Chapter 10: A Talk part 3

Aiko's eyes widened as Shun revealed his encounter with Takeshi Kise-Ryu. She took a moment to gather her thoughts, her mind racing to make sense of the situation. Finally, she spoke, her voice filled with a mixture of curiosity and worry. "I can't believe he decided to show himself out of nowhere, and like this of all ways."

"Shun, your grandfather, my father," Aiko said, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "He left the old continent a year or two after your birth , without any explanation or contact with us. It has always been a mystery to me why he made that choice."

Shun's eyebrows furrowed as he absorbed this information. The absence of his grandfather had always left a void in his life, a yearning to know more about his family's history and his own identity.

"Why do you think he chose to mask his identity from me Mom? Why did he never reach out to us?" Shun asked, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and longing.

Aiko sighed, her gaze distant as she searched for an answer. "I believe that Takeshi sensed your awakening and wanted to check on you Shun. Something within you, within your awakening, must've been something awesome" she explained, her voice filled with awe and intrigue. "As part of the main family, you have a connection to each being that has experienced an awakening within the Kise-Ryu clan. It is said that the predecessors and clan leaders before you bestow certain gifts, gifts that you would forever cherish if you choose to harness them."

Shun's eyes gleamed with wonder as his mother described to him his potential and opportunity to wield awesome power.

"What's your ability mom? What can you do? Can you show me?" Shun bombarded his mother with a plethora of questions. None of which she could answer before he asked the next one.

No shun, I don't have any abilities. I'm only proficient in martial arts and alchemy. I am the second born out of Takeshi's two children. In other words, I'm not an heir. Only the first born children are able to be awakened. They are recognized as heirs. They are the chosen, who can attain leadership of the clan. They receive the gift of awakening and right of passage. The awakening is random but exclusive only to the first born of all families within the old continent."

" What is the name of the old continent mom?" Asked Shun with wonder.

"What we refer to as the old continent is originally known as the Lotus Valley Domain." It had been so long since Aiko uttered those words, reminded by all of the blood and conflict, but she felt that her personal feelings shouldn't be present while ensuring her son receives much needed information.

"Since you're grandfather's awakening the Kise-Ryu have been the strongest out of the 10 inner families, but the other 9 families, the Shadow Clan, Celestial Family, Thunder Clan, Dragonfly Clan, Ironwood Clan, Mystic family, Butterfly Clan, Phoenixfire Sect, and the Neo Void Clan are all dangerous in their own way. There are more clans within the old continent, but I didn't mention all of them because I felt the main clans are more important right now." Aiko stated with a look of conciseness.

She paused for a second to gather her thoughts before explaining further, "Every being within the Lotus Valley is able to cultivate within the basic 5 levels of mortal evolution. Beyond mortal evolution, there are 6 levels of the awakened soul, which is then superseded by the 4 levels of martial transcendence. At the end of it all, one can become even greater. Very few have ever breached through the bottleneck of the 4th martial transcendent level, in some unprecedented cases there have been beings to reach the level of a martial deity."

"What is a martial deity?" Shun probed.

Aiko thought he would ask that, so she prepared to answer before he finished his question." A martial deity would be considered as a god amongst men in the mortal realm. They are able to do unfathomable acts of power."

With a deepening facial expression, she continued on to the story of their migration to the regular world, or as they say new continent. "Before your father and I left, we had friendly relationships with a few clans. Those allies assisted in our safe departure. However, in the span of 17 years, things can change, especially since my father's disappearance. We cannot assume that his absence did not lead to complications and conflicts among the other families. Especially with the supreme patriarch position on the line. Each family has the chance to claim the position of supreme patriarch of the 10 inner clans, but only through competition."

"What is the competition?" Shun inquired.

"The competition , "Also known as "The Grand lotus" is exclusive to only the first born of any clan or family that has undergone an awakening, which is also a sign of being recognized as a potential patriarch. Not everyone chooses to pursue this role due to the extensive training and resources required. So most settle for a career inside of their home clan so they can make use of their talents. Outside of the 10 main families with awakened children, others lack the connections and knowledge to cultivate their potential for ascension. Only a select few have managed to secure an opportunity to compete for the position."

"Who are the other families exactly, what are they capable of?" asked shun.

"Because if I'm choosing to be a part of this world I want to know the dangers I'll possibly be facing" he said.

Aiko's voice softened from her son's sincerity, drifting through the quiet room like a gentle breeze. Shun's eyes were fixed on her, eager for the wisdom that would unfold from her stories.

"Shun, Our Kise-Ryu clan is like the calm surface of a deep lake. Many things beneath the surface are hidden, and it's this depth that is both respected and despised by the others. Our independence and secrecy of power threatens only those who fear what they don't understand, people seeking to control what they don't have." she began anew, careful to weave her tale with more subtlety.

"The Neo Void Clan, who bend the very fabric of reality, maintain a cordial distance. Our self-contained nature aligns with their understanding of the universe's complexities. They respect the layers of our clan's character, as they too thrive within the enigmatic folds of existence."

"The Ironwood Clan, with their iron-like resolve and skin to match, find a kinship in our disciplined approach to life. They appreciate the resolute stance we take, much like their unwavering bodies, and the shared respect has forged strong, albeit competitive, ties."

"Shadow Clan warriors, who dance with darkness as if it were light, see us as kindred spirits. They know the value of the unseen, and while they maneuver through the tangible absence of light, we navigate the intangible depths of our own tradition. This mutual understanding has kept our alliance as fluid and seamless as the shadows they command."

"The Thunder Clan is renowned for their mastery of thunder arts and they are our closest allies, as we share some of the same values. They played a major role in our migration out of the old country. Many of them that I've had the chance to spar with held certain abilities that I've never experienced before. Most boasting on summoning lightning bolts, creating electric shields, and weapons, all while moving at ,no pun intended, lightning-fast speeds. If we have the opportunity I'd love for you to meet a young clan member of theirs, I'm sure you'd quickly become good friends."

Aiko then shifted, her tone carrying a note of solemnity as she spoke of their more challenging relationships:

"The Dragonfly Clan, who ride the winds and command the skies, have occasionally found themselves at odds with our enigmatic ways. They are creatures of the open air, and our clan's internal focus sometimes feels to them like a gust against their flight. Yet, our shared goals have often risen above these breezes of discontent."

"The Mystic family, wielders of the primal elements, sometimes find our inward nature a riddle wrapped in an enigma. Their elemental magic is bold and expressive, and our more reserved demeanor has led to misunderstandings, like the mist that obscures the clarity of the four elements they honor."

"The Butterfly Clan, with their intricate illusions, can both empathize with and be puzzled by us. They weave visions that captivate the eye, and while they can relate to our layered existence, there are times when they wish our essence would flutter into view as clearly as their own."

Aiko's voice grew somber as she recounted the clans whose animosity had been stirred:

"The Celestial Family, healers and guardians of the Celestial Church, have sometimes felt our internal compass to be a barrier to the so-called "unity" they so cherish. This unity they speak so much about is what my father liked to call hypocrisy. They believe that they are better than the rest and feel that they are more deserving of the patriarch's position, despite never being able to acquire the position through skill and effort. Our tranquil exterior belies the rich world beneath, a world they wish to recreate in their own image. It's a delicate balance that we uphold, which they don't agree with and they've clearly made that known. Like the dance of the stars they draw their energy from we have always let our resolve and pursuit of martial divinity shine bright.

"The Phoenix Fire Sect, with flames that reveal all in their path, has little patience for what they cannot see. Our depth is an enigma they cannot burn away, and their instinct is to challenge the veiled strength they suspect lurks within our blood. Their fiery spirit has clashed with our cool waters, generating steam that can either cloud or cleanse. To put it bluntly they once considered themselves as our rivals, but we've never viewed them as competitors in any form"

Aiko took Shun's hand, her gaze locking with his. "In the fabric of our clan's narrative, Shun, we are both the weaver and the thread. The hero and the villain. Our essence is interlaced with restraint and introspection, qualities that are as vital as they are misunderstood.

Shun's eyes widened with realization, his mind racing to comprehend the weight of his heritage and the potential that lay within him. He had always felt a deep connection to something he couldn't understand , a longing to explore his abilities and fill the void that had been empty for so long.

"So, you think my grandfather left to protect us, to protect me?" Shun asked, his voice clear and humble.

Aiko nodded, her expression filled with concern. "Yes, my son. I believe that Takeshi sensed your awakening could be something that could change the way of the world, and knew that you would need to find your own path. With our decision to raise you in a peaceful world, he feared the other clans would attempt to harm you. He may have left to ensure your safety, to watch over you in secret, and to allow you the freedom to discover your own path, or better to say your true potential."

"His departure after your birth must've been because of the challenges from other clans who would want to challenge him for the patriarch position"

"Well why couldn't he just fight them? He is the strongest isn't he?" shun asked with an unbearable amount of intrigue and curiosity.

Aiko tried to make sense of the situation for Shun. "Your grandfather is a being that has been recognized as the strongest. That hasn't changed and I'm sure of it, but a few years before your father and I set out on our journey together. My father decided to pass on a message stating that all challenges for the patriarch position outside of the Grand Lotus Tournament, should be held between the top awakened from each clan. With my sister falling ill due to a freak accident returning from a beats hunt . My father was unable to decline challenges for years. Until she returned to her prime health. I think after noticing your aunt was able to defend herself and the name of the Kise-Ryu without any of his assistance, he left. In all honesty I think he just became tired in his old age, tired of the constant stress of being engrossed in battle."

Shun's heart swelled with a newfound sense of purpose. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together, and he felt a deep connection to his grandfather, to his family's legacy, and to the old country that had been left behind.

"I want to go to the Lotus Valley, Mom. I want to understand my roots and learn from those who came before me," Shun declared, his voice filled with determination.

Aiko smiled, a mixture of pride and sadness in her eyes. "I knew this day would come, Shun. We will make the journey together, and you will discover the truth of your heritage and the gifts that await you."

As they embraced, mother and son felt a renewed sense of purpose and a shared determination to uncover the secrets of their family's past. With Takeshi's presence already known, Shun knew that his journey to the old continent would be a pivotal step in his awakening, a chance to connect with his ancestors and embrace the legacy that awaited him.