Chapter V: Vastaya 2/2

Back at the cottage, Kazumi had finally awakened, and she rolled over to stare at the ceiling. Her face was solemn, and crimson eyes were a few shades paler.

"Hmm, I allowed the pleasure to overtake my discipline. And this is my punishment" Kazumi chuckled to herself.

'That boy is a fast learner, though. A few years of escapades, and the boy would never have to fight. Men and women will fall to his cock.' Kazumi broke out in full-blown laughter. Genuinely humored by her own thoughts.

She had wanted Tenko to be prepared. With all her heart, she declared herself Tenko's mother. And with the limited years she had left, she wanted her son to know enough to have a good life. She started his training in the art of seduction and sex. When he began showing a dominant nature. She was pleased and allowed him to experiment in the ways of pain and pleasure.

But nothing was more satisfying than when she realized what her demonic essences did for Tenko's manhood. Like the rest of him, It had grown big and strong for his age. She never told him this. But when he steps out of Star Dou Forest, she knew he would realize just how endowed he was. She just hoped his power was enough to protect himself from the jealousy of men and lust of woman, Spirit hall be damned.

Pushing the blankets aside. Kazumi got out of bed and drew a bath. Using her ki, she heated the water and then soaked her body. Tenko had been getting extremely rougher lately, borderline mad. Kazumi theorized that Tenko was the way he was because he slightly resented her existence and yearned to know his real mother.

He hated spirit hall because he wanted to know Yu Xiaogang and grew up with the only brother he ever had, Tang San, who he was forced to leave because of Spirit Hall. The Little Runt in him made him aggressive and predatory with a flare to toy with his food, and his father's draconic aura magnifies everything. Add in the cultivation of the Satsu no Hado, and it ended with a very sore but satisfied Kazumi.

Kazumi thought of everything other than her impending death. She even wrote a lengthy letter to one, Dean Flender of Shrek academy. Tenko needed figures to help guide him until he could guide himself. On his father's side, he was nobility. And by way of Kazumi's demonic lineage, he was royalty. But she had never taught him etiquette. She had raised him to be a warrior. And the education he received was geared towards making him a better warrior. This meant, Tenko lacked refinement, and because of his years in the wilderness, he probably even lacked some common sense.

After an hour of writing, Kazumi sealed the letter and put it in a chest next to a few other items and two more letters that will be Tenko's inheritance. Kazumi pulled a short silk robe over her and scantily covered her devilish curves. She had become accustomed to wearing little to no clothing. It was only her and Tenko now that Tang Hao had left. And Tenko never complained as it gave him access to promptly quill the fire in his loins whenever the urge came on suddenly.

Stepping outside, Kazumi looked to the sky and took in the fresh morning air. ' You are weak, Kazumi. I wanted to watch you squeal under his cock once more, to enjoy one last night of bliss. and take in the morning, before I took what's mine.'

Kazumi's eyes snapped open and reverted to normal before turning crimson red again. Her mouth hung agape as she gasped for air then fell to the ground.


"This is where we stay, Kazumi and I. She raised me since I was born. She was the one that saved me from Spirit Hall, she and Uncle Akuma. "

"S-she saved you?"

"Yupp. and she been protecting me ever since. When you meet her, don't speak. I'll do all the talking."

Ahri frowned. "I-is she the woman I smell on you."

Tenko's eye twitched. "Yes. It's become a ritual of ours. We fuck as long as she has the energy to take me. She usually falls asleep before I'm finished. But I wouldn't expect much after what I put her through."

Ahri smiled with lustful eyes, "You're a pretty straight shooter for a boy who grew up as a human."

"I'm more devil than human. And if my mother really was a Vastaya. Then I don't think I have any human left in me. Besides, it's merely sex. We all do it. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"I haven't done it yet," she replied.

"Well, if Vastaya are like foxes. Then there shouldn't be a problem if you want to share my bed when you're ready. I find you extremely beautiful, Ahri. First cousin or not, you can be--"

Ahri's eyes were sparkling as she listened to Tenko. But Tenko suddenly stopped and looked around the cabin area. The main cabin is where he had been sleeping for a few years with Kazumi.

But he had approached the backside of his old cabin to get Ahri settled before meeting Kazumi, though, he had sensed danger.

In a puff of black smoke, Tenko vanished and appeared in front of the main cabin.

"Kazumi," he called out and sprinted to the front porch.

He dropped to his knees and pulled Kazumi to his chest. He couldn't help it or pretend to feel different. His heart wailed like a banshee, and tears wet his cheek.

"Kazumi... Kazumi, please wake up." his voice cracked, and Kazumi laid motionless without a response.

"Please... I promise I won't be mad anymore. I'll be nicer to you. I know it wasn't your fault. I get that. You didn't ask to be dragged to this world, and Han Mei's death isn't your fault. But you stepped up and took responsibility, anyway. You saved me and raised me for eleven years. I am who I am because of you. But I know I can be even better if you stay with me. It's too early. It's too early..."

"Listen to your senses, Akio."

Tenko's eyes turned black with golden irises. A wave of killing intent at Ahri. "She named me Tenko. You will call me, Tenko, Ahri."

The killing intent made it hard for her to breathe, It was like insects were crawling just beneath her skin. She struggled to nod in affirmation. But Tenko got the message and refocused on Kazumi. As Ahri gasped for air. Tenko opened his ears to the world.

Thumb...Thumb...thumb. Slow distant beats.

'What's wrong with her?'

'Something in her mindscape, a problem she has to face on her own. You should make her comfortable Kit. Then you should bathe and have yourself a drink. And think about your next move,' Replied the Little Runt.

'Then we make her comfortable.'

Tenko carried Kazumi to the room and laid her in the bed, and tucked her in tight. Tenko took a deep breath and left the cottage.

"Come on, let me show you where you're going to stay" The switch had flipped, and a wall had been erected in his mind. A wall that blocked out everything Kazumi.

Ahri looked to the cabin and looked back at Tenko before running to catching up with him. He led her to his old cabin and showed her around. The two were silent as they cleaned the dust from the room. Ahri didn't have clothes but the clothes on her back. Something Tenko wanted to remedy soon.

"You can stay here. But I have to go out again."

Ahri stopped what she was doing and looked at Tenko, "Where are you going?" she asked.

"I need to get my 3rd spirit ring. It's been time for a while. Now you say we're kin, and I do believe you. But the woman in there has been more than kin all my life. I need you to stay here and keep an eye on her."

"Ak-- Tenko, I can't. I'm not s--"

"You can, If you want to stay, you will. But at the end of the day, it's up to you. You took a human form to avenge my mother. You don't have to put up with me. But I need to go, and I hope you stay." Tenko turned and left the cottage


'I sense you feel better after the bath. But why the purple Gi? I really hate that color," said the Runt.

'Well, I like it. It's a pleasant color.'

'Ehh. Whatever. so what's the plan, Kit?'

'The 3rd spirit ring and the leaf of the bodhi tree. If Kazumi is unconscious, then maybe we can wake her up with a tea that can strengthen the psyche.'

The Runt went silent for a moment. 'Kit, Ahri was one thing. I recognized her Vastaya sent. But if you go after that Bodhi Tree, you will encounter other spirit masters. If spirit hall is here--'

'I know, Runt! But it's Kazumi... The Bodhi Tree is first. The immortal herbs old enough to become spirit rings are closer to where we found Ahri. We're done talking about it.'


1st POV

I ran through the forest and did my best to avoid spirit masters. I took care to avoid spirit beasts as well. It would be bad if I killed someone else's prey.

The Bodhi Tree was located closer to the outer area of Star Duo. It was rumored to have mind-altering abilities. I read it once in one of the books Kazumi gave me. But the odd thing about the Bodhi tree was its rarity. In all of the Star Duo forest, the Bodhi Tree I was looking for was the only one in the forest.

When I arrived, I stood by a big trunk, ten feet tall bodhi tree. Without wasting time, I pushed off the ground and reached to pull a leaf from the tree. My hand gripped a leaf and give a hard tug, but the tree refused to let it go.

I gently landed on the forest floor and looked at the tree with a contorted face. Once more, I leaped into the air and attempted to pull a leaf from the Bodhi limb, and once again, the Bodhi tree refused me.

Pah! my fist crashed into the trunk of the bodhi tree. Angry, sad, frustrated, confused. I only wanted a fucking leaf, and the world denies me again.

Pah! Pah! Pah!

"Fuck!" I growled.

I coat my hand with Ki and attempt to pull another leaf. I smile from ear to ear as I feel the leaf's steam give way. My eyes widen. I feel the danger. I immediately released the leaf and twirl in the air.

Swoosh! The limb of the Bodhi tree swung by. Swish! The limb above me curled upwards out of my reach. I frowned and kicked off the tree to create distance.

"T-the fucking tree is alive! It's only 500 years old!" I shout.

"Boy, your life force is strong. And your attainments are high. But to strip my leaves, you must complete your training. To pluck my seed, you must achieve enlightenment. To claim my spirit, you must attain Nirvana. Now leave."

I gritted my teeth and balled my fist. I wanted to rip that damn tree from the earth, but I took a deep breath and exhaled. " So be it."

I took a few steps back. My blood was boiling. It was embarrassing. I've killed beast older than that damn tree, and yet I couldn't take a leaf. The fuckery. "I will be back."

"I count on it. Consider this...your prophecy." Said the Bodhi tree

I took one last look and turned away. Whatever Kazumi was fighting, she was now truly alone.


On my way to hunt for a third spirit ring, the sun was finally setting, and many of the spirit masters in the forest were leaving for the night. The Runt tried to convince me to take the last of the demonic essence within Kazumi before she passed.

It was a short while before I got him to shut up. The Runt is tricky. Everything he says is to be taken with a grain of salt. I knew this, and his little game with Ahri proved he wasn't the most forthcoming partner.

I was walking to the edge of the outer area when I heard a small whimper coupled with the smell of blood. I crept around a boulder and spied a gigantic moose. On its stomach were claw marks, and it bled profusely.

'What do I do, Runt?'

'Help it, I guess. It's a damn moose. What can it possibly give you? Besides, is it not your Uncle Akuma's way to kill creatures beneath him. The beast in its current state is beneath you, Tenko. So, help it.'

'Hai,' I take a deep breath and approach the beast with caution. It's head raised to look at me and struggled in an attempt to push itself up to its feet.

"Whoa whoa whoa. I don't want to hurt you. I'm here to help.." I tell it

The beast studies me for a while and surprises the hell out of me when she replies, "Tsk, this weak world relies on the power of the beast to grow in strength. Why should I trust you, Hu-- Demon" she was slightly taken aback

"Y-you know about demons? H-how?"

"Hahaha, I am Demon Beast, Child. A demon beast from a different world. That damn wolf chased me through time and space just to eat me. And I landed here."

Besides the whole talking animal ordeal, I was actually pretty calm. After all, Kazumi was from another world. I have a slight inclination that Vastaya originated from a different world, and I was transforming into a full-blooded demon. All of this shit was odd. So, I decided to just go with it.

"So, you have the power of time and space? That's cool. But, if the wolf is close, you can't stay here. Tell me what I have to do to help you."

The beast laughed again and said, "Nothing, child... I am going to die. It's the way of life."

I felt sad for the moose. Born to be hunted, blessed with space and time power, only to be cursed with an enemy that could chase her across worlds. I suddenly became angry.

"Like fucking sucks," I mumble

"Life is an amazing thing, child. And the best part about life is all of its silver linings."

"Silver linings?" I ask

"Yes, the sliver of goodness within a storm of bad"

I instantly thought of Kazumi. She was my sliver of goodness in my storm of bad. And has been blessing my life ever since.

"So, what's the silver lining here?"

"From what I know of this world. The people take the power of the beast in order to gain strength. I am only one thousand years old. But my power is merely a fable in this land. I don't know what ability you will gain from me. But I know it will be a blessing all the same."

I was slack-jawed. I had no idea what to say. I wanted my third ring to be another supporter ability. But here I was being offered a spirit ring that could be extremely bad or wildly good for my spirit. But the problem was that the beast was only 1,000 years old. Younger than my first two spirit rings on my great spirit beads.

'Kit. You will never get a chance like this again. Whatever power it may be. With your martial prowess, I know it can become a lethal weapon. And sooner or later, you have to push the limits of the great spirit beads.'

The Little Runt was right. And besides, this would be a good opportunity to test the versatility of my Great Spirit Beads.

"I accept. I want you as my third spirit ring."

"Then snap my neck and claim it," Said the beast.

"eh? you know we can just assimilate without your death, right?"

"What part of I'm from a different world don't you understand? I have enough spirit power to condense a ring, but the tricks that these spirit beasts do are foreign to me. So be quick about it."

In one swift motion, I snapped her neck like a brittle branch. A dark purple ring floated above her, and like everything today. The color of the ring was odd. Dragging the body away. I found a small cave to claim the spirit ring in peace.

It was extremely easy. Too easy, to be honest. I felt my spirit level reach 35 and two abilities appeared on my spirit beads. A Kanji appeared on each bead for Space, Time, Strength, Endurance, Speed, and Stamina.


3rd POV

"How is she doing?" Tenko asked Ahri

"She's fine. No worse, no better. I think she may need time. Something is going on in her head."

Tenko pursed his lips, "I know. I noticed it a year ago. She would have moments when she would just space out. Times during sex and when she would fight me for my energy, and I accidentally take more than I need from her, just to make the devil docile again."

Ahri starred at Tenko, but he just focused on the unconscious Kazumi. "Y-you two dual cultivate?"

"In a way, yes. It's more like she's my cauldron though, she has something inside her that I want. But to take it is to kill her."

"Then you should take it. You should take it and put her out of her misery. Or she'll spend the rest of her days in and out of comas. My guess is she has an alter ego fighting for control," Said Ahri.

"Hai. But I love her. And I want her around a while longer." Tenko faced Ahri " Come on, let's go have a chat. I have a few questions."


Tenko and Ahri sat in his cabin. She told him about the Vastaya and extant ability to mold life force, which explained why he could cultivate Ki so quickly.

It was this nearly dead ability that allowed Ahri to take a human. She could use her orb of deception to steal spirit power and life energy to heal herself. Her next ability was Charm. Charm could stun her opponent to burn them with Foxfire or use her spirit rush ability to charge and deliver fast killing blows before her enemies regained their senses.

"So, how exactly did the orb of deception allow you to take human form?" Asked Tenko

Ahri put on a cute innocent smile. "Well, when Aunt Meirong died, I went into a rage and slaughtered a village. I stole everyone's life force. Drunk on power and the memories I received from my victims, I became a bloodthirsty slaughter whore. But a thought popped into my head...

I always wanted to be human. And now, my aunt and first cousin in decades had been killed. I despised them, but the only way to take revenge was to become one. The ritual I told you about. I required Life essence to complete it, and I had a village worth—men, women, children, babes, and elderly. I killed them all and became this" Ahri put her hands up to display her beauty.

"I was younger, of course. But my father appeared and grabbed me by the nape of my neck and carried the helpless infant I was away. The Spirit masters gave chase. But to protect the clan. My father dumped me and faced the spirit masters on his own. When the elders found me, they smelled the power I had and turned me away. They said my powers were old and evil. But I knew they smelled the bloodlust and the effects of the splinter in my mind. I've been alone ever since," she added.

"So, Vastaya aren't spirit beast?"

"No. Besides the cultivation speed and the whole human rebirth at 10,000. We have better spirit control, and we hunt for our rings when we become human while spirit beast can condense their own. And as you know, we don't technically have to wait 10,000 years old to turn human-ish," she replied.

"So you have two spirit rings that you've hunted... what are they?" Tenko asked

"Two, one thousand-year-old pink maidens. The Pink Queen always wanted the Pit Demon Spiders territory. So the war was inevitable." She smirked, and two purple rings appeared beneath her.

"Spirit abilities?"

"Don't know and don't care. I have my own abilities."

"That won't do. You can leave but, if you stay, you need to achieve your full potential. That includes the abilities of the pink maidens." Said Tenko

"Fine," she sighed. "My first ability is, Lance, my nine tails become deadly and act like scorpion tails."

Ahri's tails became sharp and stabbed into the cabin floor and the wall on the other side of the cabin. Tenko smiled as he scribbled in his book.

Ahri rolled her eyes, "You look like your father when you do that. He always scribbled in his book with an idiotic smile. I used to watch him and Aunt Meirong walk through Star Duo sometimes."

Tenko paused and raised an eyebrow "hmm," he sounded and continued to write, but his smile was less bright.

Ahri kicked herself in her head, but Tenko acted as if nothing had happened. "The second ability?" he asked


"Well," Ahri blushed, " Surging Yang exciting mist... The pink maiden was a prime candidate to become a pink queen. Do you know how they power up and evolve?"

"Immortal herbs and devouring other spirit beasts," he answered with confidence.

Ahri giggled. " Sex, they dual cultivate with other spider beasts. Their poison, as you might know, excites the target. But pink maidens with the strongest exciting effects gain the most power. The one I killed could stir the yang energy in men. Those who resisted burned from the inside—those who gave in nourished her yin essence. But Surging Yang Exciting Mist triples Yang potency and doubles the Yin. The Yang of a manwhore would produce yang energy at the quality of virgin boys. And in deadly situations, she could turn up the heat and make her enemies crazed, causing orgies in a 10-meter radius that's if their hearts didn't explode first," Ahri explained

"So you can--"

"I can. And it can be extremely beneficial for us both. After all, there is a raging sensation telling me I can't find anyone better than you to nourish my essence. "

Tenko smiled as the vixen seductively approached him. Ahri hiked up her already short skirt and straddle him.

" Don't you know vixens are born to be fucked by the male kin," she whispered. "It's why Aunt Meirong was shunned. But I didn't care. I knew when you devoured your siblings that I had saved myself just for you. Now, look at us. My little cousins a top dog, and I'm his beta" Ahri began to grind her moistening cunt against his thigh.

Tenko smiled, turned to a smirk, and his hand shot out to clutch her throat. His eyes turned red with golden slit, and claws grew long. Tenko growled, and Ahri struggled to break free. She grabbed onto his arm to take the pressure off her neck. Tenko had her hoisted into the air as he stared at her.

Ahri could hear a low growl. Tenko was reacting on instinct, but she had seen their grandfather act like this before. She whimpered and pleaded. She knew she was wrong.

"You are nothing to me. If you wanted to play. That would have been fine. But for me to nourish you? And I get what? A stray vixen at level 27. You bring me nothing. And if I was ever to grace you with my cock it wouldn't boost me a level. Do you know how a pack works, Ahri?"

Tears swelled in her eyes as she nodded. "Then how about you reach level 30. Train a bit and become strong. and prove that your worth more than a cunt to fuck and maybe, you can become a rung by next year." Said Tenko

Ahri hit the floor, and she rubbed her now bruised neck. Her golden yellow eyes became dim, and the golden fox slits in Tenko's eyes shined brighter.

'She's your Omega now, Kit. If your mother was alive. she would have made Ahri your wife. It's probably why she took care of the rung all those years ago. Vastaya women like to groom their nieces and or younger sisters to become brides for their litter's strongest son. It's how they keep the family strong. Do well to treat her right and make her strong. For Han Mei, at least."

'I hear you, Runt. But she's wild. It's not bad, but if anyone controls her, it will be me.'

The runt smiled, and Tenko's eyes reverted to normal.

"Y-you didn't. I am no one's bitch!" Ahri's eyes became crazed and bugged

"Well, you're mine now. Something in you submitted."

"You shouldn't even know how to do that! You're an orphan! A stray!"

Pah! Ahri's head jerked to the left as Tenko smacked her faster than she could react.

"Regardless, as you said, I'm top dog. Now, watch your mouth." Tenko gently caressed her face. And pulled her into a hug.

Ahri became nervous. She was being toyed with. For the first time, she was someone else's plaything. But her mind shook as the situation felt so familiar. 'Aunt Meirong...' She thought.

Flashes of Han Mei's Shinning Golden eyes and the feeling of her sadistic nature came back to her. The image of Yu Xiaogang being toyed with by Han Mei floods her head. "You're just like her... I'm sorry, Tenko. I just got excited." Ahri spoke in a soft voice.

"Shhh. It's okay. Vastaya women groom brides for their strongest son. Did my mother do the same for me?" he asked.

He could feel Ahri nod on his chest. "Yes, I was the youngest niece. And she had no younger sisters. But when she decided to become a human. I assumed the arrangement was over until you ate your siblings. We assumed you would be born a fox. But we were wrong. And even then, I find myself in front of you. Living the life I was born for."

"Then you will be my wife. But you still have to become stronger, and if you don't, you'll be treated like most omegas. If you say I'm just like her, then I know my mother wouldn't object. Would she?"

"N-no. She wouldn't." Ahri replied. Tenko gently pets her ears, and she nestled closer to his chest.

'Hmm, that evil-eyed bastard will be the one sent away this time. And Tenko will be the one to do it.' The Runt loudly cackled, then laid his head down to sleep


The next morning. Ahri was dragged out of bed. She and Tenko started her training bright and early. Because the fox is naturally sneaky and built for an assassination style. Tenko began teaching her the Ansatsuken set. But not before he broke her body and built it back. The same way Kazumi taught him and Tang Hao refined him.

When the Ansatsuken training was finished, he trained her abilities to the max. Pushing her limits in order to intensify them and prolong their duration. Her spirit ring abilities, Lance and Surging Yang Exciting Mist were trained on spirit masters in the forest. And finally, her life force was being trained to aid her in more ways than just healing her body. The orb of deception was used actively to deal damage. Her new ability, called Vastayan Grace, was created to enhance her physical attributes and combat prowess by applying life energy to her entire body.

They trained hard for three months, but they also got to know each other. They learned of each other's childhood, between the Runt and Ahri. Tenko learned a lot about the Vastayan culture and how Top dogs behave.

In the third month, Ahri had made visible progress, and her fighting style had become more dynamic compared to what it used to be. She had better control over herself when stealing life force. She was still battle crazed and craved blood. But she was more lucid without the effects of her victims' memories. But without the memories effects. Ahri became more callous and killed in the most horrid ways.

Tenko was sitting in the lotus position, training his ki. He had been extremely close to breaking through the core of Akuma's prayer beads. His ki was no a dense and pure golden color. But it still lacked the luster of the fully mastered Gift of the sage Ki. The training benefits did wonders for his Ki techniques in the Mishima style and the Ansatsuken set. But, none of that mattered more than Tenko getting closer than snatch a few leaves from that damn Bodhi Tree.

'When my training is complete, I will take your leaves and accept all other challenges just to satisfy my urge to rip you from the fucking ground!'

Sweat drenched his body, and his face was contorted as he put all his effort into his Ki training.

Akuma's prayer beads hummed and trembled as if fought back against Tenko in order to temper his Ki. He had been stuck at this bottleneck for three months, much to the Little Runt's amusement. Suddenly, the soft sound of hurried light footsteps moved towards him, and he released his Ki and lept to the lakeshore.

"Is she awake?" he asked.

Ahri came to a sliding halt with a bright smile that quickly died out, "No, Kazumi is still sleeping. But she grew horns while you were away. but nothing besides that."

"Ahh," Tenko nodded " Then why are you here. I thought you were cultivating by the--"

"I've reached level 30." she squealed. "I'm ready. I want the Pink Queen."