Chapter 8: A Talk part 1

As the group left the vibrant chaos of the PvP arcade, Shun turned to his friends with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Hey, guys," he said, a sly smile playing at the corners of his lips, "how about we head over to my place for the night? Since you guys've never been there before, and we deserve a kick-back-and-chill kind of evening, don't you think?"

Excited murmurs of agreement rippled through the two as they made their way through the bustling streets, the fading sunlight casting long shadows across the pavement. The distant silhouette of Shun's parents' mansion began to materialize on the horizon, its grandeur a stark contrast to the neon-lit frenzy they had just left behind.

As they neared the imposing estate, the sleek lines of contemporary architecture merged seamlessly with timeless elegance, creating an edifice that seemed to breathe with the weight of history and whispered secrets. The wrought iron gates, adorned with intricate designs, creaked open as the group approached, as though yielding to some unspoken command, and they found themselves drawn into a realm where opulence was simply the way of life.

The driveway was a serpentine ribbon of cobblestone, weaving through manicured lawns that seemed to glow emerald even under the cloak of evening. Topiaries stood sentry, their shapes whimsical and precise, leading the eye towards the fountain that served as the centerpiece to this verdant tableau. The water danced and sparkled, kissed by the last rays of sun, while the sound of its gentle cascade filled the air with a serene melody.

Tia and Hiroshi followed him through the grand entrance framed by towering columns. They stepped into a foyer where marble met their feet and a crystal chandelier held court above, its myriad of lights casting a warm glow over the vast space.

"Wow, Shun, your place is like something out of a movie," Tia breathed, her voice a soft whisper that barely disturbed the hallowed stillness of the mansion.

A knowing smirk played on Shun's lips. "You should see the game room," he said, leading them past grand archways and beneath the watchful gaze of classical statues.

As they settled into the plush comfort of the den, the room adorned with leather and mahogany, conversation turned to the events at the arcade. Hiroshi reclined on a sofa, his feet propped on an ornate ottoman.

"Man, you should've seen your face, Shun! You were like a warrior poet, dude!" Hiroshi exclaimed, his hands gesturing wildly as he relived the moment.

Tia nodded in agreement, her eyes alight with the fire of memory. "It was incredible. You stood up to them. You made a difference," she said, her voice tinged with respect and something deeper, unspoken.

Shun felt a flush of pride but tempered it with humility. He knew the fight wasn't about glory; it was about standing up for what was right. "I just did what I had to do. We look out for each other," he said, the weight of his words carrying the unbreakable oath of friendship.

As they laughed and recounted tales of the night, the mirth was interrupted by the soft, yet authoritative voice of Shun's mother. "Shun, darling, may I have a word?" Her silhouette was framed by the doorway, her presence commanding yet not without warmth.

"Be right back," Shun said, exchanging a glance with his friends that carried the weight of a thousand words.

He followed his mother into the adjoining conservatory, a lush oasis where moonlight filtered through the glass, casting ethereal patterns upon the foliage. She stood, regal and composed, her countenance reflecting both the strength and grace that had always been her hallmark.

"What's up, Mom?" Shun asked, his posture relaxed yet attentive.

She turned to him, her eyes searching his. "I heard about the arcade."

Shun's jaw dropped in a display of genuine shock, his eyes wide as saucers. For a moment, he was the picture of a child caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar. He had not anticipated that word of the arcade brawl would reach his mother's ears so swiftly.

"Mom, I... I'm sorry you had to hear about that," he stammered, his voice a mixture of surprise and contrition. "It wasn't what I wanted, but I had to do something."

Aiko's expression remained unreadable, the moonlight casting a soft glow on her features, accentuating the calm resolve etched into her visage. She gestured for him to continue, her silence a clear invitation for the truth.

Shun took a deep breath, his posture straightening as he recounted the events. "This guy, Julian, he was... well, he was trying to force Tia to hang out with him. And when she said no, he called his buddies to intimidate us." Shun's fists clenched at the memory, his protective instincts as fierce as they had been in the heat of the moment. "I couldn't let them bully her—or us. So, I dealt with them."

For a moment, Aiko's face softened, the mother in her responding to the fierce protectiveness of her son. "You stood up for your friend," she said, her voice imbued with a hint of pride. "You showed courage, Shun. But please, be mindful of the consequences such actions may bring."

Shun nodded, feeling the gravity of her words. "I understand, Mom. I'll be careful," he promised, his voice steady and sincere.

Aiko regarded him for a moment longer, then her demeanor shifted, as if she was setting aside the role of a concerned parent for something more pressing. "Thank you for telling me, Shun. But there's something else, something more important I need to discuss with you tonight."

Shun's curiosity piqued, his earlier surprise giving way to intrigue. The fact that his mother had another matter to address, and one she deemed more crucial than the altercation at the arcade, meant it was something of considerable significance.

"What is it, Mom?" Shun asked, his tone now laced with a hint of urgency.