The View Up Here

Hi guys, I'm back kinda. Been an up and down they couple of weeks including the covid as well. Please stay safe.

A few days ago I saw a dead insect being ravaged( hehe) by a group of ants. There were possibly hundreds of these ants.

Each ant moving up and down, back and forth, busy with something to do(tearing into that mother..). It was impressive.

But in my mind all I saw was a group of insects scurrying about, whether or not they know I'm staring at them is unknown but all it takes is a piss and poof.

Don't underestimate my piss. I once peed near a fire ant and in a few seconds it stopped moving. Dead.

Then it got me thinking - is that how gods or God see us from above or wherever?

Let's be honest, how many times have we seen a bird view of a large group of us and thought, "like ants".

Now calm down, I know I just threw in God or gods, and some of you want to reach through the phone and slap and do something to me(please be gentle).

I know, the concept of a higher being or beings may seem fairy tale to some of you but kind of think about it. Has there not been a time when maybe just maybe something kind of happened to you that you couldn't really explain. Maybe it's just the universe or God or god or a higher power or whatever.

Maybe it's nothing.

Then yesterday my wife said something that got me thinking. In fact, it just crashed my whole perception a bit.

"Maybe some christians worship God only because they are afraid of going to hell. Of going to have to suffer that pain of being burnt. *mind blown*

I mean think about it. How does it even feel to have a drop of rogue flying hot oil fall on your skin. yeesh!

Peace out.

Please remember guys to stay safe out there.