Solving the issue of freezing

It started to run its non-existence brain fast to solve the current situation.

Now the cold has frozen more than just a corner of its body.

Then stretched a lof thin tentacle made of light from the other side of the body where the freezing is yet to spread. Those thin tentacles started to manifest the black gas.

Then it stood there thinking what will happen if the black gases from his body goes out of control and then it might get him killed by its ability. Like this green gas that is freezing its body that it wasn't able to control at all.

Then it retracted the black gas from its tentacle. Then it started to think of another strategy. By this half of its already froze almost half of its body this inhuman cold green gas.

Then it looked at the last remaining shade that lay on its body yet to be frozen by this coldness. It looked at it again without knowing its ability it didn't want to try out this new shade of the gas it might get it into a more perilous situation.

However, curiosity got hold of it more than its vigilance. Then it stretched out its tentacle and took that orange-colored gas from its position on its tentacle. Then it stretched it toward the green gas in its liquid form.

It knew that if it tried to get it too near to the green liquid it would freeze the orange gas too. So, it kept a bit further from it then started to stir it But there was no reaction from it at all.

It started o stir it more and more but still, it didn't give any response at all.

More than half its body has already started freezing. Looking at the situation it became angry with itself.

Then suddenly the orange gas started to shake a bit violently on its thin tentacle. Right now it wasn't even able to control this tentacle that was holding this orange gas.

Due to being unable to control the tentacle started to sway left, right, up, and down on its own. who knows when the tentacle reached the green liquid.

Just it was about to touch the green liquid, then something amazing happened that amazed it. The green liquid started to shatter into many pieces and then it got detached from the tentacle and it started to float in the space like shattered pieces of glass.

Though the green liquid on its shattered form still gave the same feeling, the worry didn't exist for a long time as it turned into green gas from its liquid form then it started to vanish from there.

At this time the due to the disappearance of the green liquid the freezing effect that was engulfing it stopping its ability to move stopped there.

Then it somehow moved the orange gas that was shaking violently toward the tentacle that was in its frozen state. Immediately all the tentacles shattered into many pieces and then this thin thread of light floated toward it and then merged with its body.

Yeah lastly don't imagine a lot of freezing frost over its body there was no such frost or anything it was all the same as before. The texture of its body didn't change at all. The freezing effect was like locking the space and time and stop the movement of its body even though it can feel its body. If need to name this ability I will surely name it " Space locking ", "Time freeze "etc.

Realizing the ability of this orange-colored gas it was able to determine that if it tried to move toward its own body then he might get shattered into million pieces. This orange was meant for absolute destruction.

Although the effect of the green gas has stopped spreading, still more than half of its body was in a frozen state.

It stopped stirring the orange gas then it waited for it to calm down when it stopped vibrating it retracted back the orange gas in its own body.

It left a non-existence sigh of relief, it was truly afraid of this orange-colored gas, then it looked at its more than half-frozen body.

It started to think again. after thinking for a long while It decided to act. While it was thinking the freeze from its body didn't reduce a bit. then it felt a great crisis as a thought suddenly struck it. What will happen if a white ball of light saw it, then a lot of big white balls of light would come to crash it into bits. And in that situation, it would be unable to move here only waiting for itself to get slaughtered.

This sudden thought brought him back to the reality that this wasn't his place to move around. This place was filled with danger. it only neglected this due to its excitement for the colorful gases.

It thought of a solution and it wanted to try it out. then it stretched its tentacle from its body that wasn't frozen yet then those tentacles started to produce the violet and purple colored gas. So, why didn't it produces the other colored gas because it wasn't able to get any reaction from them and the yellow and green colored gas it was very afraid of those two colors?

Then it covered the remaining half of its body with the violet color gas and the stretched tentacle formed the purple-colored gas upon stirring it for a moment it produced the same effect as before its tentacle turned red like crystal and started to release faint blue flames over it providing heat.

At this time, the position from where the violet gas was released the freezing effect was reducing slowly from its body and on the other side when the red crystal-like tentacle came toward the frozen part the freezing effect started to diminish rapidly.

the Violet colored gas reduced the effect of the freezing upon contact while the red crystal whenever it moved it would be able to diminish the effect of the freezing from a distance. Noticing this effect it felt very elated. Its body was coming out of this shackled state. from both sides.

Then it wanted to speed up this process as it came to know that the red crystal was able to get what it wanted without even touching its frozen body what would happen if its place on the frozen parts.

Upon having this thought it stretched its red crystallized tentacle toward its frozen body. Then started to shake violently when the red crystal was just about to reach its destination as it felt intense from the blue-colored flame upon its touch on the body the frozen part started to release much faster than it expected.

But feeling this pain it also got afraid of the red crystals formed from the purple-colored gas. then it noticed that the position where it was about to touch that position has a lot of crack on it. It was much more afraid than before upon noticing the damage it had done to itself. then it turned it back to its purple-colored gas form from its crystal form and it retracted back into its body.

It felt very dejected upon realizing that it wasn't safe from these colorful gas that is produced by itself. while he was feeling dejected and ungrateful for these abilities.

Meanwhile, the light blue-colored gas that wrapped itself on its body like a thin rope started to increase in width and there was some movement in it. It didn't notice these changes as it was feeling worried about its frozen parts that were still being reduced slowly by the violet-colored gas and dejected upon realizing that all the other colorful gases even have the effect of reducing itself to dust if it made a similar mistake like today although they were manifested from its own body.

Then it only depended on these dark violet-colored gas than it quite felt affectionate and proud for these dark violet-colored gas that helped him too many times. It was its most proud invention.

While it was feeling proud of this dark violet-colored gas. That happened what it was most worried about.

Some small white balls of light were approaching it slowly and upon noticing it. Just like before they started to produce some vibration from their body.

It knew that it didn't cure itself of these freezing effects then it will suffer for a big time. And in the worst-case scenario, it might get killed.

It didn't have any more choices all it can do was to free itself as fast as possible. Though it was very proud of the violet-colored gas, but it wasn't time for it to care about that it needed to free itself somehow and run as much fast as possible.

Then it took out the purple-colored gas without any hesitation. Then it stirred it as fast as possible to turn a tentacle into a red crystallized form and it can only free itself from the space lock in the fastest way possible though it needs to suffer a bit but that's okay if it can preserve its existence then these small wounds are nothing to it.