Personal session

James slowly got down whislt making groans which the robbers didn't seem to appreciate. The robbers looked down at the old man in disgust. Soon after, the robbers were whispering amongst eachother about him. Just like that, he had become a target.

"Should we do something about him? He's kind of making us look weak." One quiet middled-aged Trump masked man whispered to another.

"Yeah yeah Bill, I got it. Pipe down, I'll take care of him" One of the robbers whispered back and walked over to James.

"Yeah! You go boss!" The robbers erupted with support.

"GET DOWN OLD MAN! FASTER!" The approaching robber shouted out in a terrible Trump impression.

"You don't want to mess with us man" One of the. other Trump impersonators said with an additional Italian accent added onto the terrible impression. He had greasy hair that America might start a war over for oil.

James ignored this as the threats made by the demon system were more terrifying than this simple robber..

'Simple brained young idiots.' James rolled his eyes.

The robber saw this and got angry. He kicked James down onto the ground and stepped on him. James groaned out in pain as a cracking noise resounded out.

"This is what you get for not helping build the wall!" The robber said as he had his hand out in an okay sign.

The nearby civilians who witnessed this felt sorrow in their hearts. Seeing an old man being kicked and stepped on by Donald Trump certainly weren't in their grocery list today.

Well, all but one nearby civilian. The lady from before who had fainted suddenly awoke and noticed the situation. She thanked God that the old man had been getting what he deserved.

James began to get angry. Not that the robber was hurting him, which didn't even hurt due to the fact he had his strength secretly, but due to the fact that he had to fake that he was being hurt by this skinny man!

"Here's a mission for you.. Teach those robbers a lesson not to mess with the elderly! I will reward you with 10 Wisdom!" The system suddenly announced.

James's droopy face suddenly felt like it had liveliness left in it. There was no more of a sense of a barren wasteland on the surface. The Sahara desert had started to rain!

James eyes widened in seriousness as he knew what he needed to do.

As the robber was going down for another kick at James, James suddenly tilted his cane upward, directly impacting the robber's groin.

"AAAAHHHH" The robber screamed in pain as he dropped his gun to the floor.

James picked the gun up and slowly stood up while aiming at the other robbers.

James's arms began to pulse as veins became visible. He lifted the unarmed robber into the air by his shirt and met with his eyes.

The robbers saw this and quickly readied their pistols, aiming at James.

"Put the gun down old man! I'm not afraid to waste one of the useless senior citizens!" A robber said with his terribly made Trump mask flapping from his lips moving underneath.

"ME? HAHAHA. Boy, I am your grandfather. Don't you recognize me?! NOW GIVE ME SOME RESPECT. IT SEEMS I NEED TO EDUCATE YOU ONCE AGAIN!" James said aggressively.

"G-Grandfather?! Is that really you?!" The Trump robber was moved to tears and went down on his knees.

The Trump mask had restricted his eyesight, and with all old people sounding almost identical, he had easily believed James.

"Yes! Now get your gang of willywackers out of here before I speak to your mother!" James yelled out in anger.

"Yes grandfather! Sorry grandfather, this will never happen again!" The man got up and turned to his other Trump mask members.

"Let's go guys, I can't rob my grandfather, I just can't!" The Trump masked ringleader sobbed into his arm as one of the members rubbed his back and consoled him.

They left just like that.

Outside, the herd of old people had heard of what the robbers just called one of their own kind..

They jumped the robbers and began to beat them with anything they could get their hands on! Their canes, the grocery baskets, one muscular old man had even picked up a cart and threw it at one of the robbers!

The robbers shielded their heads. "Please stop! I'll never mess with the elderly again!"

An ex special forces old man approached them and kidnapped the robbers into his van and drove away!

The rest of the old people laughed at this and whipes their hands of dirt.

Inside, the crowd erupted in cheers for James as everyone celebrated. The rude lady was astonished.

The manager of the store came bursting out of the staffroom and quickly shook James's hand.

"Just for this I will give you a permanent 35% discount at my store! Thank you sir, what is your name?" The manager asked.

Tears welled up in James's eyes as he told the manager his name, he didn't forget to mention how there was this rude lady who had attempted to frame him in anger..

The manager developed a stern expression on his face. "Which lady did you say?"

James pointed at the lady and her kid and the Manager went up to the right after.

"Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the store and to not return to this location." The manager stated simply.

The lady's kid began to scream and cry..

The lady began to scream and cry..

"I've been coming to this location for the past 5 years?! You're REALLY gonna believe this OLD FOOL over a LOYAL customer?!" The lady said loudly as she pointed at the old man monster James.

Customers gasped that this rude lady would call their savior such a rude thing! They cheered as security came soon after and escorted her out of the grocery store.

In fact, many teenagers recorded the entire incident! From the moment that the robbers walked into the store, to the woman being escorted out.

"Successfully taught the robbers a lesson! +10 Wisdom to you. You are also rewarded with +15 Wisdom due to creating a viral video that will rack up 2 million views within a month! Congratulations Geezer-Rookie!" The system announced to James.

James moaned audibly as he felt his brain become clearer and clearer. If he wanted to, he now had the wisdom and free thought to become a philosopher.

'This Wisdom has opened my mind up to think more like an old man! What a genius system this is!' James moaned once more. This made the surrounding customers uncomfortable, but knowing what he had just done they assumed it was just from the pain he had just experienced.

The manager offered James a ride to the hospital but James declined politely as he truly didn't have anything wrong with him from the attack.

"Sudden mission: Pick up the phone!" A notification appeared in James's eyesight as it hovered over a call phone that was connected to the store speakers.

James picked the phone up and then the notification updated to a script for him.

"Attention. uh.. attention. God how do you work this thing? Too much technology being released to keep up with. God, whatever. Anyways if I see any of you kids coming up and trying to get me to grade your papers with an A without deserving it again.. well. I think you know what happened to those robbers, don't you? That is all, have a blessed wonderous day, I'm going to go do some Yoga and OH- have you heard whats going on in Iceland with the war? Yeah, my grandson has been-" James kept going on and on, explaining something that nobody really cared about.

Eventually, everyone continued shopping and just chose to treat it as background noise. The old man just wanted attention, and with what he had just accomplished, he deserved at least this much as a reward.