An unconditional race in the space

All these objects that were swinging around it if any of these objects hit the invader will shatter into pieces. Even the hundred thousand of the barrier might be useless because the speed it has taken was unbelievable.

I can't say its speed is twice the speed of light or ten times the speed of light. Because itself is a big ball of light. Whenever it moved it was the speed of light. Whenever it accelerated its speed increased hundreds of times the speed of light. So the speed at which the invader was moving was simply unmeasurable by humans or any other intelligent species similar to it.

The invader only saw the colorful world in front of it, it was determined to reach its destination. It wasn't aware of anything at all. There was great danger around it, if any of those hits it will shatter without any question. But from the sideline, I was amazed when I saw many of these flying objects in different shapes and sizes were flying slowly and few were flying at average speed and many of those objects had the same speed as the invader not only that there were some objects whose speed were faster than the invader. And many of them were flying at such speed that the current invader's speed might seem like that of a tortoise and a cheetah. Because I saw many of the objects were so fast that by comparison to the previous object speed its heaven and earth. A further example of comparison would be that it was like a tortoise was racing against a spaceship that flew at double the speed of light.

Then as expected a large object whose speed was much faster than it was about to hit it from behind. The invader suddenly felt an unprecedented threat approaching by its instinct it moved from its usual track though still, its speeds were increasing fast every second.

When the invader stepped aside it felt a large spherical object in light blue color just passed by it at an imaginable speed. The invader felt joy in that it was able to avoid this large light blue-colored spherical object that just passed by it.

The invader's pride was its speed it felt like the light blue-colored spherical object challenged its speed. So it started to produce more and more dark violet-colored gas from its six thousand, six hundred sixty-sixth barrier.

The speed of the invader was increasing twofold from before. The invader wasn't able to see the light blue-colored object that flew far away from it. it only saw a little trace of it.

The invader who was fueled by challenge didn't know what it was doing. Its only aim was to reach the other side and also before this light blue-colored object.

Yes, you got that right now is the unintentional race time, like when you ride your bike on the street and someone passes by you and you think to yourself that you will be faster than the other party. After you cross the other party a sense of exhilaration hits you to make you feel satisfied.

Now the race starts one two three. Go.

The invader was accelerating every second. Then it became aware of its surrounding as it started to avoid all the obstacles that came in front of it.

As per obstacles, the invader became quite vigilant of these objects in different shapes and sizes, and it tried to keep its distance from these so-called objects as much far as possible. Whereas previously when it wasn't aware a lot of such objects just passed by touching its body.

The invader drew some beautiful ark in this space as it avoided getting hit by these flying objects. Although it was needless to do so.

The scene is like it was playing " Antigraviator " at full speed with obstacle around it. Swing left swing right without any problems. This gameplay kept itself for a long time. As the invader's speed was increasing as time passed on. It saw the same spherical light blue ball in its sight.

The invader speed was quite high as it kept on chasing after the light blue-colored spherical object. The invader thought that it was another light ball that has come into the white world for a moment and was returning to the colored world on its original world.

The invader was very proud of its speed so it wanted to defeat that light blue-colored spherical object to show its dominance. The invader chased after it with the ever-increasing speed it is getting nearer to the light blue-colored spherical object every second.

When it was much nearer to the light blue-colored object. It wanted to draw an arc in the air by swinging itself, then taking over it. As the invader was drawing an arc over the air to bypass it from behind it.

Suddenly the light blue colored light ball started to increase in speed and again it left the view of the invader. The invader felt humiliated and thought that it was mocking its speed as it ran faster when it was about to bypass it.

Then what would happen?

Obviously, the irritated invader started to give order to its six thousand, six hundred sixty-sixth barrier to produce more of the dark violet-colored gas. As the invader was quite irritated it didn't even think about the possible danger it might cause to itself if it produced the dark violet-colored gas.

The gaps between its barrier were already filled with this dark violet-colored gas. It was getting darker and darker, each time the dark violet-colored gas poured into it. The speed of the invader also increased. The barrier started to produce the vibration of pain and constantly send it to the core of the invader. The invader didn't feel any of the pain at all as the vibration of pain was kept at bay as it want to do anything but chase after the light blue-colored spherical object.

While the invader was chasing after it mindlessly with increasing speed. It even forgot to dodge the objects that were floating around it.

The speed of the invader has reached an unprecedented level. It means trillions of time faster than its original speed. As it ran through the space there were many dark and shining places due to the objects floating around it. Some of them produced light when others didn't.

As the invader was running it felt that the current terrain wasn't straight anymore. And the space around it wasn't like there was some dark and light place instead it was all dark and it can feel the terrain has changed. It can still feel the obstacle or the floating objects flying around it but they didn't produce any light anymore.

As the terrain has changed it needed to move along the way as per the terrain or it would crash into the terrain and shatter into pieces. Sometimes the terrain was like a zig-zagged hill it needed to pass by them so it floated upward and ran downward. That's not the end there were a lot of left turns and the right turning point around the corner.

There were also sometimes where the turning point was like it needed to turn left while going down or turn right while going up. If I say this is the completion of the antigraviator game then you are thinking too much as a lot of things were yet to come.

As the invader smoothly passed through the terrain as its speed still kept on increasing. There came some turning points where it needed to turn left while going up and immediately it needed to turn another left and then right. At this point, the invader itself was scared if it didn't pass by them smoothly it will surely smash into the terrain and die an unprecedented death.

As the invader felt the fear of death right now. It wanted to slow down a little so it can pass through this dangerous terrain smoothly.

When the invader thought of slowing down a little it felt that it wasn't able to slow down at all. The dark violet-colored gas that has penetrated its body and remained in the gap of the barrier was now loosening a bit by bit. As the dark violet-colored gas from the gap of the barrier floated up above its body and its speed kept on increasing like before. Realizing this fact the non-existence heart of the invader came to its mouth.

It wasn't able to slow down at all the speed kept on increasing but it wasn't like before the speed increasing slowly nut the main thing is that it still kept on increasing. The outer part of its body was now getting covered by the dark violet-colored gas like before even though it didn't give any order to its six thousand, six hundred sixty-sixth barrier. It still didn't notice that there was a lot of this dark violet-colored gas inside the gap of the barrier in its body.

The invader thought that the increase in speed was due to its over ordering the six thousand, six hundred sixty-six barrier to produce these gases as the order seems to be yet to be completed.

Whatever it thought didn't matter as a bigger obstacle was going to appear in front of it very soon.