Chapter 9: A Talk part 2

Aiko moved closer, reaching out to place a hand on her son's shoulder, her touch both reassuring and filled with intent. "It's about our family, Shun. About your future and the legacy you're destined to inherit. It's time we had a very important conversation, one that will shed light on the path you're meant to walk."

Shun could feel the weight of her words settle upon him like a mantle, the night suddenly filled with the promise of revelations that would reshape his understanding of the world and his place within it. His heart quickened with anticipation, and he knew that whatever his mother was about to reveal, it would change everything.

"I also know about what you went through last night, Shun." Said Aiko before she began to walk towards the laundry room. "What are you talking about Mom ?" asked Shun, while replaying the fight between him and Jason in his head. Aiko turned around slightly and gave him a warm motherly look. She never answered.

Unable to handle the mere seconds of anticipation Shun couldn't hold it in, " mom if this is about that fight, I already apologized to Dad, but he told me it was all ok." he confessed.

" No son, it's not about anything like that. All though I do need to talk to your father because he didn't mention any of that to me last night." Said Aiko raising her right eyebrow ever so slightly, before walking into the laundry room. This gesture caused shun to get a bit of a tight feeling in his stomach. Aiko soon returned moments after to reveal the sheets from Shun's bed. The sheets were still stained with the oozy dark substance. "Son I want to explain what this means for you. " said Aiko with an undeniable sense of duty filling her voice.

Aiko sat with Shun, the soft light of night casting a serene glow across the room. His eyes, still shimmering with the embers of his recent awakening, were about to see the past through a new lens, one that his mother had carefully prepared for him.

"Shun," she spoke with a calm resolve, "the journey you've embarked upon is remarkable, a shift that has marked the lives of our ancestors. But it's time you understood the true nature of our family's history and the lengths we have gone to for your future."

Shun, his heart aflutter with the promise of secrets unveiled, leaned closer, hanging on every word. Aiko breathed in the history of their lineage and began to narrate their tale.

"Your grandfather, Takeshi Kise-Ryu, was a warrior without peer, destined for greatness from his first breath. He rose swiftly through the ranks of our clan, his name becoming a byword for martial excellence."

She allowed a moment for the legend of Takeshi to resonate within Shun.

"In the heat of a ferocious contest against a formidable foe, Takeshi discovered a hidden strength through an awakening—a potent ability to transform and adapt his physique, which granted him victory against overwhelming odds in many battles. These battles earned him respect and resentment from friends and foes alike."

Shun's eyes began to glow with curiosity and admiration.

"The world came to know of Takeshi's insatiable lust for victory, his name echoing with respect and, at times, trepidation. Yet his unrelenting pursuit of challenge cast a shadow of solitude around our clan, as others began to fear the Kise-Ryu's power."

Aiko's voice grew tender as she wove the tale of Takeshi's personal life into the narrative.

"Despite his formidable exterior, Takeshi cherished his family above all. He married a strong female warrior from within our ranks, and they brought forth two daughters— My older sister, your aunt—who would later inherit some of his formidable abilities and his profound affection for the clan, then me the misfit who felt that there was always more to life than power and war."

Aiko watched as Shun pieced together the lineage in his mind, the thought his awakening drawing him closer to these ancient tales.

"Guided by Takeshi's wisdom, our clan prospered. But as he aged, he sought the quietude of solo travel, a respite from the relentless conflict that had defined his existence."

Shun's expression deepened with contemplation, and Aiko knew her words had taken root.

"Amidst his solitude and travels, Takeshi encountered a wandering orphan named Nobushia, a young man with a spirit as restless and potent as his own. Takeshi saw promise in Nobushia and welcomed him into our fold. Then later took full responsibility of the young man. Protecting and training him as though he was his own flesh and blood."

Aiko's voice brimmed with pride as she recounted the connection that blossomed between Nobushia and herself.

"Together, Nobushia and I trained, our spirits in tandem, sharing our dreams and aspirations. In time, we realized that the bond we shared was not merely that of kinship or camaraderie—it was love, pure and undeniable. Your grandfather, wise and discerning, recognized the depth of our connection and the challenges it would face within the strictures of the clan. With a heart both heavy and hopeful, he granted us his blessing to forge our own path beyond the clan's reach."

Aiko observed as Shun absorbed the storyof both relinquishing and embracing—a tale of love that transcended the rigid boundaries of tradition.

"Your father and I, we ventured far from the old continent, using every ounce of our knowledge and connections to carve out a haven for ourselves—one of peace and prosperity."

The room was filled with a sense of quiet triumph as Aiko described how they had laid the foundation for their new life.

"In this foreign land, we were not bound by the legacy of the Kise-Ryu's martial might. Instead, we created a wealthy life, one where our past did not dictate our future, nor the future of our child."

Aiko's eyes met Shun's, imparting the gravity of their choice.

"When you were born, we named you Shun, for the new beginning you represented. You were the first of our line to grow up without the weight of the Kise-Ryu warrior ways upon your shoulders."

Aiko's touch was tender as she reassured her son of their intentions.

"We raised you in this world of abundance and opportunity, ensuring that you would never feel compelled to walk the path of martial arts. We wanted for you what all parents want for their child—to live a life unmarked by the strife and struggle that had so often been our companion."

Shun listened, the revelation of his parents' desires for him dawning like the day's first light.

"And now, Mother, what am I to do with this awakening? What place does it have in the life you've crafted for me?" Shun asked, his voice a blend of curiosity and concern.

Aiko's smile was gentle and reassuring.

"Your awakening my dear son, is not a mandate to return to the old ways. It is a signal of your potential, a testament to the strength and resilience that lies within you. But how you choose to use it, and for what purpose, is yours to decide."

Shun's eyes reflected the understanding of his mother's profound love and the sacrifices made for his normalcy.

"The story of our ancestors—their valor, their hardships, and their enduring love have shaped who we are, but they do not determine who you must become," Aiko continued, her words imbued with a deep sense of conviction. "Your father and I have endeavored to give you not just the legacy of the Kise-Ryu, but also the freedom to forge your own destiny."

Shun sat there, the weight of generations upon him, yet feeling an unexpected lightness. Aiko watched her son, as his thoughts meandered through the vast possibilities that lay ahead.

"You were raised in a world where your choices are your own, Shun. We wanted you to know the warmth of a normal life, to understand the value of peace, to find joy in pursuits beyond the battlefield that once consumed your ancestors," she said, her voice a soothing balm to the complex emotions he must be feeling.

"That's all we've ever wished for, Shun. Remember, the Kise-Ryu spirit is one of endurance and adaptability. You carry that spirit within you as you step into the world, not as a warrior, but as a beacon of the new life we've built—a life of your choosing."

Aiko then reached into a small wooden box beside her and pulled out an old, faded photograph. It was a picture of Takeshi Kise-Ryu a little after his prime, a stark contrast to the life Shun knew. She handed it to him, and he studied it with reverence.

"This is your legacy, but it is not your cage," she told him. "Your grandfather eventually sought peace, and in his way, he found it. Your father and I sought a peaceful life for you, and we have succeeded. Now, you must decide what peace means for you."

Shun looked up from the photograph, his eyes alight with a mixture of excitement and confusion.

" Mom, I've met this man before."