The birth of Smokes

He started to think about the larger light ball that was much larger than him and when it attacked him He was almost turned into smithereens if not for his all fine threads protecting his body.

The large light ball moved around above the so-called sea he believed. Right now also I think that he will never know that the sea he is imagining is actually the surface of the eye of a being.

The ball of light thought hard for a long time. And the crack that formed on its body started to heal itself as time passed on.

Even after thinking for such a long time, he didn't find anything that can make him go against the white light balls in the left eye.

The white ball of light just noticed that all the injuries that it has sustained in the fight between the white ball of light in the right has healed. Looking at his body at a lit top condition just like before he felt incomparably elated.

And there was something new to it that even amazed it. the light that he was made of was a little thicker than before though it was quite faintly recognizable.

This newfound discovery made him joyful so it swayed like how all the little white light balls swayed in front of him before he was about to kill them. When this ball of light feels happy they would sway their body like this.

After swaying its body for some time. It stopped making any movement and started think of a new strategy. Strategy for how to invade the left eye of no and kill the other white lights in there and absorb their power in itself.

The white ball of light thought for a while and then it formed a plan. how he will invade the left eye for the second time.

When it thought of this plan planned to execute it in the end. a faint blackish-purple color formed on its body. Even he didn't recognize that yet.

Then he looked above his head toward the sky where a huge horizontal gap was present in the sky. Though it didn't have eyes to look at it was still able to see things due to the special characteristics of its body. Actually, its whole body is an eye as it can see 360 degrees around it.

That means he focused his vision toward the horizontal fissure in the sky and it started to sway very weirdly like never before. Then it stretched a lot of thin threads made of light from his body and it left shooting toward the gap in the sky. Actually, it's the gap left between No's upper and lower eyelid while he slept.

It took it some time to pass through the crevice of No's right eye.

The white ball of light left the ocean and the sky and it reached toward the mountain in front of it above the sky. It rapidly swayed its body and flew above the mountain top. after reaching the mountain top it looked toward his destination, the other side of the hill where a new act was soon going to unfold.

It jumped from the top of the mountain and fell down toward the left eye like a shooting star as all the little threads of light stretched toward the end, like a tail. Due to its luminous body, it felt truly like a shooting star crossing over space with its bright body.

Very soon it reached the crevice of the left eye through which it will be was able to invade the world inside the left eye for the second time.

With great joy, it traveled through the crevice toward the world of the left eye.

The white ball of light was at the entrance from where if he moved a little it would be the world in the left eye.

But it looked at the world in front of him he was amazed beyond the world. At this time, he looked at the white ball of light that he was supposed to hunt. There such numerous white balls were present there but the problem was that not above the sea but the white balls of lights can be seen beneath the sea.

And the most amazing thing about it is that where the white lights have merged with the ocean beneath them the ocean water wasn't black like before instead, it looked like clear colorless water. It was like all the dark colors present in the ocean water have been absorbed by them and making them look colorless.

If I say colorless it would make the picturesque scenario in front of it look dull.

The white lights below the ocean were still shining like before their shine hasn't diminished even for a bit. The water in the ocean has a little flow in it. Not like the world in the right eye where everywhere is dark and still, no movement and nothing else, and all it can see is dark water who knows why but he is very afraid of the water.

It has never seen anything like this in its entire life.

The white ball of light was amazed by the picturesque scene in front of it, it was hypnotized by the scene in front of him, it remained there without moving a bit and kept on looking at the scene below it.

After some time it was already has stepped into the world of the left eye. It slowly started to move like a puppet or fool who has been completely hypnotized. But in front of it, all the white light that had previously attacked it were present except the biggest one that seems to be missing from their team of defenders of the left eye.

the white ball of light from the left eye kept on staring at the white ball of light from the right eye who was foolishly moving their way. They looked at it for some time then one of them stepped back further away and the others were still standing there like defenders they are.

Actually, the white ball of light that attacked the invading ball of light was vigilant about the attack of such so, they patrolled around the horizontal gap of the left eye.

The other ball of light has already near one of them then it gently crashed into it. Then it realized that it was dazed by the picturesque scenery in front of it then it strode forward without knowing why.

So, after its realization, it came to its senses and get aware of the situation in front of it.

It was already surrounded by the other balls of light but there was still some difference in them. The balls of light that were previously the same as it now looked a lot larger than it.

The ball of light from the right eye can already sense that the balls of light in front of it were the the same ball of light that chased it and one of them who injured it was missing from their team.

It was one of the special characteristics of the light balls that even if they might look alike but they would be able to recognize the opposite side if they had met before or not.

The ball of light from the right was envious of the bill of light on the left eye, who knows how they were able to get bigger in size in such a short amount of time. That was what he was most concerned about. He massacred all of his kind on the right eye and ate them to increase in power but here who knows how they were able to in such sizes still there were so many white balls of light floating around the world of the left eye.

What the ball of light from the right eye thought that just like him all the big lights ball in the left eye also devoured each other to increase in strength and size. But he never thought of any other possibility. Just like someone once said that " a thief always believes everybody steals ".

Upon realizing the beautiful world beneath it, it felt jealous of the little light balls far away from him in the left eye enjoying the beautiful scenery in front of it and enjoying the beautiful scenarios as they sway their body just like him when he was also happy about something he would also sway his body like that he felt incomparably angry on them and what it currently wanted to do was crush them whom it can crush with a single twitch.

The over helming jealousy, anger, lust to possesses this world, was flooding in its luminous body. The other balls of light also saw that a very malevolent cold faint black smoke was being manifested in its body. They also got amazed by these faint black smokes as smokes were something that they had never seen before.

Oh! the ball of light from the right eye also has never seen smokes as smokes were never present in this universe and it was the birth of the first trace of smoke in the universe.