Double the gift, double the joy

The invader decided to test out its speculation, so it decided to think about something that can make it feel grief.

The invader was thinking about what kind of negative thoughts it needed to think to make the blackness around it to spread on its spectral body. Suddenly the blackness on its body started to spread slowly, slowly again.

The invader was dumbfounded by this sudden change and it thought I haven't even decided what to think yet why did this blackness on my spectral body had started to spread again?

The invader started to erase all the thoughts in its mind. Soon its mind became completely blank and as expected the blackness also had stopped spreading on its spectral body.

The invader became quite heavier than before a bit more than half of its spectral body was already covered by the blackness. Currently, it was even very hard for the invader to move a bit from there where it stood.

The invader wasn't hesitant to drop the idea to prove its second answer. Rather than that, it was happy about it. It told to itself only when my spectral body heals completely from this blackness I would try out, to prove my second answer.

Let's move on to the next one how to remove this blackness from its body. The invader started to think again. It remembered that when it saw that dangerous unrecognizable word soon more than half of its body was covered by this blackness mixing with the pitch-black dark space around it.

At that time that dangerous unrecognizable word was flashing non-stop in its mind. To let this happen the invader started to reminiscing about its journey. Soon when it woke up it saw that its whole body was completely free of blackness and there was no uncomfortableness feeling within itself. Not completely though a tiny part of its spectral body was covered by the blackness and it felt a little heavy.

Then the invader made an assumption. Because the pitch-black darkness around it reacted to the thoughts. The invader remembered that when it was reminiscing it thought about all the glory of the dark violet-colored gas along the journey in the terrain.

Soon the invader felt like it has found the answer to its third question. This time the invader only focused on the glorified past with the dark violet-colored gas.

Soon the invader lost in its own thoughts. During thinking of these things, the invader felt quite proud. As the owner of the dark violet-colored gas and with its miraculous abilities the invader felt proud of itself. A giddy feeling also emerged inside the invader. Simply the invader was happy and proud while it kept thinking.

Unknown to the invader who was lost in its own thoughts the blackness around its spectral body soon started to pull back from its spectral body slowly, slowly. After some time the invader's spectral body was also started to produce tiny thin threads of violet-colored lights over its spectral body.

The invader was enjoying what it was seeing so it kept on enjoying its current thinking. It didn't even notice the changes in its spectral body.

Soon more and more of the violet-colored lights started to manifest from its spectral body along with the reduction of the blackness from its spectral body. As time passed on there were quite a lot of violet-colored thin treads of lights on its spectral body. But when the blackness from its body was supposed to disappear completely it stopped and there was still a tiny bit of blackness remaining on its body that was currently covered by the violet-colored lights.

The black color on the spectral body and the violet colored lights floating above it, if anyone looks at the invader from a top on this spot the shade of color would just look similar to the dark violet colored gas it use to produce.

A great surprise was waiting for the invader I am sure that when the invader wakes up it would surely be surprised. it seems that it was going to come out of the reminiscing mode very soon.

No, it's been while the invader didn't wake up from its reminiscing thoughts also time it seems that it was repeatedly watching the same past many times without getting bored. Then let's wait for a while more I am sure it would wake up soon.

The invader woke after a long time almost more than half of its body was covered by the violet-colored lights. It woke up because suddenly it remembered that it was wishful thinking.

After waking up the invader had a great desire to know how to manifest the dark violet-colored gas again.

When the invader looked at its body it was stunned more than half of its spectral body was covered by the violet-colored lights. The invader was filled with joy. Then it looked around itself and its non-existence eyes were filled with tears.

The dark blue ball of light was shifting from its position and after rotating a bit it just stopped in front of the invader. Soon the same map that it saw appeared in front of it. A little projection of the dark blue ball of light soon emerged from its main body and as usual, it started vibrating on its own.

The invader was filled with extreme joy. Whenever fate shines upon you, It will pierce through the roof. Double the gift it received double the joy it felt.

The invader then swayed its body in joy. It's been a while since the invader swayed its body with joy. The signature dance of joy of the light balls.

It swayed its body for a while then it stopped and carefully looked at the map in front of it. It the was same as usual dark violet-colored gas in the middle and outlined with violet-colored lights and lines were connected over it and sentences were written in every connected points just there was no line that was lit up this time. It seems that it needed to hit a word again.

The invader was quite hesitant to hit the words on the map. Its last experience seems to be more than enough to scare it to not try this again.

The invader stood there without doing anything at all. It just stared at e little protection of the dark blue ball of lights that was still vibrating.

Then the invader started to think again. It thought, that Previously the large dark blue ball of lights runaway when it hit on the sentence a lot of times which means there was a limit of times it can hit the sentences on the map.

So, what were the limits of hits the map can take? It's useless to even think about that because the invader even forgot how many times it has whipped at the sentence the last time. It needed to take every action with precaution it can't let this dark blue ball of lights retreat again.

The invader started to think of a strategy to hit on the word perfectly not the sentence. Yes, the invader is a daring one.

Soon the invader thought of a solution. Because more than half of its body was covered by these violet-colored lights it can only mold them to make the desired shape. As usual, the violet-colored lights were much harder to control than the white-colored lights that it was made of.

The invader soon started to wrap and fold the violet-colored lights on its body then it made a cylindrical pipe with it. With lots of confidence, the invader pointed one of the ends at itself and another one at a word from a sentence that it has chosen randomly.

A violet-colored tentacle stretched inside the cylindrical pipe from the end where the invader stood. Soon the invader trusted the violet-colored tentacle to make it push out from the other side. Soon a little violet-colored tentacle came out of the other end and hit on a word.

Soon the invader was struck with sudden fear. Beacuse in front of it, the word that it hit with the violet colored lights started to crumble soon the whole sentence followed it and the lines which were connected to it also started to crumble one by one.

Along with the crumbling sentence and lines the invader also started to panic more and more.

The blackness on its body also started to spread with the increase of panic of the panicky invader. The invader soon realised that the blackness on its body was spreading so the invader started to clear its thoughts immediately. The blackness on its body also stopped spreading. But currently less than half of its body was covered by this blackness.

This time the invader first looked at the map. Then sighed with relief. It looks like the sentence that the invader hit with ciolet colored tentacle had completely crumbled along with the lines that were connected to it. But the other sentences and lines remained the same.

Right now the invader was just looked at the dark blue ball of lights thinking do I need to go back into my old habits scan, copy, and practice it until I have reached mastery then look at the map to find the sentence related to the set of sequence of vibrations that it just learn then come to know what means. And repeat the same process until all the sentences were finished unraveling to the last one.

That's too troublesome, but looking a the current situation there was no other way.