I smirked lightly at the wall, telling it how unlucky it was to cross paths with me.
I took a deep breath, pushed and...nothing!
What's happening, how can there be nothing?
I heard the man behind me say " Haha, push, I know you can do it."
Old man, I know I can do it, you must not have felt my power earlier. This is probably one of those "unstoppable force meeting immovable object things". Definitely.
I gathered more energy as I poised one more time to push. This time I truly felt it as I heard my stomach grumble and rumble like thunder. Looking behind ever so slightly I saw the man with raised brows, yh, he definitely heard it,most definitely felt my power up.
Now I feel even greater power. I poise one more time, now gathering it all I push harder, much harder than before and then...I fart.
It was really loud.
No, it was definitely the cosmic energies leaving me. I'm sure it was just the universe not wanting me to mess with or break the delicate balance with the whole "immovable object, unstoppable force thing". Yes, that is definitely it. The universe forcefully pulled out my power, it just pulled it out the wrong way.
It was definitely not a fart.
Definitely not.