New colors and new ability

Its body started to shake violently then it stopped shaking after some time.

Its body was shaking violently previously because it wasn't able to take this much information in its body that is overloaded with the information.

So, why is its body overloaded with information? The first answer would be that there were too many colors that it saw trillion and trillion of color in its view and lastly all those colors wanted to express their feelings and their understanding.

Let alone these feelings and understanding it wasn't even able to perceive all the colors in there. and when it wanted to understand these feelings and understanding along with the infinity flow of colors and information, its body wasn't able to take it.

It settled down after a long time and it wanted to reminisce about what it saw but it wasn't able to recall anything at all. It wasn't able to remember anything like all the information disappeared from it.

Due to these, it got frustrated beyond words and just wanted to smash something.

Then something else started to manifest in its body this time due to its extreme anger it wasn't able to notice this after some time it also came to its senses and noticed the change in its body.

There was this black gas that manifested again but now these black gas just connected to the violet color then there were red blue and yellow intertwined together creating shades of color like orange and purple to appear in the specter of the gas it produced.

It became very happy as it felt proud of it, then those violet gas started to manifest more and more. Looking at these Violet gas that made his speed grow at a rapid pace. It noticed that while the violet gas was increasing in mass the other colors are fading on their own. It wanted to know about what kind of ability it will have due to these new specters of color but it was fading slowly.

Then this frustrated feeling came to it again. Then the shade of blue started to mix with white on its body and started to form light blue in color. And formed into the shape of the thin threads over its body. Then these blue, white, I should say light blue too. Started to move on its own then they settled on his body now looking at the new shade of color it felt elated.

Then it felt like what are those balls of light they were only shining with one color but it was able to produce the different shades of colors on its body. Then it felt more proud and it thought that it was the most beautiful existence in the universe no one was more beautiful than it. And this beautiful place should belong to it. As no one was more beautiful than it. And this place should belong to the most beautiful one and that was it.

When it was thinking the violet gas was still increasing in mass it was almost covering its body. And the shade of color on the gas was also increasing in mass. It noticed all the changes to its body due to the manifestation of gases on its body.

Then it wanted to try out the ability of these shades. After all the black gas was able to kill the white balls with a single touch and the violet gas was able to increase his speed now it's time for the next shades.

Now it looked at the purple color that was slightly attached to the red and blue shade. Because it knew the violet shade and tried it and it looked quite similar to it. So it tried o move the purple color to one of its thin tentacles made of light. Then it saw that the thin tentacle was creating the purple-colored gas by itself. And it started to fiddle with it shaking it moving it to check if it was able to produce some effect. but nothing happened kept on trying.

After some time the purple light formed in its tentacle now produced an effect the purple gas hardened and it turned solid every second then, at last, its color changed into bluish-purple color and turned completely solid. This bluish purple-colored hard object was producing a bone-chilling red heat. And this heat also made it shiver from fear.

Then it retracted its tentacle and wanted to choose the next colored gas. What he should choose now? on the specter, there were red and yellow mixed to form the orange also green was present there.

It wanted to try out the red-colored gas, so it stirred the red-colored gas and looked at it. While it stirred the red gas the red gas started to move toward its body and mixed with the white color of its body giving it a pinkish shade. Just like the light blue color surrounding its body like a coil and the pink color didn't just reach its body and it drilled into its body and reached inside and stayed beneath the layer of white light that covered its body.

It thought about the shades that covered its body and beneath its body. Then its attention shifted to the remaining shades.

Then it looked at the yellow-colored gas. when it stirred the yellow-colored gas and the yellow-colored gas started to change shape just like purple it was condensing itself and after it has condensed a little it has already formed into an liquid form when it formed into a form of liquid.

When the slimy liquid formed on its body it started to shake violently. It stretched a few tentacles in fear started to remove the yellow liquid from its body. When the yellow liquid was formed it felt like this liquid will tear it apart and crunch it into pieces as it felt extremely painful.

As he willed it the yellow liquid again turned into yellow gas but it didn't do anything as it was scared of this yellow gas after hesitating for some time it retracted the yellow gas into its body.

This time with a lot of vigilance it looked at the two remaining shades the orange and the green.

So naturally, it took a bit of green-colored gas on its tentacle then placed it a bit far away from itself then stirred it, and waited for a reaction. But there was nothing happening to it for some time. After waiting for some more time it saw that the green-colored gas has started to give some cooling sensation that it never felt before.

It spread the green gas over its body where it felt hurt before and the pain reduced significantly. All the pain that is felt due to the yellow liquid has now faded into nothingness, instead, it felt much comfortable than before.

The effect of the green gas bought a great joy in it. The worry and vigilance formed due to the yellow liquid was thrown behind its mind. It kept on feeling this sensation and started to stir this green gas. After some time the green gas also started to condense itself. It condensed it into semi-liquid form when it noticed the change in the green gas it was a bit afraid due to the yellow liquid was also in liquid form.

Then it thought I think in its liquid form the effect might get doubled after all every shade bought a new ability and effect. It cant be the same as the yellow liquid that bought a lot of pain. Thus the double the cooling effect double the enjoyment.

However just to be safe it stretched its tentacle and let the condensation process happen a bit distance from its main body on the tentacle. The tentacle held the green gas that has already in semi-liquid form. It soon formed in to complete liquid form. But when it completely formed a bone chilling coldness was formed from it which scared the light ball greatly. And soon that tentacle froze in the mid air. It wasn't able move its tentacle from there like it has been stopped in there though he was able to feel it and a bone chilling cooling sensation started spread from there toward his body slowly but he wasn't able to stop it.

The extreme chilling sensation spread over all of his body. soon along with the position the tentacle the freezing effect was also spreading towards its body as half of the tentacle has already froze that he wasn't able to move it anymore.

He has quite flustered right now but the chilling sensation even cooled his flustered thought. It quickly started think of a way. While it was thinking the whole tentacle has slowly got frozen.

It soon reached its body. A little bit light on its main body was also frozen in the mid air. previously he was able to move its body here and there around the tentacle but now its body also got locked in the air. Now it can't even move its body as it got locked in that position.

How will it be able to get away from this precarious situation?