Immersed in grieving thoughts

The invader thought that to communicate with this huge dark blue ball of lights it needed to speak in the same language as it did.

After all, the invader learned the new language from it. It seems to understand the language related to that language.

But the invader realized that it hadn't learned how to beg though. So, it's useless to shout all day long at the other party after all the dark blue ball of lights didn't even know what the invader was talking to it. It's just some unrecognizable sound to the dark blue ball of lights. Simply, there is a problem, it was the linguistic barrier.

Then the invader simply looked at the dark blue ball of lights with a crestfallen heart. Oh! non-existent heart.

The invader just stood there and started to regret it. So, what the invader was regret about. Simple, the invader was depressed about not learning how to beg the dark blue balls of lights. It thought that if it learned the sentence related to begging it would have known how to stir the dark blue ball of lights.

And it would at least get a response from the dark blue ball of lights not like right now, the invader felt like it was playing flute in front of a bull.

The invader just kept regretting the fact that it came by itself. The invader kept regretting for a while then the invader stopped as usual and started to think about a solution right now that there was a linguistic barrier between it and the dark blue ball of lights.

The invader soon thought of a solution. The invader remembered that when it has manifested a bit of violet-colored lights on its spectral body. The invader flew for a few rounds due to the existence of this bit of violet-colored lights. Then suddenly the dark blue ball of lights came toward it.

The invader understood it needed to fly for a bit using these violet-colored lights. Then the dark blue of lights might respond to it and manifest a map and a projection for it to play with.

After all, if there is a linguistic barrier then it needed to express itself using non-verbal communication or sign language.

The invader is ready to take off using the violet-colored lights. Soon the invader flew from there and started to roam around there.

The invader kept flying for a very long time. But it didn't get any response from the dark blue ball of light yet.

After flying for so long soon the invader realized that it was of no use. It was flying for so long in this place but the dark blue ball of lights hasn't responded at all until there's some problem in its flying. The invader started to question its flying ability.

Soon the invader adopted another strategy. It started to fly near the dark blue of lights.

The invader kept flying near it for a very long time but it didn't get any response from the dark blue ball of lights yet.

The invader started to think that because it hurt its projection with the whip and it became irritated and don't want to listen to it. Then again the invader thought its spectral body is millions of times smaller than the dark blue balls of lights body. even if it hit it very hard it's impossible to hurt it. That means the problem was something else.

The invader again started to emerge in its memory when it first got the violet-colored gas to the appearance of the map and the projection of the dark blue ball of lights.

It saw itself reveling in joy for a moment and enjoying and suddenly the dark blue of lights moved when the invader was sighing in regret that it wasn't able to produce the dark violet colored gas anymore.

The invader thought that the dark blue ball of lights came to it because it was sighing about its loss in dark violet-colored gas. So, the invader started to sigh non-stop right from there. Although the sigh was quite forced the invader was still sighing in regret.

The invader saw that it was sighing for a while but the dark blue balls of light have still remained the same way as before. It didn't show any sign of moving at all. Simply zero response.

The invader started to remember all the past events with the dark violet-colored gas until now. The invader came to an understanding that it adored it the most that's why on its loss the invader was quite regretful. It didn't feel much regret on losing the other colored gases as it did with the dark violet-colored gas.

And the invader also realized that the more it adored the dark violet-colored gas the more it felt regret and sighed along with it.

As the invader kept remembering the past and sighed along with it. Its sigh was becoming more real and real with the flow of time. Soon the invader came to a stop because it didn't have anything in its memory vault to support the sighing ceremony.

The invader repeatedly watched the same memories again and again from the very first till the very end. The more the invader watched them more it felt regret and its high wasn't forced anymore it was as real as it can be.

Soon the invader isn't just sighing it was unhappy, sad, and grieving upon its loss. The invader was so immersed in its own grievances thought that it even forgot how much time it has passed since. And also forgot to notice the dark blue ball of lights for whom the invader was meant to sigh for.

Suddenly the invader woke up from its aggrieving thoughts as it felt that its body has become quite heavier than before. Feeling this heaviness the invader soon checked its own body. Less than half of its body was currently covered by the blackness mixing with the pitch-black darkness around it.

The feeling of this familiar heaviness and the blackness covered its body the invader was quite scared and nervous. It just wanted to remove this blackness from its body as soon as possible.

The invader threw away the idea of sighing to the back of its mind. Its mind was in a complete mess. It can't even think properly all the ideas became quite chaotic in its mind.

Although the invader was panicking and the blackness over its spectral body was also increasing slowly, slowly over the time it tried to calm itself down. The invader knew that being its thoughts in a complete mess it can't figure out anything soon rather than that it would drag itself down in trying.

Soon the invader calmed itself down and started removing all the scared and panicking thoughts from its mind. After some time the invader's mind became completely blank there were no lingering thoughts in it.

Currently, half of the invader's body was covered in blackness. As the invader's mind became blank the blackness also stopped spreading on its spectral body. The invader also realized that the blackness on its body wasn't spreading anymore.

The invader gave itself three questions to solve.

The first question was why did the blackness suddenly stopped spreading?

The second question was why did the blackness suddenly started to spread on its body without its own knowledge?

The third question was how will it be able to solve this issue?

The invader thought of its first question why did the blackness suddenly stopped spreading. The invader didn't even need to think much as the answer arrived soon. The invader thought that when its mind was completely cleared and there were no thoughts in it at that time the blackness seemed to be stopped spreading of all the time. The blackness seemed to be related to its own thoughts. When there was no thoughts to influence the blackness in this pich black dark space.

Its seems that the first question has been solved and also too fast. Then the invader came to its second question how did the blackness start spreading through its spectral body. From the first answer the invader knew that the activity of these blacknessin this pich black dark space was related to its own thinking. Now it was time to figure out the activity of this blackness. What kind of thoughts can make it spread though its spectral body.

This time also the answer came too fast in the mind of the invader. The invader thought that currently I am thinking of solution there are many thoughts in my mind, still the blackness didn't spread like before instead it just remained where they were. Occupying half of the spectral body of the invader.

It looks like the blackness started to spread while I was busy in sighing.By the looks of it I so immersed in it that I felt agrieved and sad too. Then any one of those thoughts had the ability to make the blackness spread on its spectral body.

The invader got itself up to prove its speculation was correct or not.