Knowledge about the dark violet colored gas

The invader was too excited to know that it was about to learn about the dark violet-colored gas.

The same old routine first watches thoroughly how the dark blue ball of lights vibrates then paste them into the mind. Then practice until the set of sequences of vibrations that have been copied were perfected. Then again look at the map and search for what that set of sequences of vibrations means. After a sentence had been learned, repeat the same process again and again.

As per usual the invader had already learned a lot of sentences after repeating the same process as mentioned above.

The invader was feeling giddy because it finally came to know a lot of things about the dark violet-colored gas.

The invader came to a lot of things but they are all too vague to be understood for.

Yes, it is, even if what the words meant weren't understood by the invader, the invader still understood something from them. These understanding were vague and they were just the guess of the invader.

And the invader thought that if it read it understood more clearly what was written there. It might unlock some different kinds of effects from the dark violet-colored gas. As one of the sentences speaks about " If it starts it doesn't mean to have an end, If it runs no one can stop it. Only the violet rays break the wheel or broken on the wheel ".

The invader looked at another sentence and thought if it was able to achieve a thorough control of the dark violet-colored gas and understand its pros and cons. The sentence was " Limit, limit there is always a limit, if its too little you get bashed, if its too much you get smashed. "

Surely this sentence is about how much the dark violet-colored gas should be used. The invader remembered when it over sed the dark violet colored gas its speed kept increasing even though it was way too fast there was a possibility of getting smashed into the terrain or the flying objects. As for the first part sure it was surely way too slow without the dark violet colored gas that now it wasn't able to manifest the dark violet colored gas that's why it wasn't even able to go back.

the invader realized that its main goal should be how to manifest the dark violet-colored gas again. The invader kept reading through the sentence to find a clue regarding the manifestation of the dark violet-colored gas that it would be able to go back from here and move freely.

As the invader kept searching for a long time it didn't find anything at all. Then suddenly it saw a sentence and its non-existence eyes lit up with joy.

The invader read the sentence, " If you have a heart, bet it to get start ". Through this sentence, the invader understood that it will again be able to manifest the dark violet-colored gas if its able to have a heart. but what is a heart that was a big question for the invader? And how can it get heart if it didn't even know what a heart means and how it looks like.

The invader came to a realization that it knew how to manifest the dark violet-colored gas and didn't know about it at the same time.

This made the invader feel frustrated. The invader felt that it was too near also too far from getting the answer.

The frustrated invader looked at these words and unintentionally smacked them with a little tentacle that it manifested from its spectral body.

The tentacle hit on the word heart unintentionally When it hit that word. The lines that connected to itself lit up and it showed where it came from.

Just like before this was also a muli layered image and lines were connected with each other at every point. Soon the invader followed the line and found that deep inside the multi-layered image there seems to be a point from where all the lines originates from.

The invader looked at the sentence on this point, it was still unrecognizable. Just like before there were many sentences that were fragmented and many were complete.

The invader was scared right now. Previously when it encountered a word from the depth of the sentence it seems to have a deadly effect on its own. On later thought the assured itself that such words might not exist all the time he is just panicking for no reason.

The invader was ready to observe the current set of sequences of vibrations played by the dark blue ball of light to practice on. The invader practiced the current set of sequences of vibrations and soon mastered it. After it mastered the current set of sequences of vibrations it searched in the map to find its meaning.

The invader at first looked at the center point to find if it's related to the unrecognizable sentence in the center. But it was left with disappointment it just hoped for it to unravel it by luck.

Soon a sentence in the outer image became recognizable to the invader but it was no more in the mood to read it. The invader just swiped its senses through it for once then its senses again returned to the ever vibrating dark blue of light.

The invader again scanned and copied a set of sequences of vibrations and started to practice on it. Soon the invader mastered the set of sequences of vibrations. It looked toward the center point again.

It saw that the sentence at the central point was still unrecognizable. The invader sighed then started to look at other places to find what these set of sequences of vibrations mean.

Soon the invader saw that near the central point on another point a sentence has become readable to the invader.

The invader looked at it for once without any intention to read it only swiped its sense through it. The was ready to scan another set of sequences of vibrations but it stopped and looked at the last sentence it unraveled again.

Then the invader read the sentence on it " Name, Name, A lots of names. Every name, has its own game, every part, would always last. Blast blast, it would blast, when it reaches the first ".

The invader started to think about this sentence. It seemed quite interesting. The invader thought about it for some time. The invader thought that this dark violet-colored gas has many functions and one of the functions is quite destructive. As per the word name for the invader, it meant " functions or effect " it itself didn't know what name means, it was just its own guess.

The invader was awestruck from its own guess. it started to wonder about how the other effects of the dark violet-colored gas would be. A lot of amazing ideas started to manifest in the mind of the invader.

Then the invader shook off these thoughts from its mind as it remembered that it was unable to manifest the dark violet-colored gas. Even if it has heavenly ability what it has to do with it.

The invader's first priority right now is to know how to manifest the dark violet-colored gas. And to know about it needed to know about what this word "heart " meant.

As the invader shook these thoughts it got ready to scan another set of sequences of vibrations. But the invader stopped again as another thought appeared in its mind. It thought to itself I have no clue when that dark blue balls of lights will produce the set of sequences of vibrations related to the sentence in the central point. I might have missed the said set of sequences of vibrations while I was practicing. Previously I was only able to find the missing part because I had a clue but right now I don't have any clue.

The invader was left in deep thought it seems it needed to unravel all the sentences in the map before it can unravel the sentence on the central point. Then another thought appeared in its mind again. The invader thought about the moment when it was frustrated and it smashed on the word " heart " unintentionally with its tentacle manifested from its spectral body.

The invader thought to itself if I touched the word and the lines lit up to show where I can get the relevant information about it. It shouldn't have only these effects on it after all the dark blue ball of lights was a million times larger than its spectral body it should have more amazing abilities to it.

Behind the multilayered map, the dark blue ball of lights was vibrating and as usual, it seems that the seawater was dancing on its body. The invader was quite afraid of the seawater it was worried about the seawater on its body. If it unintentionally touches the seawater with its tentacle what will happen to its spectral body. It didn't know anything about it, it was just scared of the seawater.