Gardening 2

'Hold it in James, hold it in.. We need to get to the crux of the conflict and I can't be having any thoughts that will ruin this for myself.' James inhaled deeply and exhaled deeply.

"You're right, mr.."

"Henderson. My last name is Henderson." The old man rudely replied.

"Ah, my apologies fellow gentleman Henderson.. I forgot your name, it seems I truly am getting too old. Ah, I'm actually worried.. You see my father had problems remembering things and would sometimes completely forget birthdays and his kid's names. I worry that this will happen to me as well." James attempted to have the old man known as Mr. Henderson pity him. In doing so he could get what he wanted!

"Ah yeah, I think my father had that issue as well. You know, the terrible disease called "Getting OLDER." Do you take me for an idiot? Is that was you think of me, Mr. Jameson?" The old man replied without even pretending to care.

"No-" Before James could continue, it was already too late.

"Just get off my lawn before I call the police for trespassing. I didn't want to help you with your trash gardening skills 5 years ago when we first met after I moved to this terrible county, and I don't want to help you now! Now get!" The old man suddenly yelled out and became aggressive, chasing James off of his property!

James huffed and puffed and went inside his home.

'I need to get revenge. What can I do..' James started to think to himself and suddenly came up with an idea.

"The HOA! Surely there is something that isn't within accordance on his property!" James laughed as he was about to watch a show.

James picked up his phone and dialed the HOA. Conveniently, the old James had a lot of problems with the HOA and had their phone number saved in his home phone.

"HOA MEMBER #1782 SPEAKING!" A scary sounding man in his 40's yelled out from the phone.

"Sheesh, you HOA members are always so intimidating. Are you a soldier or something?"

There was a slight pause as an awkward atmosphere began to linger in the air..

'HOW DOES HE KNOW I'M SECRETLY A SOLDIER FOR THE HOA? WHO IS THIS MAN?!' The HOA Member thought as he began to sweat. He had never been caught before and if his superiors heard, he'd be over.

"N-No kind sir, I'm just an HOA member.. ahaha.. Well, anyways.. What can I do to help you?" The HOA member managed to let out without messing up.

"Well, I need you to go over to my neighboor's house. The address is ####### ##. His last name is Henderson. His yard is not in compliance with the HOA's rules and needs to be dealt with accordingly!" James slowly began to shout when saying this to get his point across..

"Understand gentleman! I will go see for myself, worry not! For I, THE HOA WILL SAVE YOU!"

The phone hung up.

"What a crazy guy.." James sighed as he got ready to make one last trip for the day. Back to the store he goes to get seeds!

10 minutes after James had left his house, the HOA member showed up to Mr. Henderson's house..

The HOA member was in a military uniform and had pins on his shirt that were HOA inspired. A house that says "WE control YOU" on it, a picture of a duck with an X over it, and finally, one that said "Cat-Free Neighborhood")

The HOA member began to bang on the door of Mr. Henderson's house and yelled "Come out Mr. Henderson! I need to speak to you about a few things in your yard!"

But there was no answer..

The HOA member even began to threaten Mr. Henderson of huge fines but the man in question still did not answer the door.

Just as the HOA member was leaving to his patrol car to write a ticket to this offender, the door slowly creaked open.

The image of a wealthy elder man emerged from the depths of the house.. carrying a cane.