Returning to the home world

Then The invader's non-existence eye widened and being shocked it looked below from high up in the sky in its subconscious space.

The invader saw that there were trillions and trillions of white and colored lights balls in its subconscious space. They were just hiding behind that constructed space. They were stacked in a cramped place only a little bit of space left in the gap.

This happened in a very short moment. Soon the invader's projected self left the subconscious space.

The body of the invader shook for a few moments as it came back to its senses. Soon the invader felt that its consciousness wasn't in the subconscious mind but on its original self.

As soon as it recovered its senses it checked its remaining thousand and one barriers. The barriers remained the same as usual. Then the invader checked the condition of its six hundred and sixty-sixth barrier to any see any amiss there.

After checking itself and finding that there were no changes to it from before when it left its senses from its body to the subconscious mind. The heaved a sigh of relief.

The invader was dumbfounded again when to looked around itself.

After the invader sighed it looked around itself it saw that there were nothing like like it has been before. Previously it stood at a terrain where the sea waves constanty flowed back and forth and it could also get a glipse of the colorful world in the sea waves and the surrounding was reflected by the lights from the sea waves making it colorful and lively.

Lookinf at the current location everything seems to be the same. the sea waves were flowing continuously back and forth. When it flowed it also blocked the whole the terrain like it always did. But what astounded the invader was that the place where the invader was currently at, the terrain seems to be same but all the colors seems to have disappeared from there.

The sea waves carried deep black seawater. The terrain was completely black in color and when the invader looked around itself, it didn't saw any kind color except black in its sences.

The invader thought that its sences were playing with it. Then it closes its senses and waits for a moment hoping to see the colorful version of the terrain instead of the black version it was too unsightly.

As the invader opened its senses again it saw the that unsightly black version of the terrain again. Looking at the back of the same terrain in its black version the invader thought to itself when I was away for a moment what happened at that time making the whole terrain to change its color.

As the invader pondering over the matter what could have happened while it was away for a moment. the invader looked at the terrain curiously then it tried toprobe what could have happened while it was away.

When the invader started to feel the its surrounding as it further probed the terrain with its senses. If it had a face it would be twitching non stop with confusion. Why? Its simple because when the invader was trying to feel the terrain it felt very familiar to it. And this kind of familiarity can only be felt by it when it was in the world of the right eye where it was born.

As the i+nvader kept probing on the feeling of familiarity started to increase too. Soon the invader confirmed and accepted the fact that it was truly in the world of the right eye where it was born. Then a question arrived in its non-existence heart how can it be in the world of the right eye wasn't it still trapped in the terrain to the colorful world. Why was it back to its own world?

The invader again started to feel the surrounding and it made sure again that it was truly in its home world. Then it looked at the terrain, it looked the same terrain the invader was before in the world of the left eye. The terrain might look the same but there were some differences between them when the invader started to probe thoroughly through the terrain. Just the color wasn't just the differences there were also some difference in the geography of this place though the basic structure was same.

After the invader confirmed again and again that it was truly in its home world. It sighed and looked at this terrain. Then it also realised that just like how it was trapped in the world of the left eye it some how teleported into the world of the right eye at the same place being trapped.

Yes, the invader wasn't able travel back or forward in this situation. It looked like the invader was going to get imprisoned by this terrain forever and ever never being able to come out of this place.

With a grim reaction in its heart te invader silently looked at the black sea waves travelling back and forth. The invader thought to itself when it was in the world of the left eye it was at least able to see a glipse of the colorful world in the otherside, where as here every thing is black and blunt.

As there were nothing to do, the invader's thought started to roam around aimlessly. Then a question returned back to its mind. How did it traveled back into its own world what happened when it was looking at the map and learning languages in its subconscious mind?

The invader gave a deep thought to this question. Again it made an absurd guess. It might be possible that when I was in my subconscious mind the air current took me the world of the right eye.

Then it said to itself no, no, no, that's too absurd and far fetched, how can air carry it for the first time. Water that's can be true too, a few drops of water destroyed more than half of its precious barriers. If it touched me there would be no me in this world anymore. Now let's believe that I indeed travelled by the wind or the water and escaped the dangerous path that I left behind in this journey, then what did I I also flew through the cracks in world of the left eye. Lets also believe that I run down the hill and came back to the world of the right eye. Why would I travel in this dangerous place again.

It soon removed this absurd thoughts from its mind and started to give itself some logical explanation. But it found nothing to support its logical explanation.

As the invader was thinking about this stuff suddenly its body stared to shudder.

The invader was shuddering in fear when it visualised what it saw in the last sentence. The fear came back to it as soon as it visualised the unrecognisable words.

Then the invader soon cleared its mind. Started to ponder on this matter, it seems that it is truly is the effect f that unrecognisable word. It seems that unrecognisable had some effect of its own. And the effect seems to be way too destructive than anything it had seen before.

If the unrecognisable word had such effect when it was unreadable what would happen if it is able to read what was written there. The invader cant even imagine what would happen but the invader knew that it would be worse than its death.

Than the invader thought that it shouldn't just have the ability to scare it like that, it might have many other effects and the invader travelling in the exactly similar location from the world of the left eye to world of the right eye.

The invader didnt had anything else to support the current events. It can only push all the happening to that fearsome unrecognisable word.

Than again the invader felt way too bored now that it cant get out from here and can only travel in this terrain in limited space.

Then again the invader wanted to try its luck and see what will happen if it got back in the direction it came from. As it had this thought the invader soon travelled back from there.

After travelling for sotime the invader soon reached a point where the pitch black floating objects were flying in random direction and they were so fast that the invader wasn't even able to sense which floating object had moved to which direction.

Looking at this scene the invader felt dejected and it silently returned to the place from where it can see the black sea waves was flowing back and forth.

The dejected invader silently looked at the black sea waves moing back and forth in a timely manner.

As the invader was feeling dejected it also remembered about its journey to its own subconscious self. Then it remembered that it was such a fun place, copying the set of sequences of vibration produced by the dark blue ball of lights and unravelling the words on the map was so much fun.

Then the invader thought about travelling into its own subconscious mind again. At least it wouldn't be boring like standing here and just looking at the unsightly black sea waves.