Why is this boney old man so confused?

Time passed by as James was supposed to be teaching the advanced algebra, he hurriedly made an excuse.

"Uhh Read page 9284 and enjoy yourselves, your old teacher here, will be playing slotomania if you have any questions!" James smiled and said as he left the white board and sat down at his make-shift office in the classroom.

There was no response from the system as it deemed that James had done his best. He wholeheartedly believed only old people played games like slotomania, and for good reason.

The teens all sighed and flipped to page 9284 only to see that it was just a picture of a man holding an equation in his hand with a shit eating grin. What were they supposed to study, the fake equation?

There was visible confusion amongst the class and one of the kids who seemed to be more popular approached the old teacher.

"Uh.. Mr.James.." The teen said nervously.

The old man's neck moved in a way that bodies shouldn't, cracks could be heard as it slowly went upward from his phone to reach the students eyes. He willed the flaps of skin around his eyes to disappear to meet the eye level of this brave student. The teen didn't know what he had just done.

"You.. YOU WHAT?" The old man screamed and grabbed the kid's collar. Not only was he covered in piercings, but he also wasn't wearing the school's uniform.

"Listen here you little shit. I know your father. We play pool all the time? Wait what was I saying?" The old man James then let the kid go and cracked his neck in inhuman speed back to the slotomania app on his phone. He had to act and get results, due to his experience being a chad modeler, it was easy as pie.

"O.o.okay. I'm sorry mr.James! The teen ran back to his table and wholeheartedly studied the equation with tears in his eyes. There was an awkward atmosphere in the room.

The children didn't doubt their teacher James anymore and all obeyed every single thing he said. Unlucky for them, they were supposed to be catching up on subjects and were going to be here all day.

Seven and a half hours passed and James earned quite a lot of money off of slotomania.

'Hey! maybe this slotomania thing isn't just for old people after all!' James laughed as had earned another 500$ in a matter of seconds.

" I.. I THINK I GET IT NOW!" One of the teens screamed out. Throughout this entire time they had been studying the fake equation in fear of James.

Any time there was even a slight interruption he would cough and say "What was that racket? What? huh?" Or rarely he would say "WHERE ARE YOU", this reaffirmed the fear in their heads.

James looked up from his phone as the slotomania app began to spin. What he saw was a teen in front of a desk, standing. This was unacceptable.

James shot up from his comfortable teacher chair and screamed " WHAT ARE YOU THINK DOING?!" but the teen didn't budge and met his glare with a smile.

"Mr.James, Thank you! I have underestimated you! I thought math was so hard and that you were making us do something stupid but.. the secret was here the entire time! The world is numbers and I get it now!" The teen smiled and ran out the door. The kids in the hallways later recounted that he stated "Time to drop out and get five masters!".

James's face twitched and he hobbled over and closed the door. He sat back down and resumed his game. The spin had landed on a 100$ reward.

"Heyyy! Good work hahaha! You have raised a future genius trillionaire! Here's +50 Wisdom!" The system faded as quick as it arrived.

James felt his brain clear itself. Like venom being removed from a wound, he had felt total clarity. He was in a rare meditative state where one could understand all things easily, this then ended after two minutes.

Soon after the bell rang and class ended. The students all looked very confused and worried about their clearly insane classmate. James stayed there and graded papers that he didn't know the answers to. He just played it by ear.

"What is the unknown trigram in a ventilator when used in oscillation to pacify a horse? A. Beans. B. Jeans. C. Heens Law" One of them read.

'Okay what the fuck. What class even is this? Or is my brain this fucked from being old?' James sighed as he gave the paper a 100 percent. He would later regret this when the principal disciplined him for giving the student who couldn't even spell his own name correctly a good score.

Finally, after all that, it was time to go home from work.