Is it a illusion or real

The invader was still running through the terrain.

It became so bored that it didn't even try to destroy those big or little floating objects anymore.

The invader was feeling helpless and empty. And was still runner through the uneven terrain it would feel a bit of yearning toward the colorful world when it gets a glimpse of it. Then again it would start to feel empty.

A long time has passed still the invader was running. But right now even if it got the chance to see the bright shining colorful world it wouldn't even take a glimpse at it.

Like this time kept on passing itself. The invader was feeling bored and bored.

Then the invader was still running but its speed seemed to have stopped accelerating and it was moving at a quite high speed unable to stop itself from stopping.

Then the triple semi-formed light blue gas started to wiggle on its body. The invader didn't even care about that anymore. It felt like that it had lost itself.

After that, the invader thought it would be better for it if it gets away from here. What the colorful world it seems beautiful but what's there for it? It should return where it came from.

When the invader was thinking of returning back to where it came from. It thought about why did it decide to come here in the first place?

Then the invader remembered that it had just come here to take a last look at the heavenly picturesque scenery of the colorful world and it was supposed to return after having a look.

Then why did it enter this terrain? It remember that it saw a pink colored light ball. As all the lights ball in the colorful world expresses some meaning and gives a comprehensive knowledge about itself.

The pink colored light ball also expressed something that was related to itself. The problems that might appear in the future are due to the existence of the gases produced by the six thousand,six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier.

The pink colored light ball only showed the problem related to the pink colored gas and what ever it has shown it, everything seems true that realization once horrified the invader. And the invader wanted to know the whole of it. And also about the dangers of the other gases that the six thousand, six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier manifests.

While it was thinking about all this the terrain changed again right now there was nothing in front of it neither around it. Everything seemed empty all of a sudden. Even the picturesque scenery also can't be

The invader didn't realize any of these it was still lost in its own thought.

This thought motivated it to search the pink colored light ball after reaching the other side into the colorful world.

When its desire to search for the pink colored light ball arises in its non-existent heart. The terrain seemed to have changed again.

All the ups and downs in the terrain seems to have disappeared and only the view of the picturesque scenery of the colorful world remained.

Right now the invader was shining brightly in violet colored light due to its end barriers being constructed with the violet colored lights.

After recovering from its listless self and gaining newfound confidence the invader looked at the heavenly picturesque scenery in front of it then it ran toward it.

The invader was determined to get its answer from there and not just one but all of it. The thoughts of surpassing the light blue colored spherical object seemed to have been lost from it's mind.

The invader didn't even realize that the terrain has changed and there were no big or small floating objects in different shapes and sizes around it.

The invader ran and ran trying to reach the other side. Still, there are no results. The invader was still kept on running with one motive in its mind no matter what happens it would only relax after reaching the other side. After all, no one knows what will happen at the end of the day.

A long time passed the invader was still running. With the flow of time, the confidence and determination that the invader had accumulated seemed to be fading away as time kept passing on.

After some time when the invader's confidence and determination seemed to be at the end of the rope.

Another thought came into the mind of the invader. the invader started to to think about the small and big objects in different shape and size that always flew around it all the time. Why they were flying in there and why did they have different shape and sizes?

The invader looked at its side and beside and to its up down. the invader was dumbfounded when did those flying objects disappear? It wasn't able to see any of the objects that always use to fly around it and sometime it would smash many of them.

The invader had question after question in its non-existence mind. It started to to think why did those flying objects disappear?

the invader questioned itself again and again started to conjure theories, why did they disappear suddenly?

Then the first thought came into its mind that it might be a strong form of vision being viewed to it it because it was looking at the picturesque scenery for a long time. And might have fallen in the field of illusion where you can get the understanding what the colored light ball from the colorful world want to show.

Thinking of this, the invader got impressed by te ability of the light ball that caused this illusion. Though it itself didnt know which light ball did this. Previously the pink colored light ball only able to show a vision that didn't feel this real and lastly at the last moments it was only able to show some blurred pictures and the invader wasn't able to see the complete vision.

Then the invader thought if this really just a vision or illusion being shown by a colored ball then the vision shown by the pink colored light ball seemed a lot inferior to this. The contrast between their ability seemed to huge. like heaven and dustbin.

On thinking that it was aactof one of those colored light ball the invader suddenly got angry on the light ball who caused this. te invader thought to itself if i came out of this and see who did this i will beat the heck out of it.

Then it thought if it is an illusion how can it get out of here? the invader thought that it might still be standing in the white world watching this vision standing in front of the colorful world. It might have fallen into the illusion when it decided to run toward the colorful world.

When everything is said and done. this are all the invaders conjecture so it wanted to prove itself that it is a illusion or reality. Then the invader started to think how can it prove it?

The invader gave a deep thought. Oh forgot to tell you that the invader is still running after all it can't just wait for its conjecture to fail then go for the next one it will be great loss of its time.

The invader came to a decision. The illusion or vision shown by the colored lights ball always affect the other party's sense. Then what it needs to do is to disturb its own own sense somehow. Then the illusion will surely get disturbed and it will get out of the illusion.

Then the invader started to think how can it disturb or stimulate its own sense.

Then the invader remembered about the feelings of pain that was produced by the barrier and send it to its main core. At that time due to feeling pain it senses almost turned off. It wasn't even able to sense if anyone passed by itand only vaguely feel it. And it recovered after a long time.

The invader was quite hesitant at first it remembered about the feeling of pain it felt before. It didn't wanted to try this method but it didnt have any other option.

The invader ordered its six thousand,six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier to produce the yellow colored gas. It produced a little yellow colored gas the invader stirred this little bit of yellow colored gas. Th yellow colored gas soon turned into shiny yellow liquid.

Then the invader placed this shiny yellow liquid on one of the violet colored barrier.

The invader started to shake violently it wasn't able to fly correctly in the air anymore. It felt like it will go and crash into something if it didnt control itself and worst case scenario it would lose direction of the colorful world.

The the vibration pain bought from the violet colored lights barrier was too intense. The consciousness of the invader shook on feeling this pain it itself unable to control itself for a while.

After some time the invader controlled itself and flew into the air like before. But inside its body the pink colored gas in its semi-solid state seemed to causing spasmall over itself. The invader felt like it was carrying a huge luggage that would move by itself. Its too frustrating.