Contemplating on the past events

The mind of the invader shook and also his senses. But how it thought that it would be able to get out of the illusion and start its real journey.

It was at this time that all these thoughts shattered into pieces. Like someone had smashed a sledgehammer on its hopeful thoughts.

After getting itself back from its painful self. The invader realized that all its assumptions were false.

Then the invader started to think about another possibility why was it still there if it was all real is it true that this road was this long.

Then the invader started to think that if the terrain and everything it saw were real then those floating objects were also real. Then the question comes why were they in such a condition and floating around randomly? The condition means their appearance was too odd, they were in different shapes and sizes as for the invader as it has always seen the spherical shaped light balls until it came to this place.

The invader right now thought of possibilities why those flying objects looked so odd.

The invader's first conjecture was that those objects were the fallen part of the terrain. Many parts of the terrain were uneven and there were lots of cracks. It seemed that those cracks will eventually widen and a part of the terrain will fly into the air after breaking apart from the terrain. The terrain seemed to be made from some unknown solid material like its red crystal but it wasn't red and shiny like the red crystal nor did it produce any blue wave from it, it has simply appeared in grey. Can't exactly say that it was in grey, many of its parts were a bit darker in shade and some parts are lighter in shade. They never produce any kind of lights from them.

Then the invader thought again if the flying objects were from the crust of the terrain then why did it see many bizarre shaped objects producing blinding lights. it didn't make any sense. It became a question.

The invader still failed to understand this conjuncture. It replayed all the scenes from its memories. It replayed them again. The invader didn't want to leave a single thing missing from its observation.

After repeatedly replaying the scenes from before. It started to ponder over what it saw in its memories. It thought for a long time but it didn't come to a certain accurate result. only it can think of some vague assumption.

The invader thought that why they were in such bizarre shapes and gives off lights at the same time. As per the invader, only the lights balls were able to emit lights that were spherical in shape. There might be some other lights balls that came from the white world and some from the colorful world and wanted to reach the other side. Then they get caught between the place where the two worlds meet.

As per the invader if the light balls from either side came here and were unable to reach the other side. Eventually getting destroyed due to the harsh environment present here. And when the flying objects hit them or they crash into the terrain they shatter and formed many bizarre shapes upon breaking.

Then another thing came to its mind. If they are light balls upon being shattered by the impact of the flying objects or being smashed into the terrain. they should have dispersed because the lights weren't solid. though the invader never saw any lights being destroyed before as per its intuition they should disperse upon getting destroyed. After all, it itself was a ball of white light, who would understand it better than itself.

Then its current thought becomes weirder and twisted and question over question were coming as it keeps making new conjecture.

The invader stopped thinking for a moment. And gave a moment of rest to its mind.

Then it started to think again. What could things be can it be the crust of the terrain, then again why did it emit light. Then another idea formed in its idea.

The invader thought that when the balls of lights from the white world and also the colorful world tried to cross the terrain they got smashed into the floating objects than when they dispersed as the lights from their body might have been got attached to the floating objects that where they struck themselves to.

It seems that was quite a viable answer it doesn't seem to have any loophole in it.

Then the invader thought that when it came to here the first part where the shiny floating objects existed and on the later part there wasn't a single flying object that had a shine on it. It seems when the ball of lights tried to reach the other side through this terrain. All of them got destroyed in the first part and were unable to enter the later part. That's why the flying objects or rubble that were found in the later part of the terrain doesn't seem to have any lights on them.

The invader felt very proud of itself over the dead lights ball that got crushed into the first part of the terrain. After all it itself had crossed that part very easily. The invader thought how weak and stupid would those white and colorful lights ball be to get smashed into the flying objects when it was that easy. The invader even destroyed many of those flying objects on its way untill now. It didn't even remember how much big or little flying objects were destroyed by it.

The invader felt like those white and colorful light balls where shame of the light balls. It was better for them to be absorbed by itself than to get destroyed here in vain, where no one gains anything.

The invader was still going through the terrain as usual.

It then remembered the light blue object.

Why did it said light blue " object ". Because the the big light blue spherical object didn't produce any lights from its body, as per the invaders vision.

Then again the invader only repeated the incidents between it and the light blue spherical object and started to concentrate on it.

As usual the invader watched the same scenes again and again untill it was able to make something out of it.

Under through inspection the invader came to understand that what it thought at first was true. It was indeed a light blue colored lights ball. It seems that just like it, it was also running through this terrain to reach the other side.

The lights its emitted was quite vague as it was moving at very high speed the shining effect of its lights effect seemed to be on the places it left behind. Just like it's body the shine it always left behind was also light blue.

But there comes another question if the light blue colored spherical object was truly a light blue ball of light. It's mass shouldn't that dense.

After all lights are quite thin and mass it had should be fluffy not so dense like it did. The invader had a doubt that it might not be a light blue ball of light. But who can answer it. Because the light blue colored spherical object was in a perfect spherical shape. Then it should be a light blue ball of light.

Then the invader came to a sudden realisation and admired the light blue ball of light. It seems that it condensed the light to such a degree that it became dense like no other. Even it itself wasn't able to understand if it is a light ball or a crust from the terrain. Then it thought to itself you truly got me there.

The invader always admired the strong and despised the weak. It was like this afer it was born. It always liked to subdue the weak and ran from the strong.

Then the invader thought how can it itself ran out of this place. It seemed like a unending land how ever it ran it would reach the other side.

Then it thought it seems that light blue ball of light has already left this place and had reached the other side. Or could it be possible that it still hasn't reached the other side and still running like itself in this unending place. It shouldn't be like that it might know how to reach the other side.

Thinking it over the invader sighed. It seemed that it can only depend on itself to reach the other side.

As it sighed it looked at the heavenly picturesque scenery in front of it.

Then it utilised the violet colored lights on its body as a barrier. It seems that the violet colored lights also had the ability to increase its speed. And it was much more controllable than before.

Upon this realisation the invader became too happy and utilised the violet colored light barriers and accelerated itself to run toward the view in front of it.