

The group was now facing a much more significant threat... three monstrous beasts that crawl the ground... These slender serpents slithered silently, their scaly skin shimmering in the sunlight as their tongues occasionally flicked out to taste the fear in the air. Dark greenish scaled skin, menacing yellow eyes, four large fangs, and 15 meter long bodies...

The three monsters were the mutated reticulated pythons.Even before the mutation, these types of pythons were considered the third largest snake in the world.The reticulated python is among the few snakes that prey on humans. Attacks on humans are not frequent, but this species had been responsible for several reported human fatalities, in both the wild and captivity.

Even a harmless cat could turn dangerous by the mutation; These were three dangerous pythons that evolved into second stage animals... All three looked outraged; it seems the explosion really rattled their cage...

The slimy bodies started smashing everything within their path... the trees, the gates, the abandoned cars, even a mutated monkey near it...


One smash from the tail and a huge mutated monkey was crushed on the ground... blood splattered everywhere.

The scene shocked the whole group. There was a significant jump in power between the first stage and second stage mutated monsters... the pythons advanced...

The group now had to face these three monsters and a hundred plus mutated monkeys...

The peak experts still held up, repelling the aggressive monkeys. Alex saw Sergei currently arm-wresting with three of them.. blood spilling all over his body... luckily he had the most robust body among them. If it were anyone else, they would already be laying down in pain.

"Get off!! You Damn monkeys!!"

Sergei smacked down one of the monkeys and crushed its head with the steel knuckle...

The twins were still fighting recklessly and should have been hit or died a long time ago if Aria and the snipers didn't help...The situation with all the other peak expert was about the same... they were all still occupied with the apes, now with the snakes joining the fight, this could turn into a disaster.

Alex quickly calculated the situation; he never planned to attack the snake lair. If he were, he would bring more firepower or would come later when he and the group already evolved to the earth realm.

Alex knew exactly the extent of these snake power; they were at least level 40. His golem could defeat one in a one on one fight and might even hold two at the same time,but Alex knew the lair had more than three snakes... he remembered there were 6 of them and there should also be the mother snake... for Alex, this was pure mathematics...

"Everyone retreat!!!"

There were only 3 APVs left; it won't be enough to fill everyone, Alex thought with some tactics his peak experts might have some chance to outrun these abominations... he worried about the three special forces squads... Alex sent his golem to distract the three snakes, the golem jumped forward and punched down one of the snakes


It was a strong hit.. the snake dropped flat to the ground, the golem continued the attack by grabbing one of the abandoned cars and used it as a weapon to hit the grounded snakes.


The car was destroyed. Too bad Alex didn't have any weapon for the golem.. none of the conventional human weapons would be strong enough to be used by the golem.

The other two snakes passed him... the golem quickly pulled the tail of another snake... but it suddenly resisted and strangled the golem instead...The third snake managed to pass the golem and headed for the group...

Rama was currently focusing all of his inner strength into the tip of his steel spear. Rama's spear shot out, rotating rapidly. This technique would create higher penetration power to the opponent's defense. He was aiming at the snake that was currently strangling the golem.


A direct hit to the snake left eyes, the strangling turned loose, and the golem escaped right away... Aria using the 50 cal cartridges, always aimed at the most important person, this time her target was the snake's right eye...

BANG!!... It hit perfectly.

Now the second snake turned completely blind and ransacked everything around it. Everyone needed to keep their distance and focus on the first snake that just raised itself from the ground.

On the other side, ...BRATATATATATATA

The APV's 12.7mm machine gun bullets were able to hurt the snake, but it wasn't able to pierce it... It only made the third snake mad... These bullets couldn't stop the snake's advance to one of the APVs, Alex quickly took out an RPG grenade launcher and aimed at the approaching snake.



Unfortunately, the snake noticed it and was able to deflect the grenade with its huge tail...


It missed the target. The snakes managed to jump into the APV and strangled the Armored car.Two special forces squads were still inside the vehicles, unable to get out and were crushed inside...


If only the grenade hit, Alex thought... he hated to lose his strongest fighters, but this was the path Alex already chose, the gain always came together with the risk. But still, Alex was outraged... he shot another grenade at the snakes.


This time it was a hit. The grenade blew up near its head... Alex could see snakeskin burning, and blood came out from the point of impact. Alex shot another two more, on the same spot.


Hit both precisely on the same spot, and finally, a hole could be seen near its head... The python slowly losing its energy and finally stop moving completely... one snake down...

Seeing one snake blinded, another dead, and just a few dozen mutated monkey left, Alex thought, this was the chance... Alex told the rest of the squads of the 28 men to fill two APVs and go... there's nothing much they could do anyway.




The vehicles had a capacity of 13 men. Now it's become overloaded, Alex needed them to get away from this location, so when things turned south, he only needed to worry about the peak experts. Two APVs were driving full speed exiting the area, still firing its machine gun when suddenly a huge figure came out of the forest.. crashing with one of the APV...



The Armored Personnel Vehicle, weighing 16.5 tonnes, easily got thrown away, flipping a few times on the ground...The thing that crashed into it was not an ordinary beast.


Seeing another APV full of special forces soldiers destroyed, Alex was in distress. There might be survivors left in those vehicles, but what Alex was afraid of was now in front of him. It's the mutated mother python... It's almost twice the size of the mutated reticulated pythons... It's a high second stage mutated animal…