Class pet 1

James went about his day as usual after waking up to sunny weather.

"Haaah.. time for another day of being elderly." James yawned and got off of his bed.

He used the bathroom, took a shower, and got dressed. He grabbed his coat from the closet along with his cane and began to hobble and wobble down the streets and sidewalks to the school as usual.

The same businessman helped him across the road, and the same old people herd walked nearby.

'I'm scared.. I'm already seeing all of this as norm.' James shuddered at the fact that he was already becoming used to this old man's life.

As James was thinking he suddenly began to get rained on heavily just as soon as he was nearing the school.

James angrily looked at his drenched clothes. Although he got wet, his dry skin got some of the moisture which was well earned.

A male student held out an opened umbrella and smiled at James.

"Hello Mr. James, do you need help getting to the classroom?" The young man asked.

James looked at the young man baffled. He was surprised that anyone would care about an old man like him within the group of delinquents..

"Uh.. sure. Thank you youngster." James replied without seeming like he had appreciated the help, as he was currently putting on the tough dry persona of this old man.

After a short walk the two reached Mr. James's class and walked inside the door.

Mr. James sat at his office in the room and looked through the old body's notes to see what he was going to teach the class.

The note read: "1. Cupcakes 2. Dog Food Ingredients. Combine the two and get me to the zoo! Haha.. just kidding.. .. good thing only I read my notes. Sigh."

"... What a depressing note.. This old man was so useless." James was frozen to his heart and began to writhe in pain from the cringe.

James shook his head and moved the mouse to the computer to attempt to see any clues of what these kids were going to learn today.

On the computer there was a notepad file called "Current Tier List".

James clicked on this in the hopes it would help him.. he was very wrong.

The file was actually a tier list of the student's.. There were two separate ones in fact..

One tier list showed the best student's in class, and the other one showed who was the best 'pet teacher'..

The old Mr. James was such a strange man.

James ignored this and finally happened upon the file "Subjects to teach" . James clicked on it and was met with a screen!

"You know what to teach them, I don't need to remind you of your life's work. You can do it!"



"What.. you have got to be kidding right?" James mumbled as he imagined the old Mr. James pointing his thumb up with a blinding smile.

"What's wrong Mr. James?" The kid closest to Mr. James got up and put an apple on his desk.

"My bad sir, I forgot to give you your apple." The student who on closer examination was an obvious delinquent stated.

"Uh. Thanks, now go back to your seat before I beat you blue and purple!" Mr. James threatened in his dry voice.

the kid nodded and bowed slightly, he then returned to his seat with a blank expression, waiting for the bell to ring.

Mr. James was actually surprised at the fact that the kid was so respectful. Not only was he respectful but he was obedient..

'This doesn't really make much sense.. The old James must have some type of deal with these kids or something..' James was in disbelief!

The bell ring and it was time to begin..

James walked up to the middle of the class and began to speak. All eyes were on him, expectantly..