The changes in the dark violet colored gas

As the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier was a independent existence and it wasn't in complete control of the invader. It needed to give order to the six thousand six hundred and sixty sixth barrier.

The invader was in a very tight situation. The invader thought about that light blue colored spherical object it surely have been crushed if tried to go so fast in this terrain with such speed. Or it might be possible that it had also slowed down to avoid being crushing into the terrain and it still had the hope to catch up to it.

With this thought the invader felt happy that it had a chance to surpass that light blue bastard who who made it feel so irritated.

The invader was feeling quite gleeful having this thought. With a new found confidance the invader was quite freely able to pass the obstacles as it's mind was clear now.

After some time there came the biggest hurdle it has ever faced. The dark floating objects, in shapes and sizes who never came to meddle in its track now seems to arriving in its way without any warning.

The non-existent sweat started to pour out from the inavder's non-existent forehead. It started to panic again

The invader was trying hard and soul to avoid these objects and run though this uneven terrain.

While dodging many of the flying objects crashed into it from the side line. And the invader some how managed to control itself from crashing into the terrain.

Hey, don't think the flying object crashed into its body directly, if its body was to be hit directly by this objects we have to good bye to the invader. Those objects just scratched through its body from the sideline not crashing into it.

As the invader was still running hurriedly it somehow passed through this hurdle. Now another big hurdle was on its way toward it. Yeah very big hurdle.

When the invader was running with its increasing speed. It saw that in front of it there was a big ash colored rectangular object in front of it.

Due to the terrain being a bit narrow and the ash colored rectangular object being too huge there were no place for the invader to pass through it.

The invader had its non-existent heart on its non-existent throat looking at the situation in front of it.

The invader needed to think of something real quick or its fate is doomed today. I also thought so, however I am expecting an unexpected move from the invader.

The invader quickly thought of something then it produced the orange colored gas from its body and placed it infront. Where it formed a rocket like cone.

The anxious invader was just had this idea. Another suicidal one. Ask me I would say what would it had thought at that time it had no other option.

When the orange colored gas was activated in front of its body and the vibration started to release. The invader tried its best to maximize the vibration and focusing at the ash colored rectangular object.

When the vibration struck on the ash colored rectangular object. It shattered immediately. And when it shattered the shattered part fell on the invader .

That was not all, the vibration remained in the air as the invader was moving at a high speed it got stuck by the vibration too.

Almost few hundreds of its barrier shattered in to pieces. Currently the when the invader felt its barrier getting destroyed by its own attack it was scared.

The invader thought of a better way of using the orange colored gas so that it wouldn't hurt itself.

When everything is said and done. The invader took out some thin thread of light from its body or lights tentacles and placed it beside its body. Then the invader covered it with orange colored gas.

As the invader lost a lots of its barrier and the shattered pieces of the ash colored rectangular objects kept on hitting its body. There seems to be numerous cracks on its barrier again it seems that the remaining barrier will breakdown soon.

The size of the invader was reduced. Right now it was one third of its original size. As a lot of barrier has destroyed there nothing to do. But the invader was now able to run quite smoothly as it's size has reduced.

It seems another problem has arrived when the barrier broke all the dark violet colored gas got exposed. The invader was currently worrying due to the reduction in it's size and destruction of it's barrier.

The exposed dark violet colored gas made its speed to go by another fold. The worried invader can't be worried anymore. It needed to focus in front before it gets crashed into another object.

Currently the invader perfectly looked like a airoplane. The two wings beside it were covered with the orange colored gas ready unleashes a flurry of destructive vibration.

The invader started to throw the vibration on the objects that were flying around it shattering them into pieces while drawing a beautiful arc. And turning up, down, left, right throught the terrain.

Why beautiful arc when the objects were near the invader, the invader would pass by its side to while destroying it.

The invader quite got used to this. This means turning up down left and right through the terrain and avoiding the obstacles even though its speed was still kept on increasing.

Right now the overwhelming amount of dark violet colored gas came into effect though I still don't know what effect it is but it seemed to be stirring itself at this time.

When the dark violet colored gas started to stirring itself the invader was quite afraid. It thought I don't think I will be able to survive now, if the dark violet colored gas starts to change form then it remembered when the green colored gas changed form it effect was multiplied by so many times that it froze everything even the space.

The invader resigned to its life and it just waited for its death.

He didn't bump into the terrain or get itself hit by the flying objects because it was too curious.

The invader was willing to die only after it has seen the effect of the transformed dark violet colored gas.

The dark violet colored gas started to merge with the hanging lights from the shattered barriers. All the dark violet colored gas started to change in to completely into more darker shade that currently it looked like a black color if someone doesn't observe this color with high concentration it would only appear black to them.

On further observation it can be seen that there were lots of circular rings made inside the dark fog. There were the violet colored gas moving at a very high speed in a circular motion.

As the process kept repeating itself again and again a little bit of these violet colored gases are turning into violet colored lights. Simple all this time the red, yellow, blue, green all had fusion in them as reaction upon stirring.

The dark violet colored gas causes fission upon stirring then it changes from gas into light. Quite the unique one. I think that's why it is the invader favorite on.

This process kept repeating for a long time all this while the invader was waiting for the effect of the transformed dark violet colored gas. But he got nothing for a long time and currently its focus was in dodging through the terrain. So, simply it wasn't able to see what's happening in the dark fog.

The black rings seemed to be helping the violet gas to transform into light. Right now a lots of the invaders broken pieces of barrier that left hanging on its body seemed to have been absorbed by this dar fog.

The invader wanted to repair its broken barrier when time permits it. But right now it seems that it can't do it anymore as all the lights from the broken barrier has been absorbed.

Then it felt that the dark fog was creating violet colored light from it. A lot of violet colored lights were laying above the dark fog.

After a long time the invader noticed this violet colored light. Then it became quite amazed. It expected to see the dark violet colored gas in a liquid form or solid form not in a light form.

Looking above the dark fog it seems it was constantly releasing these violet colored lights. The invader waited for it to complete its transformation and see its effect.

It kept on wating for its complete transformation but it seems that the dark fog is yet to stop producing these violet colored light.

Upon the appearance of the violet colored lights the increasing speed seemed to have lessened a lot. Due to the two side wings covered with orange colored gas it had a smooth sailing run. It's only problem was the ever increasing speed. Right now it sighed a relief and hold its breath to try out the effect of the violet colored lights.

Then the invader took some violet lights and stirred it to see some reaction but it wasn't able see any reaction from it.