A weird language

The frequency of waves of light suddenly changed again. The invader was producing a different kind of vibration from its body again.

Then the invader started to think again about how could it make such a mistake.

It thought if it used the green-colored gas in its liquid form then it could have just frozen the sea waves then it could have the orange-colored gas to destroy the frozen water making a way for it to pass to the other side.

This seems to be a great plan. But it seems that the invader wasn't able to execute the plan, it was a great regret. That is why it produced a new kind of vibration from its body this is the vibration of regret.

There's no pill for regret it can't go back to the time when it was able to. Right now it can only sigh in regret and leave it be.

And think of something or it would need to waste its remaining time in this place unable to go back or forward. When it had the thought of going back the invader imagined the big floating objects that were floating all the time. If it tried to reach there it would surely get destroyed, after all, the invader relied on the dark violet colored gas to reach here, it has heavily relied on them.

And going forward and crossing the sea waves it can't even imagine anything about it. It was scared silly by the destructive ability of the seawater.

The invader stood there like a wooden chicken without any movement. It didn't even produce any vibration from its body.

The invader just kept looking at the sea waves that kept coming and going back on time. It just looked at this phenomenon like a fool. just like this a long had passed.

While looking at the sea waves like a fool the invader was truly looking at it like a fool. If anyone thought that it was trying to comprehend something from watching the sea waves. then they are completely wrong.

The invader was just looking at the glorified seawater carried back and forth by the sea waves. It also remembered how it once defeated one transparent sea monster. That monster was also created by seawater. And it soon remembered about the huge transparent sea monster that it had once seen in the white world and another time in the vision shown by the pink-colored lights ball from the colorful world. It greatly admired this large transparent sea monster and despised that smaller transparent sea monster who always attacked repeatedly it like a complete fool. The invader also disgusted this act of the smaller transparent sea monster.

Then the invader mocked itself how was it anyway different from that silly transparent sea monster.

The invader kept on looking at the glorious sight of the seawater.

I don't think it will keep on looking at the seawater like a fool. Soon its thought will divert to something else.

As I thought, nope I thought too much. Its mind turned completely blank. It wasn't thinking about anything at all.

No one knows when the invader fell into a trance and entered deep into its own subconscious mind. While looking at the sea waves.

Inside the mind of the invader. The invader's focus started to concentrate on its own body when it's concentration was deep enough a mini version of the invader apeared from the thin air then the invader was falling and kept falling deep inside its own body. After traveling deep inside its own body it came to a stop.

it was quite weird to explain the scene inside the invader's mind or should I say the invader's subconscious mind.

The invader was standing in front of a large space. It was completely surrounded by weird mappings all over its surrounding. It saw the picture of the seawater on it. Over which the mapping was made.

There were a lot of lines connecting to each other on this map. At the point of connection, the purpose of the connection is why should they connect and how would they connect to each other and how are they created all of these things were written in a very weird language. Even the invader was stunned by looking at these words they were something new to it.

The invader kept on looking at these words but was unable to understand what was written there. Although it knew that it was a kind of word that belongs to certain language.

The invader was quite frustrated after realizing that it wasn't able to read any of these things. Then it looked at its surroundings again. It still saw the same scene. The seawater and the lines covered over it.

Because it was a new thing the invader's interest was piqued. It started to analyze it thoroughly. But after looking at it for a long time it didn't understand anything out about it. It was like a little Chinese boy looking at an English newspaper and trying to understand what was written there. Is it possible not at all? He can only guess something from the picture above the news writing. If it was a piece of news about an athlete his picture might be posted with him in the game field, a dead body for a murder case, or a picture of a politician it means he is going to introduce new policies and benefits for the public or it can also be that they caught in a scandal.

Just like a baby, the invader kept on looking at the picture in front of it trying to understand what does it means. But it wasn't able to understand it clearly it can only make some assumptions.

Now don't expect anything great from the invader.

As expected from the invader. The assumption of the invader was that if it understood what was written there it might be able to control the seawater. Simply for the invader, it was a water skill book that it wasn't able to read at all.

When it made such an assumption the invader was more enthusiastic about learning the language in which the so-called water skill book was written.

Then the invader started to think about how can it learn this unknown language.

After realizing that it wasn't able to find any solution by itself.

The invader came to understand that it can only rely on someone who knows about this language. And ask him for advice. There's no other way than this method.

Where can it look for someone who would help it in its study of this new language?

While it was thinking about all these things. A little dark blue colored ray was coming from the center of the picture. Then it saw something was coming out of the picture. It was like a ball of light was hiding itself in the seawater and it suddenly started rising above from the sea. A lots of water splashed from its body as it kept rising, finally the whole body came out of the sea.

A dark blue ball of light appeared in front of it. The dark blue ball of light was vibrating in a very bizarre manner like a lots people were pulling it from all the sides.

And still there were some water dripping from its body. The water and it's dark blue colored lights from its body made the scene so unique and different.

The invader was stunned by the sudden appearance of this dark blue ball of light.

Then the invader started to question itself, why is there an dark blue ball of lights in its subconscious mind?

But there's no answer to it. And it's useless to ponder over these matter. Learning this weird language was the first priority for the invader.

Then the invader thought again this dark blue ball of light may be a manifestation of its own desire inside its own mind. If it itself doesn't know this language at all how can it expect a manifestation of its mind to guide itself on the path of learning. It seems that I wanted to become something like this having dark blue colored body and fearlessly able to dive into the sea.

If it truly jumped into the sea. Then the existence of the invader will disappear on the next moment. It truly is a amazing thought if it wanted die very quickly.

As the invader was thinking by its own the dark blue colored light ball was still vibrating in a very bizarre manner as it always did since it's appearance.

The invader looked at this dark blue colored light ball with an animated feeling.

After looking at it for sometime the invader just forgot that it wanted to learn this weird language. Upon realising that it was off the track for a moment then it started to think about this language.

Then a question came into its mind why did this kind of language appeared inside its own subconscious mind at the first place.