The three functions of the dark blue ball of lights

The invader was quite afraid of the seawater. It also knew that right now it isn't time for it to be afraid of the seawater.

Bulging it's non-existence chest the invader shook off the fear it was feeling. taking a brave front.

Although the invader made a brave front it still stretched out some tentacle from its spectral body ad stretched it toward the map very cautiously.

First, the invader wanted to try out its own guesses from other sentences on the front as a test. As the invader looked at a word from one of the sentences. The word was " Wheel ". The invader didn't know what this word meant. So basically it could be a good specimen for its test.

Slowly, slowly the invader stretched its tentacle from its spectral body toward the word " wheel " and the tentacle touched the word.

Nothing happened. The invader was suspicious why did there were no lines that lit up. After pondering for a moment the invader thought Did I need to whip it.

This wasn't just a simple one it managed to muster up the courage to touch the word hoping that another line would lit up. Do I truly need to whip with my tentacles. The invader was scared it's fake brave front was blown away by some cold winds.

The invader was hesitating he should whip or not. If it took two step forward on the next second it took four step backward.

The invader was truly afraid right now it wasn't able to go forward to tryout its thoughts.

The invader calmed itself down soon. And waited for its mind to calm down. It's tentacles were retracted back to its spectral body.

After sometime the invader suddenly took out its tentacles from its spectral body with a woosh then struck it on the sentence on the front. The tentacle struck on the sentence and it reached beyond it almost about to strick on another sentence behind it.

The invader wanted to strike on the word " wheel " but the tentacles struck the whole sentence.

Soon something happened to the dark blue ball of lights. The invader saw that the dark blue ball of lights was currently performing a set of sequences of vibrations but suddenly it started to shake for sometime then it started to perform the set of sequences of vibrations related to that sentence.

By seeing this scene the invader wanted to confirm that of it struck the whole sentence then the dark blue ball of lights will perform the set of sequences of vibrations related to that sentence.

Too confirm its speculation. The invader shook its tentacles and started to strike on another sentence that it previously had unraveled.

As the invader strockes with its tentacles the dark blue ball of lights soon shook and stopped performing the current set of sequences of vibrations and started to perform the set of sequences of vibrations related to that sentence.

The invader tried the same process few more times to make sure that it's speculation was true.

The invader became too happy that it realized another function of the map on the dark blue ball of lights.

Currently the invader knew three functions of the dark blue ball of lights. Firstly the invader knew that the blue ball of lights will always perform a certain set of sequences of vibrations related to the sentence on the map.

Secondly the invader came to know that of its tentacles struck a certain word on the sentence, the lines would lit up and show the way for further explanation about it. Though the invader wasn't sure about it, it knew that the lines lit up that means it would show it further knowledge about it.

Thirdly the invader knew for sure that if it's tentacles struck on the sentence the dark blue ball of lights would stop performing the current set of sequences of vibrations and start performing the set of sequences of vibrations related to the sentence it had struck.

To make sure that it's second effect was what it had thought. The invader got its tentacle ready to strick a word on the sentence.

The invader stretched its tentacles and struck at a sentence on the map. The invader wasn't able to strike its tentacles on a certain word. The dark blue ball of lights also changed the set of sequences of vibrations it was performing to the set of sequences of vibrations related to that sentence after shaking a bit.

The invader struck again, again it was the sentence not a word in it. It targeted the word " name " that ot didn't understand at all just it itself made some speculation over it.

The invader failed few times to hit accurately on the word and it's tentacles again and again struck on the whole sentence every time it tried.

After few tries the invader was sure that it will be be able to hit this time. But it failed again.

As the invader was trying to hit the word " name ". The dark blue ball of lights has started to shake few times and then it started to shake violently. The invader wasn't even aware of the weird behaviour of the dark blue ball of lights it was still busy in trying to hit the word " name ".

Soon the dark blue ball of lights started to dive into its main body.

Suddenly the invader felt that the map was collapsing, the lines were getting destroyed along with the words on it.

Looking at such situations the invader was stunned for a moment. It questioned itself why did the map suddenly collapsed.

The invader stood there silently and kept watching the map and the projection of the dark blue ball of lights were going down and finally merging with the main body of the dark blue ball of lights.

The invader was quite frustrated and it wanted to know why did the map collapsed and the dark blue ball of light get back into its main body.

The invader started to reason out why did the map collapse so suddenly. Then the invader thought it seems that striking a lots of times will make the dark blue balls of lights to collapse.

The invader knew for sure that the collapse of the map and the dark blue ball of lights merging with its main body was due to its countless whip on the sentences.

Then the invader warned itself. It seems that there is limit to whipping too. If I had another chance I wouldn't whip so many times again.

The invader was quite depressed when the dark blue ball of light merged with its main body. It didn't have anyone to play with anymore.

The depressed invader just stood there silently filled with regret. It was just telling itself if it knew that this would happen it would never do such things. Some times it even told to itself that if the projection of the dark blue ball of lights ever emerged again it would never ever whip the words on it.

After some time the invader started to produce weird vibrations from its body. Oh, you want to know why suddenly the invader started to produce these vibrations. It is its way to express. Do you want to know what the invader was expressing? It's simple the invader was begging the large dark blue balls of light to create a projection again so that it can continue to learn something again.

Soon the large dark blue balls of light that was millions of times larger than it started to shift from its position and it started move away from the invader.

The invader was still begging from there that it wouldn't do such things again. It kept begging without stopping for a moment.

The dark blue ball of lights moved from there and it returned to that position where it previously stood.

The invader was crest fallen after realising that all its begging were for nought.

Again the invader stood there thinking Was I late to beg and the dark blue ball of lights has left with disappointment.

The invader started to think how can it make this large dark blue balls of lights to make a projection appear for it again.

The invader once thought about begging again to this extra large dark blue ball of lights who was millions of times larger than it.

Than the invader started to move toward this large dark blue ball of light. After reaching quite nearer to this large dark blue ball of lights the invader again started to beg as it again started to produce weird vibrations from its body.

The invader begged for a very long time but it didn't got any response from the dark blue ball of lights. Then the invader thought that it was useless to beg like this the whole time.

The invader stood nearer to the large dark blue balls of light and started thinking again. Then like the invader came to understand something.