My mom took me to one of her friend's place right next door. The woman did not have any kids or at least I had never really seen any kid come from that house so all I had to do was sit and watch them as they talked.
So I sat on a stool by the side and watched them talk and laugh and laugh and talk while I just stared at them waiting for my mom to do the "we about to go home stand". You know, the "we about to leave, get your ugly ass ready" stand.
Finally after what felt like decades of my young years passing me by, she finally does it. She stood up indicating we about to leave. Happy beyond, I walk right to the gate, you know, to add small motivation so she doesn't spend too much time talking on her feet.
Quite honestly everything from there happened so fast, too fast for me to, even after so many years past, properly understand.
Both women were laughing hard, then they say something, then they start lightly shoving each other. It looked playful. Then they suddenly start wrestling each other.
Now in my young eyes I'm seeing Oscer Dela Hoya vs Mike Tyson, David Batista vs Goldberg, I'm seeing blood and ripped skin flying everywhere from their fight. Okay that's too much exaggeration. I'm seeing a woman actually trying to hurt my mom. In my tiny mind that's the only thing I see.
Now at this point I begin to hyperventilate slightly. All I begin to see and feel is wanting to hurt this woman. She's big, I'm tiny. She could swat me away like a fly so what can I do?
At this point the hyperventilating slightly intensifies. That's when I heard it, my mom's voice, "she's beating your mom, won't you help?"
Honestly, thinking about it properly after all these years there was definitely playfulness in her voice.
But that was more than enough for the little me. All I saw was red, just red.
I don't know what or how it happened, all I know is I was suddenly in the midst of the entangled women, and before I knew it there was skin in between my teeth with me biting as hard as I could, wanting to at least tear it off.
The only thing at that moment I could honestly consider thoughts of clarity was "I will bite you hard!" Do not underestimate the sharpness of a child's teeth.
I knew I had a firm grip and just as I was about to add pressure I heard it.
My mother's scream of pain.
I quickly let go, took a few steps back and that's when I saw it.
My mom holding her thigh.
I had bitten mom instead.
What had I done?!??
I couldn't move, I couldn't think and honestly at that moment I have no idea if I was even breathing. My mind was completely blank.
Then I hear "You bit me instead?"
In the state I was I am honestly surprised I actually heard her but I think it broke me a bit. Now I'm stuck between trying to defend myself and jumping at the woman instead.
I don't remember anything else from that point to when we got home. I honestly don't know how I got home. All I remember is my back in the room and me finally breaking down crying.
I know now they were both playing around, and I swear I know mom meant nothing by it I really really do, but I think that question broke me a little.
To date it occasionally pops into my head.