The shapeless, transparent monster from the sea

It started to produce faint black gases from its body.

But after sometime when the faint gases were sensed by the white light balls in the left eye they felt threatened. Due to their hesitation, they didn't attack the white light ball in front of them.

However, the light ball that swayed further from him started to sprint at a high speed toward the invader.

While it realized the while ball of light's hesitation from these black gases. The white ball of light also realized that it was producing some unique black gas from within itself. It felt elated.

At this time the sprinting white has already reached the white ball of light-producing black gas and stuck it. But the impact wasn't that great because of its hesitation when it was about to strike it, it felt a great crisis within it, it never felt something like this before.

After it struck the invader, The invader flew away from it and it was somehow able to stabilize itself. And it realized that even the impact wasn't that hard still there were a lot of cracks in its body because this time its body wasn't protected by the threads of light where it stuck it.

But after it stuck the white ball of light it stood there like there was something happening to it. The black gases that were being produced by the invader have also left few traces of it on the white ball of light that stuck it.

Looking at the situation the other white ball of light was also ready to attack the invader as they also sprinted forward.

But at this time one of the alerted all the white balls of light that were sprinting forward to attack the invader with blinking its body in a certain sequence. All of them stopped at their track and looked at the light ball of light that signaled it to stop. Then it produced another sequence of light being produced from it. Then all of the white balls of light also looked at the white ball of light not far from them staying still without moving a bit.

When all the defenders left their senses on the invader and focused on one of their fellow colleagues. The invader also realized the situation and it also thought of escaping the scene.

But suddenly stopped in there because the white ball of light that stuck the invader which has stooped in its movement there was something happening to it. The traces of faint black gas on its body was now entering the body of the white ball of light and it started to shake violently.

Looking at this situation the invader also stooped in its track in leaving the scene and focused its senses on the white ball of light that stuck it.

All the little traces of black gases slowly entered its body and then all the light that was present on it started to fade away. Finally, all the lights on it have already faded away, and it looked like a big white ball without light. But that was not all of them saw that the point where the black gas has once stuck it now that position has turned yellowish-white.

When the invader saw the scene unfolding in front of it. It felt amazed at the effect of the black gas that it had produced. He felt elated and thought to himself that only he was able to produce the thin tentacles on its body, its body would heal itself and grow tougher than before, and now these black gases were able to kill the other white ball of light on contact and. And by the situation in front of it, it was unintentional that a faint trace of black gas on the other party still able to have such effect what will happen if it itself tries to attack the other white ball of light with these black gases intentionally.

It felt elated and it started to sway its broken body with elation.

While the other ball light felt threatened by these black gases. They one of their colleague that was swaying happily with them a while ago and interested with them has suddenly turned lightless and they weren't able to get any response from it like as they will never get any response from it ever again.

At this time all the defenders were stopped in their way and looked at this invader who was able to kill one of them while being attacked by them and also the tentacles what are those it was able to protect it on its first invasion and now this black gas. This invader has always bought them with great surprises.

With a great elation, the invader looked at the scared white balls of lights that were even larger than it. It started to move toward the defenders very slowly with its broken body, faint white gas was leaking from there and it took out its thin threads of light and few threads of lights were also made black gases. Instead of saying that they were made of light, it is better to say that traces of faint black gases are coming out of these light threads. Looking at the invader they stepped back without knowing.

At this time the clear glistening water below them started to stir itself. The invader also noticed that along with the defenders. And the defenders thought that they were living here and defending this place and in the time of crisis, they thought that they will get help from this sea that they consider it taboo to touch it and they always felt great crisis and respect toward it.

And those the white lights that merged with the sea were considered as the most fortunate by them as they always dreamed about becoming a part of the sea just like everyone else below the seawater.

While the sea was stirring itself all the defenders left a sigh of relief though it cant be seen. Looked at the invader who was scared them to death just now.

As always the invader also felt threatened by the sea below them. Then it thought that the beautiful sea bellow it wanted to kill it that's why it was stirring itself like this. This angered him comparably and it attacked the defenders that just left a sigh of relief with its thin threads of light that were producing these black gases.

Within in few moments, he has already injured almost three to four of them and the other started to frantically sprint away from it.

Just like before the balls of light that got infected by these stopped there and all the light from their body started to fade away and just a lightless white ball hanging above the sea but this time everything happened quite faster than before.

While it was on its killing rampage. the sea below stirred faster than before and after some time water splashed all over the place while a large colorless being came out its lower body was still attached to the sea below them. It didn't have a definite shape it was like a colorless, transparent, shapeless giant.

When the light balls of the left eye saw this they already knew that the help from the sea has already arrived. They looked at the shapeless transparent monster arising from the sea all of them felt happy.

Looking at its target suddenly stopped running away from it. The invader also followed their gaze and looked at this monster, its body shuddered due to fear but then it felt extremely enraged and wanted to strike it with its black gaseous threads.

At this time the shapeless transparent monster stretched a part of its body and formed a tentacle and the transparent tentacle reached the white balls that have lost their light one by one by all the tentacle that stretched out of it one by one. Then one of the tentacles spread out of the transparent monster and it reached toward the enraged white ball of light who was already looking at the transparent monster.

It wanted to attack the transparent monster as it stared at the monster and it collected all its light threads and formed it into a blade then covered it with the black gases completely then it sprinted forward in high speed toward the tentacle that was coming it's way.

Even before it can reach the tentacle. All the black gases on it disappeared and it was left without any reliance. Now only imminent crisis struck it. Looking at the approaching tentacle about to reach it.

Without much further wait it stretched a lot of thin threads of light from its body and covered its body and formed it like a rocket and propeller in the end then it sprinted in the opposite direction of the tentacle.

Now it's time to put some clarity into the situation. why did the black gases on its thin threads disappear its's simple the body of the transparent monster all the time releases faint moisture from it which can't be sensed by the white lights and it made them feel like it was the sea. The black gas upon contact with this moisture the gas disappeared like it never appeared before and next after it disappeared the invader wasn't able to produce the black gases within it anymore. So, it felt imminent crisis.