Multi layered projection

At the end of all of this, the incomplete word " water is formed from the harmony of the extreme " is yet to be completed.

The invader felt like it would soon unravel the latter part of the sentence soon.

The invader kept on repeating the same process almost all the other sentences on the map has already been deciphered by it only a few of the sentences were still fragmented while a few of them hadn't been unraveled a bit.

As the invader was practicing the current set of sequence of vibrations it saw that the dark blue of light was still vibrating like it always did.

At this time the invader saw that the dark blue ball of light was seemed to be performing the set of sequences of vibrations related to the sentence it was searching for all this time.

Then the invader quickly stopped practicing the current set of sequences of vibrations. It focused its gaze at the dark blue ball of light that was performing another set of sequences of vibrations. The invader quickly looked at it and confirmed that it was the same set of sequence of vibrations.

The invader had always taken a peek at the dark blue ball of light even during its practice it just didn't want to miss the latter part of the sentences. But still, sometimes it would lose itself as it gets completely immersed in the training while practicing unable to focus anywhere else.

If it missed the latter part of the said sentence while it was practicing. It would regret upon the loss of great chance. As the chance had arrived in front of it. The invader completely immersed itself in copying the set of sequences of vibration in its mind.

The invader took a lot of time to as it kept on analyzing. It seems that the dark blue ball of light was already performing another set of sequences of vibrations.

The invader had still kept its focus on the dark blue ball of lights performance and kept copying although another set has already been started by it. It was just that the invader was quite anxious that made it to copy even after the dark blue ball of light has already completed performing the said set of sequences of vibrations.

After copying a bit more the invader stopped copying. The invader felt a great excitement in its non-existence heart the invader got ready to perform the complete set of sequences of vibrations this time.

Previously it only knew " water is formed from the harmony of the extreme " and it was excited to know the latter part of the sentence. The invader joined what it learned previously with the current set of sequences of vibrations ad completed the complete set with extra from another set of sequences of vibration.

After joining them and completing the set. The invader started to perform the vibration from the very first part that it had learned previously.

While it performed the previous part it was smooth as ever but when it reached the latter part it wasn't able to perform it well. If I say it wasn't able to perform it well that would be a piece of praise for the invader. The invader wasn't even able to perform the latter part at all.

The invader tried to perform it all together but it even made few mistake during performing the first part along with the later part that it wasn't able to perform at all.

After a few more attempts the invader understood that it cant take a short cut. It needed to perform the latter part separately like it did with all the other set of sequences of vibrations.

Then the inaverd thought of its next move it will master the set of sequence of vibration separately then join them altogether and perform the complete set. The invader executed its plan immediately.

The invader practiced them ill they were perfected then as per it plan the invader joined all the three parts together. Afetr the three parts had been joined the invader practiced them altoggether.

Soon the invader perfectly mastered the three parts as whole. Then it looked at the sentence that was saying " water is formed from the harmony of the extreme " then it looked at the next part " alive and alive, alive is restless and alive is restless. Harmony of the alive and alive needed for the great cause. "

The invader didn't even understand a bit of what those word meant. It only looked at those word with bewilderment.

The invader looked at the sentence and was too unhappy it didn't even understand what it meant where as it thought it to be a great opportunity for it to understand the creation behind the water. Sigh, just leave it and go to the next part the invader commanded itself then it started to look for the third part of the set it just learned.

After looking for sometime the invader looked at the map to find the what did the third part meant. Obviously it wasn't on the same para as the he lastly read. as e invader searched through the map.

Afetr a long search the invader still unable to find the word relating to the third part of the set of the set of three. the invader search thoroughly again and again.

As the invader wasn't able to find after thoroughly checking for few times it thought that it might had missed something or else the dark blue ball of light was just plying prank on it.

Playing a prank that isn't possible. After all this place is the subconscious mind of itself, how can it prank on itself? that means there is surely a sentence in the map related to that set of sequences of vibrations.

Thinking of this the invader again looked at the map. Then it looked at the lines that interconnected to each other the words were present in those interconnected parts. Then the invader didnt check the words floating above those interconnected parts instead it looked at the lines that connected to each other.

The invader choose one such line started to analyze where that line ends or starts. As it randomly followed the line toward a random direction.

As the invader followed through the line it saw that there were another layer beneath the front image. The invader followed through the line and reached another layer deep in to the image.

The image infront of it was like a multilayered projection. What you see in front of your sight is just the beginning there are lot left to explore. following the lines the invader reached deeper and deeper into the projected image.

Soon the invader reached a point where all the lines seemed to meet it seemed to be the center part of the image. As the invader looked at the sentence on it, the middle part of the sentence soon became readable to the invader.

The invader read " closes his eyes, the depraved one is born, it begins as the harmony gets disrupted ".

The invader read until this than it looked at the latter part it seems that latter part is yet to be unravelled.

As the invader looked at the word " closes his eyes ". The invader questioned itself Who closes the eye?and what is a eye?

The invader curiously looked at the beginning part of the sentence. When it looked at that part the invader takes back its gaze completely from the map not daring to even look at the map.

At the moment when the invader focused its gaze on this unrecognisable words. The invader got scared beyond words it felt like if it dared to look at this for another moment it would cease to exist immediately or even worse things can happen to it. It never felt such fear toward any thing not even the seawater.

As the invader quickly took back is consciousness from the sentence that it just read. It looked around itself its non-existence eye started to bulg out. The invader saw that its subconcious mind was shaking violently like it was going to break apart any time soon.

Not any time soon, thats too much. Soon the construction of the sub concious mind started to break apart like a collapsing building.

As the subconcious mind was collapsing by itself. The the projectile of the invader was also started to float above from there. As the invader kept floating upward it looked at the destructive scenery.

Suddenly the invader was shocked and shocked. When the constructionstarted to fall it saw many white and colored balls of lights behind the construction. As the invader floated more upward and the construction was collapsing more and more the number of white and colored lights ball started to increase in numbers too.

When the invader was high up in sky in its subconcious mind. It finally saw a scene that made it shocked beyond word.