Learning a new language

The invader looked at those weird languages and then at the dark blue-colored ball. The invader looked at these two things back and forth. Simply the invader was trying to understand the relationship between the weird language and the dark blue ball of light.

Then the invader looked at the dark blue ball of light that was still vibrating bizarrely like it always did. Looking at the scene the invader had an impulse to make its body vibrate just that dark blue ball of light.

In the next moment, the invader also started to copy the dark blue ball of light's vibration. It started to raise a few of its lights from its body and started to vibrate.

Because it was the invader's first time that it wasn't able to completely copy the vibration the dark blue of light produced. The invader kept on trying to copy the vibration of the dark blue ball of light. As the invader kept trying to copy the current vibration another set of sequences of vibrations has already started to produce from the body of the dark blue ball of light.

The invader changed the vibration it was currently to the vibration that was currently being produced by the dark blue ball of light. As the invader changed the vibration and wanted to march with the dark blue ball of light yet another set of sequences of vibrations has already started.

Like this sometimes has passed the invader kept trying and trying. Then the invader paused for a moment. It thought if it kept trying like it was likely to get any result.

Then the invader looked at the dark blue ball of light and started to observe it as thoroughly as possible. After it has completely observed the set of sequences of vibrations. It didn't directly try to copy the dark blue ball of light instead it started to perform the set of sequences of vibrations that it has observed just now.

The invader tried to produce the same kind of vibration from its body as per its memory described as accurately as possible. Still, it's unable to perfectly execute the set of vibrations.

The invader kept itself busy in trying to perfect the set of sequences of vibrations that it had recorded in its memory. After trying for some time the invader was perfectly able to execute the set of sequences of vibrations.

As the invader has perfected the current set of sequences of vibrations it tried to perform the set of sequences of vibrations a few more times.

As the invader was happily performing the set of sequences of vibrations. It sensed that this set of vibrations were related to the words written in the mapping that it wasn't able to read before. It looked at the unrecognizable words still it wasn't able to understand what was written in there. As it kept looking through the words. the invader stopped at a point and kept looking at the sentence then it felt that it was able to understand the last half of the sentence and all the other sentences were still unrecognizable as ever.

Then it read the last half of the sentence " wash away the pain ".

The invader looked at the last half-sentence that it was able to read and it felt amused by this discovery. It wanted a copy a set of sequences of vibrations from the dark blue ball of light then start reading another set of words.

Soon the invader kept looking at the vibrating body of the dark blue ball of light. Then it thoroughly observed the current set of sequence of vibration being performed by the dark blue ball of light.

Then as usual the invader started to perform the said set of sequence of vibrations. As the invader was quite impatient to know what this set of sequences of vibrations mean. it just performed for some time. Then the invader looked at the unrecognizable words.

But all the words were as unrecognizable as ever except the last sentence it read before. The invader again looked through the unrecognizable trying to find which words became this time. but after looking for a few more times it didn't find anything.

Then the invader looked back. And wanted to perform the new set of sequences of vibrations but it wasn't able to execute it perfectly it even missed a few parts of the set. The invader realized that it hadn't completely grasped this set of sequences of vibrations.

Then the invader looked through its memory and started to analyze the whole set of sequences of vibrations. It recognized its mistakes then it again started to perform the set of sequences of vibrations.

The invader practiced the set of sequences of vibrations until it had a complete grasp over it. It took it some time though. Then the invader performed the perfected form of the set of sequences of vibrations a few times before giving a look at the word in the map.

The invader looked through the words on the map. After a thorough search, the invader found that it was again able to understand one of the sentences written there though it was also half not a complete one. This sentence is also not from the same paragraph it has read a part before. It is located completely in a different location.

The invader looked at half a sentence that became recognizable. Then it read the sentence " water is formed from the harmony of the extreme ".

When the invader read the sentence it became extremely interested in this sentence. it felt like if it was able to read the latter part it would have known how the water was formed then it would be great but this kept it hanging on its track.

It wanted to read the latter part of this sentence how can it know which set of sequence of vibration expresses the other part of that said sentence. It can only randomly choose a set of sequences of vibrations.

As time passed the invader kept preparing the process of copying a set of sequences of vibration in its mind then practice the said set of sequences of vibrations until the invader had perfectly mastered the set of sequences of vibrations. Then look thoroughly at the words on the map to find which sentence became recognizable by it. It looks at the sentence " water is formed from the harmony of the extreme " every time it comes looking for a recognizable sentence hoping to see the latter becoming readable to it.

Yeah, that was a hopeless try as it still didn't find the set of sequences of vibrations related to the latter part of that sentence yet.

But the invader had learned a lot of new sentences many of them were broken incomplete half-sentences while few of them were complete.

A few of the broken sentences were like " reducing stress, depression, and anxiety ", " the calmness after the big ", " is basic to the physical and spiritual life ", water plays a leading role " etc. What reduces stress, depression, and anxiety. And what are this stress, depression, and anxiety?

The calmness after the big what? And what is basic to physical and spiritual life?

" Water plays a leading role " this sentence was also something the invader was frustrated about. It seems to explain the role of the water That is what the invader is scared of the most. If it knew some roles and importance of the seawater and had some accurate knowledge about it. It wouldn't be scared as it did before and wouldn't have jumped into the sea waves and let it destroy more than half of its barriers.

The invader didn't understand anything it just kept reading but these incomplete sentences pissed it off a lot. But what can it do except learning the complete set of sequences of vibrations. And to learn the complete sentences it needed to wait for the dark blue ball of light to perform the definite set of sequence of vibration.

The invader can only need to wait for the dark blue ball of light to perform. And the invader can recognize as it had practiced all the sets that it copied from the dark blue ball of light.

Some of the complete sentences were like, " The water is the beginning of life but not the end. " The invader already knew that water is the source of life, after all, it itself was born from the sea from the world of the right world.

" Only the deprived one gets shallower by it. And cleans of their depraved life " Looking at this sentence the invader only focused on the word " cleanse " for the invader it was like the depraved one which should mean who committed any crime would be cleansed by the water means they will be killed by the water.

Then the invader learned a few more incomplete sentences and complete sentences. But the invader wasn't able to understand any of those.

It was something the invader didn't understand. It was likely that any intelligent species in the universe would understand been if someone told them these sentences.

The only way is to learn them was to get guidance from the dark blue ball of light.