The Old Man's First Lesson!

James began to walk into the school building which he had no clue where to go in the first place. When he entered he was met with an open center with two large hallways on the side, there was a door in the center that went to the Gym Room.

'.. Where is my classroom?' James thought to himself when another teacher arrived and said "Oh hey Mr. James, we're switching classrooms today remember? You're at Class H1, the new freshmen group."

James arched his back and breathed heavily saying "Ah yes.. I'll be gettin' on my way then." James then began to hobble while looking at what number the classes are which was above the doors.

Finally James arrived to the classroom which was pretty basic, the only thing is.. it was a mess.

'Wow what a rude guy, he left it like this for a 70 year old?' James then made his way to his chair and noticed on the desk which said "Good luck with the delinquents today Mr James! Love, Mrs. Sandra"

James then heard the system speak into his head once more "I've got a quest for youuuu, Teach these kids somethin to know okay? I'll give ya a nice reward."

'I see..' James grinned to himself and attempted to find anything that could tell him what the class was supposed to be about, to no avail. Time went by as he looked, and soon, kids arrived.

They were all very similar, some wearing dark clothing, piercings, headphones, and most not in uniform. This angered James greatly.

The school bell rang and the students all finished entering, James, unknowing of what to teach, decided to teach them random facts about a random subject.

"So class.. Your journals were ac-"

James was interrupted by both the System and the student.

"Gotta talk like an oooolddd maaaaannn" The system said slowly to annoy him, the student was then heard saying "Journals? We don't have any!" He said very angrily and loudly.

"Uh.. Eugh I mean, Quiet down Youngsters!" The old man who appeared as if he could die at any time suddenly screamed at the teenage kids, this made them shocked and kind of afraid.

"How dare you yell at me! I'm off to speak to the principal!" The kid who screamed at him before, which on further observations seems to be a kid with long hair in a trench coat yelled at James.

The kid got up out of his desk and began angrily stomping his way out of the classroom, but before he could, an old arm stopped him from leaving, the kid looked up to see it belong to an old man, shaking with fury. He met the stare of the ancient man's eyes only to be petrified from fear, he felt as if he met his predator, never before has he seen the old man like this..

"Sit down. Now!" The old man yelled into the kid's face, spitting a bit. The kid just said slowly "" Then while shaking, made the walk of shame back to sit down. He felt total embarrassment.

When the kid finally sat down James began to speak on what they were going to do.

"Now that the small matters are put aside, Youngsters, today this bag of bones, me, will be teaching you some advanced Algebra!" James firmly said with a smile, the system didn't respond so he was confident it was good enough.

The classroom was full of groans and sighs until they looked up to see the expression James had on his face, fury. They all began to get their math books out to learn from their teacher!

'Wait.. I dropped out. Uh how do I do this again?' James thought to himself worriedly.

(A/N: Next few chaps will be normal Word count, busy lately)