In daze for a long time

After the invader flew frantically opposite The direction of the tentacle.

On the other side when the transparent monster felt that there was no black smoke it retracted its transparent tentacle. It actually, it responded to the black gas upon the disappearance of the black gas it also had nothing to do so, it left the scene and retracted back into the sea.

But still, the invader flew hard in the opposite direction without even looking back. After it had flown for some time it looked back at his back.

When it looked at his back there was no one, not even a single white ball of light was in here. It left a sigh of relief. Then it started looking around itself.

Actually, right now it was trying to find the crack in the sky. But what he saw was all complete darkness and nothing else. Looking at his surrounding it felt panic and missed the world of the right eye where it was born there was no danger to it and it can move there freely without any worry.

It moved around with great vigilance. After it has searched around in random directions for some time. It still didn't find any white balls of light. When it felt flustered by the situation. It sensed few smaller balls of light floating around in the far distance.

Without having an option in hand it can only intimidate some small balls of light and asks them for the direction of the crack in the sky.

When it approached the small balls of light. The small balls of light also noticed the invader. upon knowing who it was then hurriedly started to run away from there and it started to produce some unique vibration with its body along the way.

The invader knew it wasn't something good so it started to run in the opposite direction again as it knew what would happen if those small balls of light started to flee away from him producing some weird vibration from its body.

As expected a bunch of balls of light appeared not far from it, chasing after him from a distance they were as large as those he encountered in the past event. He knew that weird weird vibration was a distress call for help, those little balls of light really knew how to hide behind the larger balls of light.

He looked at his body that was already wary of some damage to its body now chasing like this, what it right now wanted was nothing but some rest to heal up first.

In the current situation what he wanted to was nothing but hide from these big balls of light but how does it do that. There was no answer for him after all there was no place to hide at all, the places were all open for every on to look further into the distance with their senses.

As it knew when it was also quite small its senses were also not that large, when it grew in size by eating all the other newborn white light balls in the world of the right eye it also got its senses to cover a larger distance than before.

But if some larger balls of light that are much larger than him even appear in the vicinity it must cover almost all the area in its sight that would be quite troublesome. but it doesn't seem like so as hasn't encountered such a big ball of light yet.

What can it do right now was to ran further from them, out of their sense coverage? Tes that's the only option.

It started to gear up its speed and to leave the sensing coverage of the light balls that were chasing after it.

It took out its thin thread-like tentacles again and started to mold it into a propeller and its front like the tip of a knife. It left their senses soon enough, after all this is what it can do, it was his advantage over the white balls of light in the world of the left eye.

After it hurried away from there it came to stop upon realizing that all the large white balls of light has already out of its sight. It heaved a sigh of relief. And it felt extremely proud of itself. Then it felt a faint trace of the same black gas coming out of its body again though it was very faint. It felt very elated by this. after all with this, he was able to kill those white balls of light with a single touch.

But there were also some changes to it in other parts of its body. After it focused its senses on the propeller it realized that the propeller that it has made from detaching some light from its body then compressed a lot of it in the shape of this propeller and this creation was something it was very proud of, after all, it was its unique ability that only he possessed.

Right now it noticed that the faint trace of black gas it was producing actually reaching this propeller and attaching it to it even without its realization it happening by itself. And what he thought to be the black gas was actually not the same black gas it use to produce, though it was dark in color, but still, it's a bit different, it was actually dark violet in color.

Then it started to think about what these violet gas can do though while it attached to the propeller. After all the black gas it previously produced has the effect of killing the opponent on touch.

Now to try out its newfound ability it spread all the dark violet gas on its tail then started sprint in a random direction. This time with a little bit of force he was able to run as fast as when it tried to run to its limits. Now when it tried to increase its speed a little he sped fast like never before. This newfound ability increased his pride greatly.

One more thing he realized here is that whatever he can do he needs to do it himself. He can't intimidate some little white ball of light to get direction. Now it sped in random in to find the crack in this world of the left eye.

It stopped in many places and started to change direction as it sensed many little and large balls of light. from its past experience, it already knew if he was found any of these white balls of light they will blow the siren and lots of large balls of light will come after it. So, not avoid it.

With making many detours it reached a place that it has never seen before. It fell into a complete daze and look at it for a long time. who knows how much time has passed. While it was in its dazed mode its body relaxed a lot and all the wounds that it suffered during its invasion healed itself gradually without his notice as he was still in a daze looking at the scenery in front of it.

A bit far from it there was a place that looked completely different. if it was dazed while looking at the completely white and clear sea glistened with a faint light that gave an ethereal beauty to it making it a picturesque scenery.

But in comparison with the scenery in front of it, what he saw previously felt like was a painting done by a preschooler, and the scenery in front looked like it was made by a world-famous master painter.

The seawater was glistening in many different colors, first, he saw few colors then it saw tens of colors, after some time it saw hundreds of colors as it kept on looking it saw thousands of colors. As it still kept looking at the scenery in front of it in a daze it saw millions of colors and then it saw billion and trillions of colors. As it kept looking at the scenery it seemed like new colors appear on the scenery like a never-ending phenomenon. It thought to itself if it kept on looking at it for eternity it will never end. The colorful specter along with the trillions of balls of light with different colors and sizes present in there.

The colorful balls of light-producing very bright light as per its body's color and it forming different colors that are reflecting on the seawater and beneath the sea there were also lots of colorful balls of light that has merged with the forbidden sea. Still producing a lot of colorful lights. The colorful light from the above and sea and below the sea mixing together on the clear water of the sea. Giving it infinite beauty.

After looking at the scene for a long time, suddenly its body started to shake like never before and it took back its gaze from this heavenly scenario.