Ahri and Tenko strolled through the forest in silence. No timetable, no rush. The goal is to find a Pink Queen. However, Pink Maidens are easier to find, between strays and cyclone of scorpions. Pink Queens behave like queen ants. They sit back and control their cyclone from a distance.
Tenko thought about ways to draw it out, but every plan had a long and bloody process.
"Found a carcass."
"Can you pick up a scent?" Asked Tenko
Ahri sniffed around. "It's faint," She said. "But I can make it work. What's the plan?"
"The Pink Maidens are connected to the Pink Queen. Cyclones around one hundred or so. If we do it right, it can be a slaughter. Enough blood to draw it out. Or at the very least. The Pink Maidens get recalled and lead us straight to it."
"Then let's make it happen." Ahri shot off, following the scent of prey. Tenko followed close behind.
"After this...We... We should leave." Ahri spoke mid-stride.
Tenko frowned, "I can't. Especially with Kazumi in her condition. I'm working on the way to wake her up. But it won't happen if we leave now."
" We need opponents, Tenko. To grow and temper ourselves. And I doubt we'll find anyone of Vastayan blood. You also need allies if we want to take down Spirit Hall for Aunt Meirong. We need monsters; the fiercest demons the world has to offer. And that won't happen if never get out of this forest."
Tenko wasn't an Idiot. He understood the difference between what he needed and what he wanted. "After you get this spirit ring, we'll talk. "
"A lot is supposed to happen after I get this Spirit ring. I'll hold you to it" Ahri grinned.
Tenko's eyes flashed demonic red with golden fox slits. Ahri quickly bounced away. The two stopped and stared at each other for a moment. " I'll keep my word, love. You just make me proud."
Tenko's eyes softened, and Ahri picked up a stronger scent for the pink maidens.
'She's right, Kit. I've been telling you for months. It's a cold world. Finish what Kazumi started and move on. You've got what you needed from this place. Cut the cord, Kit."
Tenko didn't reply to the Runt. He looked at Ahri and said, "One month. One month and we go."
Tenko and Ahri soon found a small group of Pink Maidens. Like they had trained, Ahri lead with charm, and Tenko blessed her with strength.
Activating her first ability, Arhi used five tails to skewer the pink maidens. They wailed and screeched in agony.
"Hold them there. Let them call for help," Said Tenko.
A pink mist rolled in, and the ground trembled a few moments later. "Tenko..." said Ahri
"I got it. " The space Kanji on his great spirit beads shined. Tenko flexed his hand and pushed out. The pink mist was pushed back and put in small domes.
"10 seconds! I bless you with speed!" he shouted, and the kanji for speed appeared on Ahri's chest.
A cyclone of pink maidens rolled in. "Orb of deception!" Three successive blue orbs fired of blowing the first line away.
Ahri activated her spirit rush and weaponized her tails to maim the beasts severely. Legs were destroyed, and a hole punched into the body of the pink maiden. Her claws shredded beast in between rushes.
"Switch!" Ahri shouted. Tenko flipped over her, and the nature of his ki transformed into black and gold lightning. "Mishima Style: Lightning Wind God Fist!"
Boom! the moment his fist hit the ground, a tidal wave of black and gold lightning exploded, blowing the pink maidens back with lightning ransacking the inside of their bodies.
Spirit power coated Ahri's hands, and she rushed to begin her slaughter. Tenko moved liked a seasoned warrior as he took part in the slaughter. The battlefield resounded with the sound of killing strikes and the whimpers of barely living pink maidens.
When the mist was released from the spatial domes, Ahri and Tenko's blood lust kicked into a new gear. They soon became mad when Tenko began to cultivate the Satsu no Hado actively. It was Ahri's first experience with the evil energy. It made her hairs stand up. The dark red energy turned Tenko's body a shade bronzer.
Ahri felt fear, euphoria, and an increase in her lust for battle. But most of all, she felt a sense of awe and wryness towards Tenko's power. Besides enhancing Ahri's abilities, Tenko used nothing but Ki.
"Ahri. Focus!" Tenko's voice was deep and demonic.
Ahri looked to the left and saw a 2.5 meter tall Pink Queen. Its shape is similar to that of a scorpion's. Its body appears to be pink and translucent, its profile dazzling. A fine layer of scales covers its entire body. On its head, six tiny eyes that are dark red in color are present.
Ahri's eyes glowed yellow gold, and she left to fight the Pink Queen.
Tenko looked around at the Pink maidens and smirked. "You don't want this smoke," he said before vanishing and appearing in the air. His ki spewed out and concentrated between his palms in streams, forming a large golden orb. "Shinku Hadoken!"
A great ki blast fired and leveled the battlefield. Tenko lands on the ground and fell to his knees, panting. He looks in the distance as Ahri held her own against the pink queen. But it was older than Tenko expected. It was 3000 years on, and its speed was ridiculous.
Ahri and the Pink Queen went hand in hand as they battle. Tenko watched as Ahri blended her created and spirit ring abilities with her new fighting style.
'I expected her to do worse in a head to head match.'
'Why is that runt?'
'The ansatsuken is literally an assassination technique besides using spirit masters and beasts as guinea pigs to help her control her powers. Every kill has been an assassination, and you never targeted anyone stronger than a spirit ancestor. Now that she's fighting an opponent that her mist or charm can't limit. I figured she would struggle.'
'Haha, you think too much Runt, and her opponent is a beast. I doubt she could hold up against a human right now. Remember the last time?'
'I remember. Just make sure you put some more miles on her before we leave.' Said the Runt.
Woosh! the forest lit up with blue foxfire fueled by a constant flow of life force from the Pink Queen. Ahri was currently standing on the pink queen with her nine tails stabbed into its head. Her tails drained the life from the beast. But, Ahri's sadist nature couldn't help but torture the thing before it passed on. She laughs joyously as her foxfire cooked the pink queen alive.
Tenko felt the killing intent and rage from the pink queen. 'hmm, I wonder...' he thought to himself.
"Hey! when you're finished with your fun. Absorb the ring. I'll guard the area."
"Thank you, Tenko!" she cooed.
Tenko smiled and shook his head. "Word of advice you should replenish your spirit power. The beast is one mad bitch. She won't go easy," he told her.
Ahri put on a curious face and looked at the dying pink queen. She felt the rage and killing intent from the beast but wondered if it was all just for show.
"Well, he's in charge for a reason," she muttered and made a quick decision to siphon the last bout of life energy in the pink queen causing the flames to die down.
'she's prioritizing survival and put her cruel whims to the side. That's progress, Kit."
'Ehh. All I care about is the pressure of my words in her head. I say jump, she jumps. She does 'A' even though she wants 'B', simply because I suggested the former. '
'Haha I guess, Kit'
Sometime later, as Ahri battles the spirit of the pink queen. Tenko stood in the tree and closely watched a group of students in orange and black uniforms, surrounded by a pride of Flame lions led by a 1600-year-old Flame Lion King. From a distance, Tenko could see that their instructor was injured and was being protected by a female and male student. In mid-air, two females who looked to be twins mounted their counter-attack.
With flaming kicks, they dispatched to lions and moved back to protect their instructor. The Flame lion pride crouched lower and prepared to pounce. And though there were only three left. The group was very tired and the Flame Lion King had yet to strike.
' Two of them are at the thirtieth rank while the twins aren't far behind.' Tenko assessed.
He also noticed that the team was very calm. He assumed that they had no idea of the lurking Flame Lion King. When the lions finally pounced. A girl with long, wavey, flaming red hair stepped forward and utterly destroyed her opponent. The two twins moved like the wind snapped the necks of two lions.
But they suddenly felt a burst of spirit power behind them, causing them to fall forward. The Flame Lion King was falling onto their position and their instructor had used all the energy that he had to launch himself in the air with one attack intended to save everyone except himself.
"Ashura Senku…" Tenko's body phased like a phantom and appeared between the instructor and Spirits Beast. Coating his body in dense golden Ki. Tenko used a crane style grappling technique from the ansatsuken set. With a burst of Ki, he redirects the flame lion king and then the mad instructor into different directions. The instructor landed into a tree and the flame lion king landed on its feet as cats do.
Golden Ki radiated from Tenko's body. The group of students looked at him with wide-eyed awe. Tenko recalled his Ki and took a fighting stance. The spirit beast growled and lowered itself to a crouching position. Tenko took the opportunity to use Ashura Senku and appear in front of the beast catching it off guard.
"Shun Goku Satsu…" He grunted as the first kick sent the spirit beast into the air. Tenko appeared in the air by the frightened spirit beast and delivered a vicious series of fast attacks locking the Flame Lion King in his combo.
On the ground, the young team watched as a burst of golden ki lit the darkening sky as every one of Tenko's blows connected with the spirit beast. Tenko drew back his final palm as he stared into the eyes of the flame lion king. His will to live was broken and all that remained was anger and resentment.
"Hidden weapons are a way of battle. It's the warrior's job to stay vigilant of such attacks. But to attack the weak after the battle is over from behind a bush is disgraceful." Tenko landed his last palm attack and sent the beast into the ground below. The earth cracked beneath it, splintering outward like spider webs.
'Haha, says the Assassin. What was the point in taunting that poor beast?'
'Something in my father's book. A theory he was too weak to research on his own. So the entries are minuscule. I figured I ought to try myself and record my findings later' Tenko replied while looking over the defeated spirit beast.
'Ahh, so it's the same reason you chart every spirit beast you meet or kill, the immortal herbs, and cultivation techniques that you find beneficial to a spirit master. You know when you meet him, he'll be--'
"1600-year-old Flame Lion King. His breath is faint, but you can kill it now and claim the spirit ring." Tenko spoke to the whole group in order to stop the runt from sharing his unneeded wisdom. Each of the students had fire natured spirits. But he wanted to see --
In a red blur, the girl with fire hair put a dagger through the Flame Lion King's skull. Tenko smiled as he watched the girl claim the Spirit ring.
' Careful Kit, I know it's been a while since you got your fix. But even I know you've matured far faster than others. And that --girl... or any other girl your age is no Kazumi. She isn't sturdy enough, yet. So, be mindful'
Tenko chuckled to himself and thought nothing of the Runt's random stutter. 'I need a team, Runt. You and Ahri say we need to leave and build my alliances. Well, they obviously belong to a school, and the redhead has potential and the battle sense we need. Besides, they can all be working for Spirit Hall, and I might have to kill them. But I'm just assessing. Nothing more.' he replied
Tenko walked over to the unconscious instructor and the cute twins "Are you all okay?"
"T-thank you. I don't know if my brother would have survived that collision" Said the blonde-haired teen.
"The spirit beast was a coward. No one deserves death at the hands of a coward." Tenko replied, "So, What will you all do now?"
One of the blue-haired twins spoke up with a soft voice. "We have to go back. We have no Instructor to help us find suitable rings. It leaves us vulnerable to more attacks."
Tenko smiled. "But none of you have rings yet, and I've read all of Yu Xiaogang's books. I'm sure I can help you all find suitable rings."
"No. We will take the rings from the flame lions and head back." The blonde replied.
"But that harms the girls. They need something swift and agile, I'm guessing that they have some type of firebird spirit. They could even work to intensify their small flames to make their quick attacks more deadly" Tenko replied, but the blonde was hearing none of it.
It was the twins that replied a little embarrassed, "Uhhh. W-we're not girls, sir"
Tenko raised an eyebrow "Of course you are. Look at those pretty feminine faces. Long silky hair and elegant hands. If you two aren't girls. My name's not Akio '' Tenko discreetly sniffed the air as he turned back to the blonde while the twins turned beet red and stayed silent. 'They aren't girls, well I'll be damned. Who knew guys could be so cute' he thought.
"You! I suggest you go back home rather than getting trash spirit rings," he told the blonde teen. 'This guy is a brute.'
'I assume he's a 'no.'' said the Runt.
'Hai' replied Tenko
"He's right, Wushang. We should just go back. The flame lions aren't good. But, if we go back now, Mother will only punish us for getting Huo Wutong injured. A good spirit ring could curve her anger." And alluring feminine voice cut through the night.
"Xiao Wu" Wushang looked at his sister with worried eyes. He knew her words were right, but he worried about her safety.
The redhead girl walked to Tenko and held out her hand. Tenko smiled and grabbed it, "Thank you for saving my brother, Sir. And thank you for the Spirit ring."
"No problem. And my name is Akio," he replied
The girl smiled and introduced herself and the others, " My name is Huo Wu. 15 years old, Spirit Elder… That's my brother Huo Wushang, and the twins Huo Yu and Huo Yun. And my older brother and instructor Huo Wutong"
Tenko smiled and played nice. But he really didn't have much time to talk to her since she started arguing with her brother. While the group was trying to make a decision. Tenko spotted a red shine near the flame of the Lion king's body. When he teleported there he picked up a fire orangish-red arm bone.
'I'll be damned, the entry was right. It's a spirit bone.' he thought.
"Akio! " Huo Wu shouted, and he put the bone in his Gi before he turned around.
"Hai!" he said instinctively.
Huo Wu gave him a weird look and asked if he could help them out of the forest. They had decided to leave much to Huo Wu's displeasure.
"If you don't mind waiting, My--" Tenko stopped as his sense picked up the smell of the Surging Yang Exciting Mist. Though, its intensity had doubled. He looked in the direction Ahri was absorbing her spirit ring. Pushing off the ground. He vanished just as the thick pink mist rolled in and surrounded the students.
Tenko appeared next to Ahri. She was standing tall with long crimson nails, Her breast became bustier and spilled from her top, her ass plumper rendering her skirt useless, her lips were fuller, and eyes gleamed with a seductive allure. Upon her head was a pink crown with seven spikes.
"Do you want to fuck me now, Cousin?" She asked in an enchanting voice.
Tenko smirked and looked at the mist avoiding him, "You can control the mist and the range has increased. And what do you call this ability?"
"Lustful Queen Embodiment. It enhances my physical attributes by fifty percent. My nails emit the same effect as my mist. My eyes have a constant charm effect. My lips produce a toxin that sensitizes the body. I also have better control and increased intensity of my other abilities. And look at this" Ahri's tails became hard as she activated her lance ability. "Look at the tips," she sang in her sweet voice.
Tenko squinted and saw drops of clear liquid. "Paralytic toxin," she said
Tenko smiled. "This is really good. And the spirit bone that's acting as your crown?"
"The Pink Queen's Diadem. It increases wisdom and brain activity and immunity to manipulation," She replied.
Tenko held out his arms and Ahri dived into his chest. "I'm proud of you. You did an amazing thing today. "
"I couldn't have done it without you," she replied softly. Tenko noticed the ensnaring lure of her voice was gone. Ahri had taken on her normal form.
" Please, this is all you, gorgeous. I just showed you a new way. Your hard work did this for you." Tenko placed a lingering kiss on her forehead.
"And yes, my little vixen. Now I want to fuck you." he pulled back lifted her head by her chin. Tenko ran the back of his hand along her face. " I couldn't have wished for a better woman."
Tenko leaned forward, pressed his lips against Ahri's. He reveled in the sweetness of her soft, delicate lips. Ahri melted in his embrace in part her lips, inviting his tongue to wrestle with hers. Docile and pliable, her tongue like her body crumbled under his urges and craved for more.
Boom! An explosion sounded. Tenko finished the kiss with ease and looked towards the explosion and back at Ahri with a smile. "This is your doing. Do you smell it? Hell, I know you can hear it"
A rapid squelching sound filled Ahri's ears, accompanied by the sound of lustful moans and whimpers. She smiled and Tenko took her by the waist and vanished. Ahri loved the scene on display. Blue haired twins naked in the dark forest as one thrust his hard cock into the other. They moaned like bitches in heat and fucked like rabbits.
"My God, look at them Tenko. So feminine, he craves boypussy and the other pines to be filled with cock. I've never seen anything like it." Ahri gasped, and her pussy dampened her panties.
" They both crave cock, Cousin. Can't you see, two omegas in the heat? Even his thrust is weak and unskilled. His asshole is clean and puckered. Taking dick is their occupation." Tenko corrected her.
Ahri giggled at Tenko's accurate assessment. "Ahhh!" the Twins cried out in unison as Huo Yu had given Huo Yun one last hard thrust, causing his twin's cock to twitch and his balls to hike up as he shoots ropes of cum on to the forest floor. Huo Yu looked towards the sky in orgasmic bliss as Huo Yun's tight hot ass milked his cock of jizz with every anal spasm.
"That was.."
"Beautiful" Tenko finished her sentence. He then looked to the scorched body of Huo Wushang.
"My mist didn't do that," Ahri said looked stunned.
"Huo Wu did," Tenko spoke as he watched Huo Wu roll on the ground in pain.
"T-tenko… She has--"
"I know…" Tenko looked at Huo extremely confused. Ahri was flabbergasted.
'Hmm, I knew 'she' smelled off. There's something odd about this Huo Wu, Kit.' Said the Runt.
"Stop the effects of your mist and well take them back to the cabins," Said Tenko.
"If they're a threat we'll kill them. And leave their bodies for the animals. Exciting mist or not Huo Wu smells of nothing but hate for Huo Wushang."
Ahri nodded and scratched everyone with nails to draw out the poison mist. They immediately fell unconscious as their bodies rested to recover from the pain of the surging Yang within them.