

The battle in front of the monkey forest had reached its climax. Only 30 minutes passed since the group ran out of the monkey forest. But the battle zone was chaotic.There were all sorts of different bullet casings scattered around. At least tens of thousands of bullets were already fired. The hundreds of grey fur bodies of the monkeys filled most of the street. There were even massive craters that had been created by explosions.

Three out of four APVs were already destroyed. These APVs were Alex's treasures. Half a dozen of these APVs were able to make Alex's army of special forces defend the airport for hours while killing ten thousands of zombies. Looking at these wreckages made him upset.But the death of his special forces hurt him even more.Out of the 30 special soldiers that Alex brought, 2 were confirmed killed. 14 more special soldiers inside the APVs were just crashed by the mother python. Alex hoped that most of them were still alive inside.

Suddenly from the crashed APV, a figure just crawled out of the back.

"Thank God, there are still survivors," Alex thought

These groups of special soldiers already reached the high stage Mortal Realm. Most of these people should have survived the crash... Two more figures could be seen struggling out of the APV...


When the first soldier stood up, a pair of big yellow eyes were already staring at him from just a few meters away. The soldier didn't even have the chance to pick up his weapon...


With its tongue flickering, the monstrous beast swiftly jumped in and gobbled up the poor soldier like a snack. The soldier next to him froze up in shock. While devouring its prey, the yellow eyes were staring at its next victim.

Seeing this, the second and last working APV decided to stop. All the soldiers came out of the vehicles and shot at the beast. AK-47 assault rifles with 7.62 bullets, AWP snipers with .308 bullets and even the large-caliber APV heavy machine gun bullets that could even tear through an armored vehicle bombarded the body of the monstrous python, making sparks fly off as the shots were repelled. The bullets had no way of even leaving a mark on this green scaled beast.

"Damn! None of those bullets would work." Upon seeing this scene, Alex couldn't help but swear.

The snake had an extremely abnormal defense. Alex thought that even his twin gun autocannon 20mm cartridges could only hurt it.

The rain of bullets didn't hurt the beast at all; the snake wasn't even bothered by it. After it finished swallowing the first soldier, it took the time and slowly moved to the second unfortunate soldier.


"Sssssssss..." Gulp

There were still a few moving soldiers inside the APV, but the snake decided to move towards the 14 fresh new targets that were currently firing at her.

Alex really couldn't let that happen, Alex shot the grenade launcher at the huge python.


Just as he thought, it didn't even leave a mark, but at least Alex got her attention. Alex screamed:


"Everyone watch out!!!"

Alex shot his last few grenade launcher bullets at the two smaller mutated snakes.


A grenade launcher shot slow. Any type two beast should be able to dodge it. The previous snake that Alex killed was taken by surprise. The first snake was able to avoid and deflect the grenade...But the second snake was already blinded. It took a direct hit from the grenade... It slowly lost its energy and stopped moving...

The mother python was furious seeing this scene and quickly forgot about the special soldiers and decided to come after Alex. This was a high-level stage two beast, Alex won't stand a chance facing the monster directly and not by himself.He called the golem and both ran into the forest. Alex could only trust his men to handle the last mutated snake and dozens of monkeys by themselves. The snakes moved faster than him; Alex used the breathing and movement techniques to run as fast as he could. The snakes' big bodies were slightly slowed down by the forest trees. Hopping and running around in the trees, Alex was nervously checking his surroundings. He was worried about the other snake's ambush.

Seeing Alex run inside the forest chased by the big snake, Aria got worried sickly, but she knew the only reason Alex left was for the safety of this team. That meant the only way to help Alex was to finish this last mutated python and the rest of the monkeys.

As a sniper, she had a better understanding of the situation; she ordered the rest of the soldier and the APV to kill the remaining monkeys first before helping the other soldiers.Theo and Cindy will also follow the soldiers with the cleanup job.

The rest of them were struggling to fight the last snake. This was stage two beast, without the golem's help, the difficulty increased so many levels. Jerry was in charge of distracting by his high speed, only Jerry could dodge and compete with its speed. But Jerry's knife really was not useful in this situation.

Rama and his four spear masters jumped in together charging at the beast, but even the full steel spears with full power were unable to pierce its body... A simple sway from its huge tail and two spearmen got hit, they blocked with their spears but were still thrown away a dozen meters... unconscious... Without the shield, the hit could turn fatal.

Another swing, Darius jumped on top of the snake and used his full power to stab its head... but..

CLANK!! The sword broke... he was really upset, that was his third sword today. Darius also got thrown away by the snake.

It was now the twins' turn... They were currently holding an AK-47 each, the bullets proved to be able to hurt this snake... But the snake turned furious and charged at them... A strong blow tail swing was heading to Oscar; everyone could tell if he got direct hit, he would be instantly killed...

"Noooo!! Oscar dodge!", Oliver shouted.

In no time Oscar's face turned white, he really believed it's his end... But suddenly Sergei jumped in front of him and took the hit for him...


It was not just a smashing sound, the group could hear a cracking sound, at least a dozen of Sergei's bones were broken... Sergei has the strongest body; muscles and bones, but even he turned critical with one hit... Oscar jumped up to Sergei and carried his body away... The tail swing now turned to Oliver, but before it, Rama finally found an opening and used his full powered special move... a spiraled steel thurst to one of the yellow eyes.


The snake screamed in pain and suddenly rampaged everything around it... Rama didn't get a chance to dodge... The tail swung at him... Rama blocked with his full metal spear and the spear broke... After the tail attack, the snake continued with a bite... Mutated Python poisonous fang bites. Direct to his shoulder, the fang felt like a huge saber stabbing into his body... His two friends quickly did multiple thrusts at the snakehead, and it suddenly let Rama go.

Another powerful expert was heavily injured. Rama might not survive the day... The python, although it had multiple scars and wounds, was still slithering energetically.It's now facing back to Oliver... The big yellow eyes created a terror in his heart... He suddenly lost the ability to move...



But suddenly Oliver saw a figure moving really fast and currently standing on top of the snakehead...

Aria moved toward the eye that got hit by Rama spear and quickly stabbed her AWP sniper rifle inside. This was the sniper rifle that was already upgraded with the big .50 cal bullets...


All six bullets poured into the snake's brain from its eye. The high caliber bullets managed to blow its brain. The snake dropped flat to the ground... dead.

Aria was standing still on top of the dead snakehead. This created a deep impression on the twins and everyone else. The situation here finally under control. Aria was staring into the forest anxiously.