Going into the colorful world

The invader was terrified like his for the first time. Like it has eaten poison unknowingly until someone came and told it that it has eaten poison just now.

The white ball of light in its vision the pink liquid floating by the side then the pink liquid tried to reach the core of its body.

The white ball of light has a huge core it was much larger than itself. it only looked big because of the barriers that covered it. Its core also might be big if it didn't use a lot of energy from its core to create the barrier. After all, the main source of energy is its main core body. Not like the six thousand six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier that produced a unique form of energy by itself. It was like a parasite or a cancerous cell.

The pink liquid that formed beside it reached its core then it started to absorb its core at a very fast pace. When the white ball of light felt what was happening to it then it started to run frantically like it has lost its senses. The core of the white ball of light was shrinking in size at a very fast pace.

Meanwhile, the pink-colored liquid started to condense and condense into its semi-solid form. the white ball of light ran and ran like a fool. The pin-colored gas finally formed into its semi-solid form that seems to be its final form.

Currently, less than half of its body of the white ball of light was covered by this pinkish fleshly body that part wasn't producing any kind of light anymore. It looked quite bizarre and ugly to the invader.

The invader knew how the pink-colored gas was able to break all its barriers, it seemed that they were able to devour the lights on the body of a white light ball. And it just ate all the barriers till the ninety-ninth barrier that is painstakingly created to protect itself. And hoe it entered its body in the first place it seems that they ate a part of the barrier to make a hole and entered its body deep into the six hundred sixty-sixth barrier. And the invader thought that it was its mistake that it wasn't able to recognize that.

Then the vision started to blur and flicker then the invader vaguely saw that the white ball of light was completely covered by the pinkish fleshly body it looked quite bizarre and its body that was quite large was now looked quite small, it was less than half of its original size. It seemed that it was still shrinking.

As the image of the vision was quite blurry it wasn't able clearly to see what happened after that then it saw the huge transparent sea monster appearing in its vision. the invader knew that the white ball of light was doomed why did the transparent sea monster appear it didn't see the white ball of light killing any fellow white ball of light.

It seems there were some mysteries in those blurred visions that it saw. When the invader saw the transparent sea monster the vision suddenly disappeared. The invader was psychologically affected by the huge transparent sea it had formed a great fear toward it that made its consciousness to be shaken and the vision ended.

The invader wanted to analyze the whole event of the white ball of light, and it also wanted to know about, what happened after the huge transparent sea monster appeared the most.

After returning to its senses it wanted to look at the pink-colored light ball after all it got all the vision after concentrating on that light ball. But it wasn't able to find that pink-colored light ball among the colored light balls present on the other side.

The invader kept on looking at the heavenly picturesque scenario to find that pink-colored light ball. It's search was in vain it didn't feel any trace of it anymore.

Then the invader thought that the pink-colored light ball might have moved to some other place. It started moving along the side of this place to find the pink-colored light ball.

After searching for a while it didn't have any result. Now if it wanted to see the pink light ball again. It seemed to need to go inside this paradise and find it. After all, it might have gone deeper into that place.

So the invader decided to search for that pink-colored light ball while being in that picturesque place and it decided to enter this place. But as it always thought what will happen if it entered this place. The more picturesque it was the more Unknown threat might appear there. So should it enter this place or not?

After thinking for a while its curiosity got the upper hand it finally decided to enter this place. Then it thought about the threat that might appear if it tried to reach there then it threw those behind the back of its non-existence mind.

The invader prepared its two propellers then it controlled the thin thread of light or tentacle to form a pointed part on the opposite side. Then it sprinted forward with full force toward the colorful world.

As it sprinted forward it reached the point where the white-colored and the colorful world meets. Then the invader became very happy as it was about to reach its. With great excitement, its speed also increased unknowingly.

The invader was very happy while sprinting forward toward its destination. Then after some time, the invader felt that it wasn't able to reach its destination it seemed as far as before.

The invader didn't mind this and started to sprint like before the result was the same it kept running and the scenery in front was the same like if it ran for a while it will be able to reach the colorful world.

A long time has passed the invader was still sprinting forward toward the colorful world. It was still in the same place, the place where the white and colorful world meets. The invader felt like this train was endless and it will never but still, it kept sprinting forward.

After that, the invader felt that it was a great insult to the speed that it was most proud of. Then the invader started to produce more and more dark violet-colored gas from its body.

The dark-violet-colored gas covered most of the body. The invader kept on producing these dark violet-colored gas from its six thousand, six hundred sixty-sixth barrier. Without its own knowledge, the dark violet-colored gas started to rapidly spread toward its own body now there was a lot of these dark violet-colored gas and they were condensing over its body continuously with a continuous flow of these dark violet-colored gas.

With the continuous flow of this dark violet-colored gas, its speed also increases continuously. It seemed like the invader has lost its non-existence mind as it kept on increasing its speed like a crazy guy.

Currently, the dark-violet-colored gas has condensed a lot over its body. All the barriers after the six thousand, six hundred sixty-sixth barrier have been covered by this gas and its condensing each second.

After a long time, all the gaps between those barriers seemed to have been filled with this dark violet-colored gas. ut they were still condensing in its body. Then the barrier started to produce the vibration of pain but the invader's non-existence mind was still occupied by the thought of reaching the other side it is a matter of its pride. So it didn't feel any of this pain.

Inside the gap of the barrier, the dark violet-colored gas started to condense. And the barriers started to shake violently like never before like they will crumble at any second.

The dark violet-colored gas now looked much darker than before. At this time the invader's speed has increased so much that even the after image body can't be seen. Only a streak of white light can be seen streaking along the horizon.

After some time its body also can't seem to appear as the dark violet-colored gas has completely covered its body by now and it didn't let the brightness of its body appear outside.

While it was moving at a fast speed the violet-colored gas over its body started to condense more and more and they also became much darker than before.

At this time the invader was so fast that if it was in its normal sense it wouldn't even believe itself. The scenery in front of it was the same but it seemed that the place it was before has changed. Now it was moving through a place where there were a lot of weird objects moving up and down, many times in a very bizarre way. Like some kinds were throwing objects in the air continuously and they made a different kind of weird dance in the air before coming back.

These objects were much shinier than any of the light balls that it has seen before. And many them darker like no other. They seemed to be in a solid form, liquid form, and light form. And also in different shapes square, rectangle, rhombus, circular like itself.