

The battle in front of the monkey forest was already settled. There were a dozen or so mutated monkeys fleeing back into the forest. Aria ordered the group not to chase. With Alex inside the forest, Aria was now in charge. Not because she was one of Alex's earliest recruits, but mainly because of her position as lieutenant in a death squad special forces.

She was an experienced and natural leader. After calculating the situation, she ordered the group to help the injured first. There were eight special forces soldiers who died, two in critical condition, and another dozen injured. The two criticals were Rama and Sergei. Rama was currently unconscious because of the poison. While Sergei, even with many of his bones broken and body full of blood, he kept his usual charm...

"... Why you all so gloomy... " Still laughing although unable to move.

"Just give me some cigarettes and I'll be ready to kick more of those ugly bitches... Urggghh..."

Sergei took a hit from Oscar. The twin also got saved much time by Aria and the group... hopefully from this day on, the twins will be more manageable...

Aria immediately ordered the lastAPV to transport both of them and a few more back to the main base.Aria radioed the main base to prepare the medical bay and also told them to send reinforcement. More troops, trucks and scavengers team. There were 25 men left to stay and create a temporary post. Sooner or later zombies will come to this area because of all the noise.

There were still constant sounds coming from inside the forest..it seemed that Alex and the golem were still fighting the abomination. When everything was set, Aria didn't want to wait for another second. She directly went inside the forest with Jerry. The rest of the group will stay and wait.

After a few hundred meters, Aria and Jerry could see the fight. This Mutated Mother Python almost twice the size of the normal one.One hit of the normal python could bring Sergei into a half living corpse... None will survive a hit from this one. Aria and Jerry didn't want to act recklessly so they stayed and watched from afar.

It seemed the python was still annoyed and chased Alex all the way. Even with his movement techniques and the golem helping, Alex was barely able to dodge the snake's fierce attack.

Suddenly Alex noticed their presence. Alex threw a smoke grenade and quickly jumped away with the golem still holding the snake down.

"Hows the situation down there?" Alex worriedly asked.

Aria gave a quick report.. the condition of Rama and Sergei really upset him... he really needed to quickly settle the situation.

"Can't we just run away?" Jerry asked.

"No, we killed her offspring, she will never let us go. If she went to the main base it would be a disaster."

"Can the golem win?"

"The golem was built for defense, it doesn't really have anything which can kill that monster... when the golem's energy runs out we will be in big trouble... I have tried many things, that skin is just unpenetrable..."

"Do you have any solution?" Aria asked.

"I have one last solution, not sure I can pull it off, but with both of you here the success rate should increase..." Alex took out an item. This was the one item that was currently available in his storage rings with the most deadly impact... it's an explosive vest he took from the terrorist base among the C4.

C4 is a common variety of plastic explosive. It has a texture similar to modeling clay and can be molded into any desired shape. This particular vest had 6 pieces of C4 that were already turned into 6 pipe bomb. The steel pipe's function was containment so that it would cause increased pressure, it would increase the explosion power. The fragmentation of the pipe itself creates potentially lethal shrapnel. Usually, in the event of terrorism, most victims died of the shrapnel rather than the explosion itself. The perfect weapon of terror.

Alex quickly discussed the tactics, they didn't have much time. When the smoke dissipates, the snake will target Alex again. Aria felt something was amiss with his strategy... but before she got to say anything, Alex had quickly advanced forward... Aria saw a glance of Alex smiling before he left... she felt anxious...

When the smoke dissipated,Alex hid behind a tree. The python, while still fighting, went looking for Alex... Jerry jumped closer to the monster, but instead of attacking it, Jerry used his full power to cut the surrounding trees...


The fallen trees somehow managed to trap and limit the snake's movement... The mutated monster was pretty smart, it felt danger and decided to move out from the tree encirclement... but the golem suddenly grabbed the snake's body tightly... Alex quickly jumped out of the tree and moved closer... this was a very dangerous move, if the snake saw him, one hit would kill him... but just before Alex went into its sight...


Multiple sniper shots from Aria, each hit the snake's eyes. Even .50 cal bullets couldn't pierce the high second stage beast's eyes... but it was enough to bother its sight for a while...

Alex was able to move in closer to the snake... when the snake noticed him, the Golem used its full power to grab the snake's mouth with both hands and opened it wide... Alex stopped right next to its mouth...

At this moment suddenly Aria realized what was amiss... that's a terrorist suicide vest, it's using manual trigger.. unlike the mines, this pipe bomb was using an ordinary detonator, a trigger base safety fuse with a blasting cap. It would only give one second from trigger to explosion...

Aria's mind quickly calculated Alex's chance of leaving the blast unharmed... 6 pipe bombs, 0.56 kilogram of C4 each with shrapnel...the blast radius and his one second to escape...



0% chance


Aria suddenly thought of Alex's smile before he left... her heart suddenly stopped.



"Nooooooo!!!!" Aria shouted.

Alex didn't seem to hear her at all.. she's too late... Alex switched the detonator and threw the vest inside the big mutated snake's mouth... Alex quickly turned around and jumped off... but not even one meter away from the mouth...




Aria saw Alex being eaten by the fiery monster... He got pushed back by the force... body on fire... crashed on multiple trees and fell to the ground...


Aria didn't even check on the mutated snake and quickly jumped onto Alex's body on the ground... She was panicking and quickly kneeled on the ground and saw Alex's body burnt and full of black ash...


No human being could survive that blast...


She saw Alex unmoving and suddenly tears fell...

"No...no...no...why did you do that?"



She didn't realize the body in front of her slightly moved and eyes slowly opened...


"... What are you crying for?"

Aria was startled... she didn't know what to say...

"How... Why... What... What did happened?" Aria asked...

Alex stood up and looked at the snake's lifeless corpse... There's a huge headless body lying in front of him... he felt relieved... Alex then quickly took off his shirt...

"..." Aria shocked

Alex checked on the low-grade armor artifact equipped on his body. This was the item he took from Hans of the Ahnenerbe Organization. Alex took a big bet and he succeeded... It took Alex 20 spirit stones to activate the low-grade armor to its maximum strength. One meter away from an explosion of 6 pipe bombs took 90% of its energy...The armor would need time to recharge again and more stones... Hopefully, this mission would not make him suddenly turn bankrupt, Alex thought...

Aria suddenly realized what happened, and her face turns red...

Luckily Alex didn't notice it, his mind was fully occupied with his prize... He had been thinking this for a while now... There was supposed to be six snake offspring, but even after the mother died, none of the other three come out... there was only one reason that can explain this... The other three had not hatched yet...

Three second-stage snake beast egg.This was very valuable... thinking about the prospects made him smile for a while.. even before killing the mother snake...

Alex and the group quickly moved into the central temple.. following the path leading to a cave. And there it was 500 meters deep inside the cave... it's the python nest...Thousands of human remains and skeletons. This is where all the Ubud city victims were placed. Three yellow colored one-meter tall eggs lying on the center.


This three eggs could really be useful for Alex in the future, unfortunately, because it's an egg that contains life, Alex was unable to put it into the storage rings. The group took the eggs back to the post in front of the forest...

A few hours later, the reinforcements of soldiers and scavengers came. Alex quickly took one of the jeeps to return to the starbase first.He worried about the safety of Rama and Sergei.

It took the group a few hours to scavenge all the 600 plus mutated monkeys' and 4 snake's bodies... The group also collected 460 white spirit stones and 2 yellow spirit stones.

The group packed everything into the trucks, they also took the eight victims' bodies...