After we moved into our new home it still had the creepy place vibe. You know, creepy noise here, moaning there, and as a kid every weird sound on the horror meter was amplified to a nonsense degree. What was worse was I had my own room and everything in there was terrifying.
Almost every night it was something different and it spooked me silly but I had a counter.
My parent's room
Yes. That room was just perfect because not only did I have the protection to both of them, sleeping smack in their middle was so...soothing. I slept like a baby.
Plus I had a secret move.
If I placed my leg on you and you moved one bit it would wake me up. Just in case something was coming, I can up and run with or before you.
It was a beautiful relationship. I had protection, comfortability and they got to sleep by cute cute me. Perfect.
So this went on for about a week. One day dad walked up to me and said "Tonight, you sleep in your own room."
What is this old man trying to say. It sounds like you saying you don't want me to sleep in the middle of you guys anymore.
He probably doesn't mean it. Definitely doesn't know what he's saying. who can get enough of such cute me. That's also probably why all the ghosts and monsters in my room are out to get me.
Anyway, night came and I did not even bother going to my room, I went straight to my parents room. I try to open the door what do you know, it's locked. No no no, they seem to have forgotten about me.
they can't go to bed without me. we are a trio. We have a system, why are they trying to mess with the system. I won't stand for this.
So I started knocking on their door. No answer, knock again, still no answer.
I can only assume they can't hear me so I picked up an old church shoe ready to do the door some serious damage because there's no way they are leaving me alone to the ghosts and monsters in my room.
The moment I lifted up the shoe I hear "go sleep in your room."
There my dad was with his giant self standing at his door scaring me out of my skin. When did he get there, I think I peed myself a bit. It's night, I'm not going to wash down at this time - that's how ghosts get you. Shame on you dad, scaring your cute boy like that.
So no matter how much I begged or puppy eyed he wouldn't budge. I even pulled out the big guns and cried loud but that only earned me a knock on the head and genuine crying and I pissed myself more. I'm still not going to wash down.
I'm honestly wondering why he don't want me sleeping in their middle, we are all benefiting from it anyways right? What could be more important than spending quality family time with your son, your cute son no less? I get protection and you both get to spend more time with me, it's a win win.
Ok, nothing is working, this man really meant it this time. Fine. If the monsters get me, it's on you.
So I can only droop shoulders and walk slow as hell hopefully he'll change his mind and call me. He didn't.
Ok, so I'm in the room, the lights are on at least it'll help. The I hear "turn it off"
WHAT??! Why?
Is this some kind of payback old man? What did I ever do to u?
Face my fears, why?
I can only do as he says and I can hear my heart pounding. I'm wide awake and terrified.
I looked to my right side, right behind my door and thats when I saw it. Them, to be precise.
I couldn't see their faces but they were just as well staring right back at me. Three standing side by side in adidas formation ( tall, taller, tallest) in all white clothes. Ah shit!
I think I shit on the bed a bit, but that's all the movements I wanna do cos I don't know what will trigger them to move. This is all true
Believe it or not I was seeing ghosts in the room.
They were still staring and this Mexican standoff is getting more terrifying by the second. What did I do?
I did what any kid would have done. I went for the lights, thankfully the switch was right beside me. Then, they were gone. Thank goodness.
What I say that night is still stuck in my head to date. No one believes me, I don't really mind. I know what I saw and I know a lot have seen worse even at their grown age now.
I'm not cleaning the mess on the bed.