Cleansing in two ways

"Walking home alone was really annoying. I have to hobble and wobble because this insane system would torture me if I didn't listen.

I didn't even want to end up like this, it's not my fault that those events occurred.. yes it is. It even said what I did wrong.

I miss my amazing body." - Diary Entry 1 - Day 1 of being old.

James finally had returned home after being guided home by a helpful teen. He was ready to sleep!

James changed into the old man's pajamas and hopped into his bed, expecting to get a well-deserved rest.

"OLD MEN YOUR AGE CAN ONLY SLEEP FOR 2 HOURS AND NOT CONTINUOUSLY. On that noooote.. This is your free time! I will not bother you as long as you are practicing a hobby of some sort. Enjoy.." The system shouted into James's ear, almost bursting his eardrums.

James hopped out of bed and straightened his back. He took off his glasses and put his dentures in the water. He was temporarily free from the system's tyrannical reign.

"Well.. is working out a hobby?" James asked the system.

"You can work out if you want. But it won't change how others see you, and you won't be able to use any of the strength. So if you really want to.. then do it I guess?" The system said quickly as if it was annoyed by the question. It even deemed the question stupid.

"I see.. if I live stream as an old man will I-" James was cut off.

"ARE YOU STUPID? OKAY LET ME SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU! As long as it's not exposed that an old man is doing it, then you're fine! but I swear.. IF I SEE YOU TRY TO STREAM OR MODEL AS AN OLD MAN.. I'll... I'LL RUIN YOU!" the system screamed.

".. okay. You didn't have the threaten my very existence that casually you know. Well, I guess I'll be more productive. I'll start with cleaning this house as it's getting quite dirty." James sighed and exited his room to grab a broom.

As James swept his house there was a figure that appeared in his windows every now and then and James didn't notice.

It was the figure of the teenager that had helped him return to his home.

The teenager was actually a secret notorious criminal known for preying on senior citizens. His methods of attack were quite gruesome and have led to fatalities occurring on multiple occasions, this has caused the authorities to nickname him "The Senior Villain".

'The Senior Villain' was clearly a name made by the authorities to make him mad by giving him some stupid nickname to be known by.

Recent research has shown that criminals that are given bad names will usually turn themselves in due to embarrassment.

Anyway, back to the story my bad. So, James. James finally finished sweeping after two hours. He began to pick up books that had fallen off of his shelves.

" Japan's Guide to Speaking like a Cowboy "

" The Fall "

" Skeleton Evolution "

" Sand MMORPG Setup Guide "

" Everyone is Kung Fu fighting but I am farming I guess "

"Horny Single Dinosaurs Encyclopedia "

There were a plethora of categories and book names that had unfortunately fallen off of the shelves. The real old man enjoyed reading all of them and would recommended you to read them as well if he could.

"I might need to check out these books later." James chuckled. These books were similar to the ones that had been released in his world.

As James was picking the books up, he was unable to hear the back door's knob being turned from outside.

*Creeeek. Step.*

The criminal was in.

He tiptoed into the house and entered the kitchen. He quietly opened the drawers and found a cleaver.

Using the weapon that was owned by the victim seemed like it would be less easy to link as a pattern.

Sure they could check fingerprints or check for hair, but this criminal was famous for a reason. He had prepared for this.

The criminal opened a bag of hair and threw a few strands around inside of the drawer he opened. He then opened his pocket and drew out a bowl.

Inside was the blood of his last victim. He dipped the knife into the blood and imprinted false fingerprints he collected all over the knife.

He was a true expert, through and through. He had easily bested all previous targets, and this would be no different. He did his work like he breathed air, killing from impulse. All because he was rejected by his female teacher as a kid.

The criminal exited the kitchen as quietly as he could and located the old man.

James was seen by bookshelves, picking up the books one by one as he read the names to himself.

'.. Quite an energetic old man for his age.' The criminal thought to himself as he prepared himself for the adrenaline rush that would soon be his.

The criminal ran forward, screaming as he readied the cleaver over his head!

James turned towards him at lightning speed and broke out in a sweat. He then hit the criminal's elbow upward before he could react. The cleaver fell to the floor and James punched the man with all of his strength.

The man's neck was snapped from being knocked back by James.

"What.. How did this old body.." James questioned.

".. You obviously still have your old strength still, it's just not visible or normally usable." The system was tired at this point.

James smiled and walked over to his rotary phone. It was time to call the police and just appear as a sweet old man to them. This would be too easy.

Because of the way the teenager died, James had to falsify evidence but the police would overlook it.

Who cares how he died, this criminal was gone! It was time for a celebration!

Hell, James will probably even be invited to the celebration!