Grocery Store Karen

The ancient man hobbled down the grocery store's path, he looked around at the people and sighed. Nobody cared about him like they once did in his past life. He didn't have any of the attention he felt he deserved.

James sighed once more and walked down the pathway and stepped into an aisle. He didn't know how the stores layout was, so he simply began to explore.

He laid his eyes upon the selection in front of him whilst being surrounded by carts driven by other customers.

The first thing he saw in the shelf was a product that helped parents keep their children off of the internet called "Internot". This device would use the webcams of the parents to check who was accessing the device and automatically turn the internet off if they were an invalid user.

James frowned and shook his head. How are the children supposed to grow as people in the modern society with no access to the internet? He had to speak to the general manager of this store, even if he died. I mean, he was only famous because he had snuck onto his family computer when he was younger and began to livestream.

'If I am able to cause a ruckus, then perhaps a worker will come. I will then have them lead me to a manager to which I'll complain to.. then their boss!' James smiled as he thought up what he thought was a brilliant plan.

James saw a cart nearby with some random groceries stored inside, he smiled at the sudden storage opportunities and threw 60 Internot products inside.

"Hehehe" James let a sly laugh exit his mouth.

He grabbed the next nearest thing that felt something like a large fruit and threw it in, a box of cupcakes? In it goes.

"Ah what the hell!" James yelled as he threw everything off of the shelf. He slowly ran down the aisle and emptied all of it. It was a mess.

Soon a fat lady with a kid showed up into the aisle and looked at her cart that had a few extra things in it.

James slowly turned his head at the woman who's face was now red.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE PUTTING IN MY CART?!" The lady boomed out with a deep voice as she pointed at the smiling James.

"It wasn't me, it was yer' fat ugly kid who put it in, he must take it after you! conniving little-" Before James could respond completely the woman stomped towards him and roared.

"You did NOT just say that!" The woman screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Uh.. is something wrong here?" A small voice whispered behind the woman.

The woman slowly turned her head with her veins pulsating, she looked as if her veins would pop and explode everywhere. The fury on her face was not unknown.

"This.. THIS old MAN is acting like a lunatic! He poured items into my cart and knocked all of the items off of the shelves! He's a child! He even insulted me and my kid!" The woman breathed heavily.

The worker smiled and hunched over a bit and began to muster up the courage to reply.

"I see." The woman said shakily and turned to James.

"And your perspective?" The worker said.

The lady pointed at the worker with fury. "What do you mean HIS perspective? I just told you EVERYTHING you need to know!" The woman ferociously spat onto the worker.

"I can speak if I want to ya old hag! I don't need no darn permission in this country! Now quit herrassin this poor worker, before I show you how a veteran handles things!" James replied in the worker's stead angrily at the woman.

The woman turned and just stared at James in disbelief.

The worker smiled and stayed silent as if she was asking for James to tell his story.

"I was just entering this aisle and had wanted to buy some things when this lady's kid began to pile random junk in her cart, she reprimanded him but in a moment of childness he threw everything onto the floor, causing his mom to angrily yell at him. She began to beat him with random items and then throwing them on the floor! She is a monster and shouldn't be a mother, and shouldn't be allowed to shop here any longer!" James said with passion in his eyes, the worker was moved by his words. The lady however, fainted.

The worker laughed that this rude customer fainted over the clear truth of the story being retold. They were about to radio over a manager when suddenly..

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN RIGHT NOW!" A man shouted with a group of other men. They were all wearing Trump masks. The one who spoke pulled out a pistol and shot the ceiling.

Screams resounded throughout the store.